Chapter 4 🍄🦋

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A/n: we're introducing an original character in this chapter. She'll be Reggies love intrest and guess who we decided to "cast"? Yup, you can picture Jermey Shadas real life wife: Carolynn Shada!

Song: Higher- Shawn Mendes

Willie's POV 🍄

"Where's my necklace?!"

I hear Reggie shriek from the other side of the garage which wakes me up. I remember the guys wanted to go to school for what ever reasons. Luke answers with a sleepy "I don't know" which sounds more like a melody, to which Reggie paniks even more.

I look to my side and see Alex already dressed stuffing his last necessities (which aren't really necessary anymore) in his fanny pack.

I smile at him. "What?"

He sees me staring and I reply: "You do know you don't need these anymore, you're already dead." Sheesh, I just heard it. That was kind of harsh.

"Thanks," Alex replies with his award winning sarcasm and rolls his eyes. "Force of habit I guess, beside it feels nice, on my chest I mean. I can hold on to it like this." He makes me laugh with his ridiculous pose, defending his fanny pack.

I get up, and get ready, brushing my hair when I feel Alex's eyes on me. "What?" I smirk to myself. Alex goes down the ladder and blushes, mumbling a small "Nothing". I get down the ladder too and see the guys ready to leave.

"Tell me, why would you want to go back to that disgusting hell hole of teens?" I ask the group and sit down on the couch since it seems like we're not leaving yet. "Yeah, I don't get it either" Reggie pouts and falls next to me. "I want to keep sleepingg" Reggie whines, elongating the G at the end and lays on my lap.

I see Alex take a step towards me which Luke also notices and gives a small chuckle to.
He's jelous. Cute.

To provoke him, I run my fingers through Reggies hair. It's full of gel and not as soft as Alex's. I've only touched it a few times but I prefer his more than Reggies.

Alex runs up to us with a mad face and pulls on Reggies arm, standing him up, still annoyed.
"Well, we're gonna go, so no more sleeping." Alex tries to cover his jealousy with words, which don't actually help cause they sound threatening. I laugh giving Alex a little smile, letting him know that he's got nothing to worry about. I'm his.

Alex was still mad at Reggie though and slapped his arm lightly.

We get back to the conversation and they answer my question.

Luke explains: "I want to get with the times you know? Spending 25 years in the dark will force us to catch up. I mean, what if theres a whole new genre of music? You want to miss out on that?" He uses big and expressive hand gestures making it look like he's folding clothes or mixing a huge dough.

"I thought I was your guy for that" I pout jokingly. It was nice to have a purpose in this group but we're still friends anyway. I hope. "When does which class start where?" Alex asks naturally, heading out of the garage. We following him to the house.

"Oh. Hi Julie!" I see her coming out of the house with her backpack, obviously heading to school now.

Oh my, I just realised, does she know we're joining her for class? "Hi Willie." She smiles at me, avoids Lukes gaze and basically runs past them. Luke, Reggie and Alex all stand there, brows furrowed.

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