Chapter 8 🦋

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Julies POV 🦋
Song: Broken - Lovelytheband

After school my dad and Carlos came pick Flynn and me up. I didn't tell the guys where we were going or that we were going somewhere. I just didn't wanna ruin Reggies birthday, i know they would've want to come with us or somehow cheer me up afterwards and either way the attention would be off Reggie. But today is his birthday so that can't happen. And we are just gonna look if my moms grave is clean and bring her flowers quick. Not a big deal. We do it every month. Have to because we don't want her to tombstone to get dirty or break.
When we arived at the graveyard, Flynn and me went to my moms grave while my dad and Carlos went to buy flowers in the shop across the street. Since it's a week day there aren't many people. Now we're standing in front of my moms tombstone. Luckily nothing is broken or dirty. But there are the flowers we brought last month. Obviously they're dead, so with the intention of throwing them away i take the flowers, but Flynn stops me and offers to do it. She takes the flowers out of my hand and goes back to the street to find a garbage dump, so I'm left alone. At my mothers grave. ...i really miss her... "Happy birthday to you,", I hear a little girl sing. I turn around and see a little girl singing while painting on one of the tombstones, which you're actually not allowed to do. I go to her. "Hey.", she looks up to me, "Are you aloud to draw on this?" I ask her and she keeps drawing while nodding her head. "It's my brothers." Oh poor girl! She lost her brother! "I'm sorry" "Why are you here?", she asks curiously. "I'm here to... bring my mother flowers." "Oh... i'm sorry too" "Thanks" The little girl is so cute! She has brown long straight hair and a sweet butterfly hairpin. I ask her how old she is. She looks at me and answers: "Ten." Her eyes are hue of green, so light it seems also white. It's a beautiful contrast with her dark eyelashes. Her nose area is covered in little freckles that reach up to her ears. She looks down at her paint set and grabs another paintbrush with a different colour. Her small, thin white fingers seems almost ghostly. She looks abandoned, like a phantom. "Where are your parents?" "Well... they're away for the week. I think this year they're in Hawaii. My dad doesn't handle my brothers death well and less on his birthday, so he went to... distract himself.", she answers while drawing a birthday cake. Although she is a 10 old girl she doesn't seem like one. The way she talk, she seems so... mature. When she's finished drawing the birthday cake she takes two new paintbrushes and hands one too me while asking: "Do you want to draw something too?" "Oh... uhm, are you sure that's okay?" She smiles "My brother won't mind." I take the paintbrush and sit down next to her. What should I draw? I don't even know him... "He likes music.", the girl says as if she read my mind. I begin drawing.
After a little while the girl puts the paintbrushes away and gets out a sandwhich and cookies from her backpack. She offers me cookie and I know you're not supposed to take food from strangers, but it's a 10 year old girl and the cookie looks so good! So i accept happily and like I expected, the cookie is delicious. "What's your name?", the girl asks me and takes a big bite from her sandwhich. "Julie. And yours?" "Violet. It's not only my favorite colour but my name too." I chuckle. "What was your mothers name?", violet asks curious. "Uhm... It was Rose.", I hesitated a second to tell her that, but violet seems really trustworthy. "That's pretty! My brother had a really old school name. But that's probably because he was born in the 80s." How can that be? ...She's probably the half sister. "He's only my half brother.", she says, again like she read my mind. "And to be honest... I've never even met him. He died when he was 17. But my grandma used to tell such nice stories about him. She was the only one brave enough to talk about him..." That poor girl! She doesn't only look abandoned, but is... "I'm so sorry... You know we should write his name on the tombstone. That's the only thing we forgot." "Yeah!", Violet takes a black paintbrush, "These things are apparently so expensive, besides painting the name on feels more personal." I smile. "So, what's your brothers name?" While Violet writes it on the middle of the tombstone she tells me: "Reginald, but according to my grandma everybody called him Reggie." Reggie?! Is that a coincidence? couldn't be... "Was he in a band?", I ask very "unsuspiciously". Violet was finished with the name and looked at me now weird. "Why would you think that?" Uh shit, what now? Look for an excuse Julie! "Uhm... because... Because I know a band, from the 90s, where the bass guitarist, called Reggie, who died. When he was 17. And his two friends too. And I know this band... from my mom." I'm really not good at lying... "Yes... he was in a band and played bass. But i don't know how it's called. Do you know it?" Oh man, that means that.... Reggie has a sister! What do i do now? I can't tell that I know her brother 'cause he's a ghost and I'm in a band with him. "Jules!", I hear Flynns voice calling for me. "I'm so sorry, I have to go..." Violet just smiles and me and says: "Okay. Goodbye! It was nice to meet you." She's so cute... I should at least tell her how her brothers band was called: "You too! Oh and by the way, your brothers band was called 'Sunste curve'. The night they died, they were going to play in the Orpheum. They were really good!" Violet smiles stretches up to her ears. "Jules?", I hear Flynn again. "I'm coming! Bye.", I say to Violet and then I go. Confused, very confused... what should I tell the guys? Should i even tell Reggie? I think he deserves to know... but not today. I'll tell after his birthday... maybe.

Alex's POV
Song: Level of concern - Twenty one pilots

Julie finally returns. We were starting to run out of activities. Luke has his guitar over the shoulder thing, reggie's learning some riffs and I'm throwing my sticks in the air and doing fun tricks while Willie's showing us his rapping skills. He really can do anything.
"Hi guys, sorry I took so long." She came in apologising. That's right, she said she would be here half an hour ago. "That's fine, jules" Luke's eyes were basically hearts.
"Hey, Reg? I sent Carlos to get some decorations for a little birthday concert, do you mind lending him a hand? He's in the storage closet upstairs." Julie looks troubled. She's getting rid of him. What happened? Where was she anyway?
"Sure." Reggie turned to us and gave us a not-so-discreet wink, leaving us four in the garage.
"Julie, you're making that face you do when you have a stomach ache. What's wrong?" Willie asked, stepping closer to her and searching for any clues. "I was at the graveyard, taking care of my moms grave." Julie started to explain after making sure Reggie was out of hearing distance. "I'm sorry, we didn't know." Luke stood next to her, placing a condolencing hand on her shoulder.
"No, it's fine. There was something else..." Julie looked at all of us with a worried look. She went and sat down on the sofa, all of us listening carefully to what's been troubling her.

"Oh my god." I can't believe it.
"Reggie has a sister!" Luke half yells, which earns him a tackle from Julie. She lunges towards him, knocking him off his chair, placing her hand on his mouth.
"The last thing I want is for Reggie to find out about his sister on his birthday." Julie says in the most threatening way possible. She can be reallly scary sometimes. She gets off of Luke (yes, he starts to blush like crazy, it's hilarious for us) and warns us all: "None of us says a word about this until tomorrow. Understood?" Willie and I nod hastily, scared she's burn our souls with that glance. She calms down, we all take a breath and wonder if Reggie's found a way to help Carlos. Well, they wonder if he found a way to help Carlos. I'm wondering how the frickle frackle Reggie could have a sister. Willie looks over to me to see if I'm okay. I nod and take his hand which makes me feel better.
Reggie has a sister. I can't believe it. v

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