Chapter 19 🥀🍄

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Reggie's POV 🥀
Song: Willow- Taylor Swift

I just came back after looking for string for my bass, I don't know how it broke but it really was time to get new ones, I feel like I now could play till eternity without having to worry about breaking them again. It was a little unusual to pay at a different shop than our known supermarket, but I think I did my best. As soon as the cashier wasn't looking I grabbed the string and left some money in the cash register, hopefully when they sum up the money they have earned throughout the week (or month) they won't notice that there's too much money and one absent string. Well, you could always blame it on mice or something like that. Or ghosts, who knows?

Anyway when I get out of the store, instead of walking I just poof in front of Julies house, when Alex and Willie come walking towards me hand in hand, of course they prefer lovey-dovey roaming through the city. I'm surprised cause i thought they would all be together in the garage. Oh wait, that means Luke and Julie are alone, well that can't go well. I also thought they would be together cause in the last few days they have been very suspicious always talking about something but then sushing each other when I come near. I greet the guys and they greet back, smiling but frowns following soon after, as they seem to realize the same thing. My assumptions about something going on behind my back are confirmed as Alex begins to say: "So, uhm... Reg, ...we gotta tell you something."

Oh no, that doesn't sound like fun, but I'm a though guy so... "Come on, spill the tea.", I think and say presumably out loud, cause they look taken aback by my remark.
"Uhh yeah, Reggie, you know we are like best friends, I mean, we even died all together...", Alex tries to lighten the mood, to which I just chuckle lightly so he doesn't feel too bad and he goes on explaining: "... and best friends tell each other everything, ya know?", he continues, sounding very nervous while fidgeting with his fanny pack, "So..... Reg... we found out ...that you..." Alex stops and cuts off mid-sentence. Willie talks for him seeing his boyfriend unable to tell the breaking point: "...actually have a sister". I see Alex sigh and look up carefully, while the information still sinks into my brain. Alex takes that silence as anger because he starts an apology: "I'm really sorry we should have told you before and I know thats no excuse for best friends like us, but we didn't see anytime where we could tell you and I can understand if you're now mad at us or don't wan't to speak to us again we just wanted you to know, we felt bad for hiding it from you and-" Willie puts his hand on Alex's back to stop his rambling and shoots me a pleading look, to not scream at Alex or something like that. Alex just looks down and apologizes again, as well as Willie. "But.. -how? and wh-...", I start. I'm cut off by a loud "What?!" coming from the garage.

Alex POV 🍄
Song: Why'd you only call me when you're high?- Arctic Monkeys

"What?!", we hear coming from the garage. Our eyes go wide and the worst case scenarios come flooding in our brains. My biggest concern is obviously something that can't be true. He knows better than to actually, tell her. Right?
I forget about Reggie as we all rush in trying to save our friendship.
We find Luke at a distance from Julie with a mad expression on her face. This can't be happening.
"Lukas Kimberly Patterson, promise me you didn't!", I said sternly.
No, Kimberly isn't actually his second name but when ever any one of us gets mad, we add imaginary middle names so it feels better. Kimberly just kind of slipped out.
"I- I.. well it wasn't my fault!", he exclaimed.
"You know, I'm having a hard time believing you!", I yell back. He wants to say something to defend himself but we all turn to Reggie who sat down on the sofa and let out a big sigh.
"Hey man, you okay?", Luke stopped arguing and got tender for Reggie. "I- I'm..", he couldn't speak right now. Willie went over to him and sat down on the sofa next to him. "Hey, look, it's alright. It'll be fine. We'll help you get through this", he hugged him for comfort. "What? You told him?", Julie also calmed down. "Yeah...", I answered and looked down. "You know, you shouldn't have told him yet. We were supposed to do it together!", Luke was mad at me now which I find rich, coming from him.
"First off,  you've lost privileges of being mad, we're mad at you right now. Secondly, he was getting suspicious and the moment felt right.", he looked away, signaling I won that argument.
"Wait, you guys knew about him having the song?!", Julie got back to being mad. "Uhm, kinda...", I replied scared of what was to come. "So let me get the story straight, Luke got a copy of my song, showed it to you and now you all know about...", she didn't want to reveal what ever the truth is if we don't know. The song isn't about Nick, is it? Luke kept talking to her but I zoned out, worrying about Reggie again. I hope Luke and Julie understand that we have to be there for him right now and leave any other conflicts frozen for a second. I join Reggie and Willie on the couch in hope to comfort him.
"Hey, Reg?", Luke starts to speak. "I'm here for whatever. I'll help you in anyway I can.", he's saying heartfelt stuff but Julie sneaks up to him and is trying to get the sheet of paper in his hand back. She tries to take it but he's quick enough and poofs to the other side of the room, next to us.
"Give me the song, Patterson!" She runs towards him but he poofs away.
"No way, Molina!", he kept proofing away when she got to him. "Who's it about anyway?", he was getting exhausted from all the proofing.
"Wait, so violet's just my half sister? Who's her mother, then?", Reggie was in his own world completely blocking out everything else happening around him. Julie stopped chasing Luke and turned to us. Out of breath she started to speak: "Your dad found this amazing woman Reggie" She kneeled down and put a hand on his knee. "She was kind and intelligent. Sadly, she passed away while giving birth to Violet."
Willie continued the story for Julie: "Yeah. After Violets mom passed, he found another woman, who isn't as great as Violets mother. Violet even calls her the evil queen." There were tears starting to form in Reggies eyes and I passed him a tissue for his runny nose. "On the bright side, she's heard a great deal about you, Reggie! She looked into sunset curve and your grandma told her many stories about you. When I saw her, she said she wanted to listen to all your songs.", Julie stood back up. "I invited her to give her a CD. You're going to get to meet her.", Reggie nodded and wiped his tears away. "Thanks. For everything. I wouldn't want to hear these news from anyone else", he chuckled. "Now back to the song," Luke said quietly, to which everyone groaned. "Read the room, dude!", I yelled.
"Come Reggie, let's go inside and get some snacks", Willie suggested and us three went to the door to leave the two alone.
"I'm coming!", Luke followed us out but I stopped him in his tracks at the door.
"No. You two will talk things over. You will not leave this garage until everything is fine again", I explain.
"Fine again?! He doesn't know how to respect my privacy!", Julie protested.
"See? That's good. Keep telling him how you feel. I'll be back to check on you in a few minute", with that I closed the door and headed to the kitchen with Willie and Reggie. The song has to be about Luke. If it's not about Nick (which, if it were, she would admit) he's the only other person she could get feelings for. Also, it is kind of impossible to not fall in love with someone when you're performing such loving Duets like they do. It'll only be a matter of time until they confess both their feelings. Nothing could go wrong. It's fool proof!

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