Chapter 18🦋🍄

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Luke's POV

Song: Perfect Harmony- Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie

"Oh man, Violet's so cute!", I mention as soon as Reggie's gone. After the school trip we came back home and now Julie's doing homework in the garage with us. Reggie went out to get a new string for his bass. And now we really have to talk about how to tell Reggie.

"Yeah, she really was. And so polite.", Willie agrees with me. "Yeah... did you guys notice how she never used contractions? For example, she never said 'he's'. She always said 'he is'" "No, I didn't notice", I admit to Alex. But now that I think about it he's right. "So, we really should tell Reggie now.", Willie states. He's also right, but the question is: "Okay, but how?" "I don't know... just tell him." "That's a very good idea Will. Thanks", I say ironically and Alex agrees: "What Luke meant was that that's maybe not specific enough." "Okay." "Well, how about...", Alex goes on, "How about we tell him in a song?" I look at Alex. Is he serious? I love singing, but like no. "We're not in a musical Alex. How about we speak to him instead of singing and tell him... that there's something important we have to explain to him, uhm... that we think he deserves to know cuz it's, y'know, his family and that we want him to know that we're here for him no matter what he needs or happens." "But-", Alex wants to begin but Julie (who hasn't said anything till now) interrupts him, "Guys! I have to concentrate here! Luke's idea is good, let's just do that when Reggie comes back and till then can you please just let me write this stupid spanish text." "Uh, wh-" "And no, I unfortunately can't do it in my room because Carlos then bugs me the whole time with weird ghost questions." Willie laughs at that and then says: "Okay then. Hey Alex, wanna go to this cool new café i've seen, so Julie can concentrate." "Yes, with pleasure. Luke wanna come with." "Oh no, I wouldn't wanna be the third wheel", I say with a smirk. "Well, then let's go.", Willie stands up and goes to the door. "Yeah just a sec.", Alex makes him wait. He stands up and shows me to come. Guessing he wants to talk to me. He's probably gonna say some rule or a warning or something like that.

"Luke, while you're alone with Jules, don't you DARE tell her about the song!" Guessed right. "Don't worry.", I try to calm him down but isn't working. "No, Luke. I'm serious. If you mention the song Julie is gonna get really really really really really mad. Do you want Julie to get that mad?" "No...", but I do wanna know who the songs about... "Okay. So don't talk about it." Alex says and then leaves with Willie. Hand in hand. So cute!

I sit back down to Julie and look at her. She's so pretty.

Then I decide: the song wins. I need to know who the song's about.

"Hey Jules, need help?" "You wanna help me? In Spanish?", she says doubtfully looking at me with one of her eyebrows higher than the other. "Yo... soy muy, uhm, ben in, uhhh... spanish?" "It's bien. With an i.", Julie says while laughing at probably my horrible Spanish accent. I love that it makes her laugh, 'cause... well, i really love her laugh. "No worries, Luke, I almost finished and then we can rehearse or write." "Right, okay... hey, did you write something new? A new song that you might wanna show us?", i ask julie very unsuspiciously (okay, it was probably a bit suspicious). Julie just shakes her head innocently: "The only songs I write, I write with you so." Oh man that's cute... and a lie! I notice my leg bouncing, so i stand up and take a acoustic guitar. I just star playing some chords, but all of the sudden i realize that they're the same chords as Julie's song. Shit. I stop playing abrupt and look if Julie heard anything and I blew my cover. She did, judging from her thoughtful look and her question: "From where was that melody?" "Uhhh...", should i tell her about the song now? No... "Just some song.", I say instead. "Hey so when are you finished, cuz I'm really in the mood for writing a song. Our songs always have such a perfect harmony." Ups. Didn't mean to make that hint. "I-I mean they, uhm... sound very cool." Julie looks at me confused and says: "Okay, uhm... just one more sentence and then I'm finished."

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