Chapter 7 🦋🍄

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Luke's POV 🦋
Song: why iii love the moon- phony ppl

"Luke, wake up.", someone whispers in my ear and wakes me up. But it's to early. I don't wanna wake up. So I pull my blanket over my hand. But now that very bad person, who wants to wake me up, shakes me and tells me to stand up. Angry I put the blanket away and sit up. "What?!", I whine. I look to my side and see Julie sitting next to me. Oh no! I hope i don't look horrible... is my hair very messy? And I really hope I didn't just get red! "It's Reggies birthday. We wanted to prepare and surprise him, remember?", Julie asks, takes my hand and pulls me up. Alex and Willie are already dressed and waiting at the garage door. "C'mon" Alex rushes me "I have to get dressed!", I answer to Alex. "Hurry up."
Alex, Willie and Julie go to the house, but I still catch up to them 'cause instead of walking I just poof.
"Hey.", I greet them after they came in the kitchen. "Well you were fast.", Julie whispers so she doesn't wake up anyone, "So, how about we decorate the cake we made yesterday?" Julie goes to the fridge and takes our self-made chocolate-raspberry cake out. Then she gets all the decoration stuff. Willie helps her astundedly since it's the first time he baked something. He got very excited yesterday. While Willie and Alex prepare all the decorations Julie and I melt chocolate. It looks so good that I have to put my finger in it and try. Julie then looks at me mad but in a sweet funny way. Because she does the same and tries the chocolate, I chuckle. She's so cute.

"Happy birthday reg...?", I read what Alex wrote on the cake. Alex says pouting: "Reggie didn't fit anymore, so i had to be... creative. But at least the happy birthday is written beautifully." "Yeah, exactly", Willie agrees with Alex and then puts his arm around Alex's shoulder, "I think it looks amazing." Alex blushes. He has such a huge crush!
Suddenly we hear steps coming down the stairs. Oh no! If that's ray he can't see the cake or else Julie has a lot of explaining to do. The others are apparently thinking the same thing because they're all looking for a place to put the cake. Me too, but there is none. Julie is still holding the cake in the hand when luckily just Carlos, who knows about us, asks: "Julie? What are you doing?" Julie just answers: "Ih Carlos, thank God it's just you!" She puts the cake back on the kitchen island and gets the candles. Carlos comes closer and reads what it says on our beautiful cake. "Who's Reg?" "Reggie didn't fit! Julie tell him that Reggie didn't fit anymore!" She tells him and Carlos gets excited: "How cool! Is it his first birthday as a ghost? And how old is he getting? Can he even eat the cake?" "Yes he can.", Julie answers while putting all the candles in the cake, "and if you want you can come with us to bring him the cake and ask him all those questions yourself." Which won't really work out because Carlos can't see us but okay...? Julie will have to be like our translator.
Carlos agrees excited to come with us and gets plates and forks. I take the cake and we go to the garage. Julie walks next to me not letting her eyes of the cake and repeating the whole time "Careful!" or "Don't drop it!", which isn't really helping. "Julie, I understood! Do not drop the cake. But you it over and over again isn't really helping! You're just making me nervous..." Like always... when I'm near by my heart begins to and when our eyes meet it skips a beat, I can't form no phrase, she's just too... sweet. Hey, that sounds kinda like it could involve into a song...
We enter the garage and find Reggie still sleeping. Lucky. But now his dream probably about Olivia is gonna stop because we're waking him up by singing happy birthday. I can't believe Reggie is the first one of us to turn 18. Or is he turning 43... do the 25 years we spent in a black room count? No. ...right?

Reggie's POV 🍄
Song: Dream- Shawn Mendes

"Happy Birthday to youuu," I hear in harmonizing voices from above me. I open my eyes and see my favorite people singing the familiar song everyone hears once a year. After the song ends, Everyone gives me a hug and show me the most beautiful thing I've ever seen: a chocolate-raspberry cake beautifully decorated. I look at Julie, Luke, Alex, Willie and Carlos (who apparently knew it was my birthday). They all gave me a nod and I happily blew out the candles, wishing for- Nope, I won't even tell you. Julie gave me the knife and Carlos held out plates. This must be weird for him, holding plates out, then a mysterious force taking them. Every one got a piece and ate it happily. We were chatting with Carlos, Julie telling him everything we were saying. This was kind of working. Julie and I are sitting on the sofa, Luke on an arm chair. Willie, Alex and Carlos were standing, enjoying their cake anyway. "Who baked this? This is amazing!" I asked "We did," Willie raised his hand proudly. "Yeah, I found them a recipe in one of these boxes," Alex wanted to walk towards the ladder that leads to the loft but tripped on the chords from my bass. He didn't hit the ground but since he still had his cake in his hands, it ended up covering Willie's arm and a bit of his sleeve. Good thing he isn't wearing a hoodie, it would have completely ruined! "I am so sorry," Alex gasped. "Alex!" Willie exclaimed. Oh no, this wasn't looking good. I've only heard Willie call Alex 'Alex' a few times. Alex was trying to frantically wipe the chocolate frosting off of his arm with his hand but it only made it worse. He was grunting and visibly panicking until Willie grabbed his wrist, put his cake on the coffee table and grabbed himself some napkins and wiped the chocolate off of his arm. "You stained my shirt, Hot dog!" phew, at least he's not mad. "I'm really sorry, I didn't see the cable-" Alex stammered but got interrupted by Willie's chocolate covered finger pressing on his nose. Alex gasped at the sudden action but his mouth shifted to a laugh. "That's fair, I deserve that," He admitted defeat, Williei laughing hysterically. Alex wiped it off with his finger and licked it off.
Someone came through the door scaring us all before we realized who it was. Flynn came in all cheery seeing the cake. "Oh, that's right!" She looked around the room wishing the air a happy birthday. Julie smiled and pointed her to my direction. She missed my eyes (She thinks I'm really short, I thinks it's starting to get offensive) but I still appreciate her trying. She gets a slice of cake and sticks around. "Why are you so early? You're usually not here at this hour?" Luke asks. Julie repeats it so that Flynn can answer. "I still have a few things we need to sort out for tonights..." She stops abruptly and looks around like she was searching for something. " know," She looks at Julie with a suggestive look to which she nodds, "yeah, you can ask me later-" Julie got interrupted by a vocie coming from the house calling her name. She looked at us with wide eyes and quickly rushed to hide the cake. Carlos ran out of the garage, heading to the voice. We heard him say something which I didn't understand. "What'd he say?" Alex asked from the back of the loft where he put the cake. Luckily I wasn't the only one who didn't catch that. "He's stalling but my dad is looking for me, I have to leave," Julie tells us after she gets her back pack and slings it around her shoulder. "Hide the cake!" She shouts before dissapearing behind the door with Flynn. That cake was delicious! We put it behind some boxes under the loft, then poofed to school.


"Where do you think Julie is?" I ask after waiting half an hour for her. I was hoping we could still hang out, I wanted to be together on my birthday. "She got picked up by Carlos and Ray. Flynn went with her, so they're probably somewhere important," Alex tried to comfort me by placing his hand on my shoulder. "Well why weren't we invited?" I show them my trademarked pout. Luke clearly felt bad for me and offered: "there's still some cake left." So we got up and waited for Julie, stuffing our mouths with her delicious cake.

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