Chapter 22 🦋🍄

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Luke's POV 🦋
Song: I will survive- Gloria Gaymor

"Aren't you gonna greet me, ...Luke? Where. Are. Your. Manners? Really Luke.", he says while shaking his head.

"Huh? Di-di-...Did he just say, uh...", what (the f***) just happened?! "Huhu...", Julie can't get a word put either. Too confused. Too speechless.
"Still waiting for that 'hello', Luke.", Nick says, with a somehow familiar evil smile on his lips. "Hi.", I say, my voice cracking.
"Nick, what are you-... why can you-... how-?" "Y'know you actually have to ask a whole question if you're expecting me to answer, Ms. Molina.", Nick comes in and sits down in my favorite chair. MY chair.
"Ms. Molina?", Julie asks confused. It is weird that he calls her that. Like he isn't being himself... "Well I'm... let's say old-fashion and i think it's rude to adress someone with their first name if you haven't been introduced yet." Nick stands up and comes closer to Julie. The moment he's a few steps away from us i place myself next to Julie but a bit in front of her. I don't know why. Some protective instinct. And Nick seems creepy, so i definitely wanna protect Julie from him.
About 1 meter in front of us he stops, takes Julies hand, kisses it (which is btw very, really very weird) and then kinda presents himself: "I'm Caleb Covington, and your friend Nick here was", he chuckles putting Julies hand down again slowly, "a very easy body to possess. So blinded and weakened... by love." Nick, or better said Caleb (i guess) chuckels again, but it's not a sweet chuckle like Julies, no, it's an evil one. A familiar one. I know i heard Caleb chuckle like that. And now it's clear: apparently ghosts can possess people. I want to do something, really. Get this stupid guy outta here and away from Julie or my friends inside, but i'm frozen. Shocked. That's Caleb... inside of Nick?
Julie is shocked too, but not frozen. She pulls her hand away from Nicks- wait, Calebs? Well, she pulls it away. I remember that Julie doesn't even know about Caleb, she's probably just shocked about the fact someone possess her friend. Or she suspects who he is... but i never really told her. Maybe i should... now seems like a good time... no time like the present, right?
"Caleb... that's the ghost who put the curse on us.", I explain to Julie but keep watching Nick- I mean Caleb. I'm so confused.
"Yeah, I see you somehow broke it. Nobody ever did that. Nice job. How exactly did you do it?"
"Uhm... complicated..." I won't tell him that. I'm not scared of him. Okay, maybe a little bit. That guy is powerful! But i'll stay strong... I'll try to stay strong. I just wish the guys would come back. I can't poof away and get them cuz then Julie would be alone with Nick and Caleb. And I honestly don't know what i like less.
Suddenly i feel Julie taking my hand. It's warm and nice. I'm so glad I finally get to feel Julie. I look back at her and smile as positive as i can.
I don't let go of her hand and I won't.
"So i guess you're not gonna tell me.", Caleb brings my attention back to him, "That's very disappointing." I nod.
The thing is, now that I think about it, Caleb's not that dangerous. To me. I'm a ghost, I'm already dead. The thing I'm scared of is what a ghost can do to a human. What could Caleb do to Julie. Could he hurt her? Kill her? He's a ghost... ghosts shouldn't be able to do that, right?
Well, i won't let anything happen to her. Or the guys. He's not gonna get to hurt the people I love.

Julie's POV 🍄
Song: Astronaut in the ocean- Masked wolf

I'm really confused to everything that's going on with this Nick and Caleb fiasco, luckily, that's taking my mind off of what happened mere seconds ago with Luke. This is really weird and I have no clue what's going on about anything, but I guess it's better than talking to Luke about what on earth is going on between us.
"That's very disappointing.", Caleb says and Luke nods. I wonder what he's doing here, what he wants from us, or what Luke could have done to get him like this.
"Well, that's alright by me, I suppose.", Caleb turns around to both of our surprises and touches the plants, examining them carelessly. Luke and I exchange glances... this isn't going to be that easy. This ghost possessed my friend to clearly get close to us and he's fine without getting what he came for? What is that, anyway?
"But!", there it is... "I don't want to leave empty handed. It is sad if you walk into a candy store and come out without anything sweet.", he sounded menacing while he walked closer to me, staring at me creepily and dragging out those last words. He is still in Nicks body which is making this an even worse experience for me. We weren't friends for a long time, but I had feelings for him not too long ago. Seeing him, standing here, talking like that, looking at me like that. I think I'm going to be sick.
"Well, what are you taking? We've got a beautiful selection of plants to decorate any room in your haunted mansion.", Luke says, voice stern and sarcastic. I can tell he's doing his best to not make his voice tremble and stutter. He has to hide the fear and insecurity, and he does that by holding on tighter to my hand. It doesn't hurt, there's a lot of pressure but I'm also using it as a steady anchor, holding it back with the same ammount if pressure.
"Your humor is misplaced Luke, no use in denying i'm taking back what's rightfully mine.", he chuckles and poofs away.
Where is he going? What is he talking about when he says rightfully his? Luke and I give eachother worried looks, mine also with a hint of confusion. "Let's follow him.", he says, shifting his gaze from me to the door. "Where are we going?", I ask, not letting go from his hand.
"How about we go get the others first and then tell- oh, shit!", Luke begins to talk but interrupts himself. I ask what's wrong to which he just replies "Willie!" and drags me out of the garage into direction kitchen. I hurry behind him. "What Willie?!" "Willie was part of Calebs club before. He once said that Caleb owned his soul. Willie is what Caleb's gonna take. Back...", Luke explained fast whilst even rushing faster to the kitchen, still not letting go of my hand.

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