Chapter 20 🦋

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Song: If I could fly - One direction

Lukes POV
"Is the song about Nick?", I ask as I turn around to Julie, after Alex left us. She look at me angry. Very angry... But i already passed that line so might a swell find out what the stupid song is about. (Actually it's a very good song just stupid if it's about Nick. Or anybody else.)

Julies POV
"Whats the big deal? Is this lovely song about Nick?", Luke asks again while holding my secret song in the hand. He looks at me provocatively. I swear I could kill him if he wasn't already dead! "Give me the song back!", I order and hold out my hand. "If you tell me who's it about.", he replies and goes a few steps away from me. Why does he wanna know so much?! "None of your business!", I try reaching the sheets but Luke just holds them as high as he can and since he's taller than me there's no way i can reach them.

Lukes POV
"Give me the sheets!", Julie demands while jumping for them and trying to reach them. "If I guess right, will you tell me?", I ask. Julie stops with the jumping, places herself in front of me with crossed arms and looks even angrier than before. Uh-oh... Okay maybe I should stop... It's just, as i said, I don't want the song to be about Nick. Or really anybody else... "Julie, really, what's the big deal? Just tell who you wrote the song about. I mean you also know that I wrote a song about my mother.", I argue. "I know, but that's different.", Julie starts talking, "This is: None. Of. Your. Business! It's my PRIVATE life." "Well, my mothers song wasn't really your business either", I say without thinking about it. Julie falls silent. That hit her. I say quick, so she doesn't feel guilty: "C'mon Julie, we're a band and friends, we should be able to tell each other everything!" Except maybe if you have a crush on someone in the band I add in my mind. "We should trust each other." The second i say it, I want to take it back. Shit, that was a bad move. Really bad.

Julies POV
Trust!? Did he really just say trust?!! "Oh yeah, I totally agree.", I say in a very sarcastic tone, "We should trust each other. But y'know,", Luke wants to say something but I cut him off, "it's very hard when you guys keep going through MY STUFF!" "Okay, okay. You're right. We're sorry.", Luke says very sincere and then he gives me the sheet back. I take it. Silent. Then i say: "Thanks." Don't know why, but i said it. And then it's awkward.

Lukes POV
Julies right, we shouldn't have gone through her stuff. Why did we do that again? It was really stupid.
But... I still have to know... i just have to know if it's about Nick. "Hey Julie,", she looks up to me. Her big, brown - almost black eyes meet mine. They're so pretty, i could drown in them. I am, actually.
With the difficulty to think straight I try to talk on: "is... uhm, is the, y'know, song... about Nick?" I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Luke", I hear Julies voice. I open my eyes again. "Why do you wanna know so much?", she asks very calm and quite. She almost whispers it. "Uhm..."
What should i say?
Because i want it to be about me, although i know it's not. And even if it is, i know we could never be together. Not in a million years. But that i want to so bad and that the only thing i'm thinking about right now is kissing her and holding her and singing with her. With this beautiful girl who changed my afterlife. With this beautiful girl who i would die for all over again. With this beautiful girl who I'm in love with. Who i'm in love with so much and never will fall out again. That's for sure. That I know for sure. But i can't tell her that, right?
"I just don't want it to be about Nick.", I say, very quite too. "He doesn't deserve you. You should be with someone... great. Really great."
"Okay...", Julie says still in a whisper tone while nodding her head, "Well, it's not. About Nick." "Good... Is it about someone who deserves you?" "He's a very good and nice guy. You would like him." "Doubt it.", I say forcing myself to chuckle. Julie chuckles too and it's just... to sweet.
I go sit down next to my acoustic guitar. Then I ask my last and final question: "Is it a duet? The song." "Yeah...", Julie replies. "So he can sing?" "Yeah." "Good?" "Just like you." "Nah uh! I'm sure I'm better.", I say playful and take my guitar. Julie chuckles, but goes quiet once she hears me playing her song.
"You memorized it?" "Uhh... Not- not on purpose."
Although i know it isn't a good idea i started singing Julies lyrics. I actually wanted to stop after the first verse and say: "See, told ya I'm better.", but Julie... responded. She started singing too. And c'mon, no one can resist that beautiful angel-like voice.

We keep singing. Together.
And when the chorus comes, it's exactly like the song says. We create a perfect harmony. And it's exactly like Reggie said, we ooze chemistry.
And it's insane how happy this moment makes me. Our voices melting together like this, everything is perfect for a few seconds. Just us two, singing. Like it's supposed to be...
"Perfect Harmony" She finishes singing. She's way closer than when we started singing. I stare at her, wanting to confess my feelings. Right here and right now. Screw the consequences, I don't care what ever might happen. It just feels right.
And although it might sound crazy... sometimes, especially now, it seems like Julie... feels it too.
I notice my look falling down to her lips. They look so ...perfect. Everything about this girl is perfect. I just wanna tell her that. Wanna show her how perfect she is.
I notice that its been like a long while since we just... since we stopped singing. But Julie stays. Returning my glance. And i think about how bad i wanted the song to be about me... "I wanted to song to be about me...", I hear myself whisper. I don't know why... but Julie doesn't freak, like expected. She just swallows and then opens her mouth to speak, but she's also just able to whisper: "What if... it is?" Now she breaks the eye contact, looks down and plays with her hands. Does this mean it is? Is the song about me, about us?
I put the guitar down, that i was still holding in my hand, and stand up. I get closer to Julie, take her hands so she'll stop playing with them and look up to me. "Well...", I say, still whispering, "then... I would be... very uhm, ha-happy..."
There is a long pause. An awkward pause of silence. Till finally Julie opens her mouth to respond. But just as she says "I-" she gets interrupted by someone yelling: "Hello!"
I turn around to see Nick by the door. He just came in and now looks at us with his head tilted and a weird smile.
"Hey, Nick...", Julie says pulling her hands away from mine. "What are you doing here?" "Well, just came to say hi." There's something off about him. He has a mischievous smile and is kinda looking at me.
"Aren't you gonna greet me, ...Luke? Where. Are. Your. Manners? Really Luke.", he said while shaking his head.

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