Chapter 17🦋🍄

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Violets POV

Song: long story short- Taylor Swift

"Hello.", I answer to Julies greeting. She asks me how I'm doing and I tell her fine, although that may be a lie... Then i ask her the same thing (i understand that's how people do it... smalltalk). And the i ask: "So, what are you doing here?" She tells me that she is on a school trip. We chat a little more whilst the tour continues and i just join Julies class (the whole time i have that weird feeling again). I tell Julie all the facts Jamaal (the tour guide) forgets, we discuss our favorite painting in every room, she presents me to her friends Olivia, Flynn and the guy from before, Nick, and then, when the tour is almost finished, Julie invites me for hotdog's from the stand outside, since she and her friends are going to eat there. Although usually i do not like to be with too many people I say yes. Julie and her friends are nice, not like the people i normally meet.

Outside the Museum Julie leaves me with Flynn and Olivia for a second. She said that she has to go to the toilet and wanted to go back in, so i stay with her to friends. They're really nice, Flynn is so energetic and Olivia just sweet. We discuss what to order and then Flynn tells me about Julie's band. I didn't know she was in a band. Flynn explains me that they're amazing together, but Julies colleagues apparently life in Sweden. When they appear on stage they're holograms. "So Alex is the drummer, then there's Luke, the guitarist, and Reggie. He's the bassist." "Oh really? My broth- half-brother was named Reggie as well. But he passed away." Both of the girls immediately tell me their condolences and let me tell them a bit about him. The only thing i say is that he was in a band too and played bass. Flynn pauses and swallows: "Do you know the name of your brothers band?" "Yeah.", I answer, "Sunset Curve." "Uhhhhh... shit.", Flynn says, but before i can ask whats wrong Julie comes back. We then go to the hotdog stand and order. Julie insists on inviting me. After i get my hotdog Olivia, Flynn and I go to the stairs to sit down. We stay apart from the rest of the class like we did the whole time. Julie stays down at the hotdog stand for like five more minutes. It seems like she is buying 4 or 5 hotdogs... or her hotdog is just really complicated.


After our excellent meal the class trip is over and the girls have to go back to their school. Before they get in the bus Julie writes down her phone number on a piece of paper and gives it too me. "Y'know, if you ever wanna pick up that sunset curve CD we talked about just give me a call." "Thanks."

Alex's POV

"Hello", Julie went up to Violet. I'm scared Reggie will find out and flip out. I also can't believe how much time has passed since we died. Reggie's father had another child? 25 years is looking so long. I guess it is too. No one at Julies school was on earth when we were. Barely anything is the same, Luke got lucky with living in the suburbs. All the apartments and buildings down town got renovated. It feels so strange being in the same city with my childhood here but it all being gone.

Violet and Julie are doing smalltalk and I zone out, not paying attention to the covo going on, instead falling in a trance staring at Willie. He's really cute paying attention to Violet and Julie and all I'm thinking about is how good he looks right now. They end their convo and head back to the group listening and Violet adding to the facts about the art. She seems very smart, or at least she knows like everything about this museum and its art.

"You want to take us to eat lunch at a hot dog stand?!", we all yell-ask when Julie tells us about the plan for the rest of the day. "Come on guys, you aren't risking anything here, do I have to remind you?", she takes a pause, cups her hands around her mouth and yells "you're ghosts!". We all shush her, but she laughs carelessly. We're the only ones around the side of the building. "Actually, now that I think of it, I could go for a hot dog.", Reggie switches sides. Obviously. When it comes to food, nothing can separate Reggie and his taste buds. "Great, lets go." Julie and Reggie head off and Luke and I look at each other and roll our eyes.

"What are you going to get?" Julie asks Violet, but also us before ordering the hotdogs. "Food poisoning, probably", I answer. She shoves me playfully and orders the food.

After Flynn, Olivia and Violet ordered they go to the stairs and so Julie can order Lukes, Willies and Reggies hotdogs too, without Violet and Olivia seeing a hotdog disappear when the guys take them.

"You're really going to eat? We don't even have to." I stare at them while they eat the hot dogs. "You sure you don't want some?" Julie asks again. "Nah I'm good." "Okay, well I'm gonna go before they get suspicious." She sighs and leaves us in the lonely side of the building. "I'm going to use my freedom of not having a hotdog in my hand to go hang out with Julie. And Olivia." I looked at them and delivered those lines harshly. I can't believe they would just eat hot dogs out of a stand like that. Incredible.

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