Chapter 11 🦋🍄🥀

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Luke's POV
Song: Can't take my eyes off you - John Lloyd Young

Nick. I don't like him. Ok, i don't really know him yes, but he... likes Julie. Yes I'm jealous. I already noticed that last time he was here and I already accepted it. Kinda. But that's not the only reason! He's acting suspicious and I know that something's up. Willie felt it too last time. And saw it. Because Nick looked at Willie. Like right into his eyes, which is weird because he shouldn't be able to see Willie. He shouldn't be able to see any of us. But he looked right into Willies eyes. And now he's doing it again. He's looking into my eyes. Suspicious.
I turn around to tell the guys, but when we all turn back to Nick he's gone. "Luke are you sure? Aren't you just making up excuses to not like Nick?", Willie asks teasingly. Alex adds, also teasingly: "We all know that you're jealous, you don't have to invent something." They all laugh. But I'm not inventing anything. "What?!", I shout in a high pitch a bit to loudly. Julie flinches. Then she leaves her friends with Flynn and makes her way over to us. "You're jealous, Luke's jealous!", Reggie sings. "Ok, you better shut up 'cause Julie is coming over and I'm gonna kill you if you guys say something dumb!", I say a bit harsh. Didn't want to but it just came out. I got nervous. Before the girls arrived Reggie mumbled quietly: "I'm already dead, so you can't kill me..." and then when they were here Alex and Willie tried to hold in a laugh. Unsuccessfully. They break out in laughter and Julie looks at us questionably. I just make an 'I don't know' gesture with my arms and leave it at that.
Flynn stands in front of Julie and says: "Ok, make the conversation quick. We have guests." Flynn always covers for us now. Or Julies phone. Whenever she needs to talk to us, she acts like she talks to Flynn so no one will think she's crazy and talking to air. "What happened? Why did you shout like that?", Julie began. Alex and Willie have calmed down by now and since Julie is here I can now explain what happened with Nick without getting teased. I hope. I swear I'm gonna hurt them if they say something about that being jealous crap. "Well, uhm...", I began to explain, "Nick. He was looking again. Directly into my eyes. I really think something is wrong. I mean he's been acting weird since our big gig (that's how we refer to our gig at the Orpheum). It was just like with Willie, remember?" "Yeah.", Julie answers. The others too. "What's going on?", Flynn asks her best friend excitedly, completely missing the tone of the conversation. Julie explains it to her and Flynn then proposes: "How about you guys discuss that later. Hello? There's a party going on and I want to have fun with Olivia. You should too Julie. And even you guys. And Nick's gone anyways. Let's just have fun and get back to that later...?" Julie wasn't okay with that at first, but Flynn kept pushing until she took Julies hand and dragged her to the other lifers and started to dance to the music.


Some people were starting to leave, then Flynn thanked everyone for coming and got rid of the rest.
The party was over. Julie and Flynn went over to the house and we all followed them, since we haven't got anything better to do. They sat down at the couch and laid on top of each other, closing their eyes. They must be tired. I hear Ray coming down the stairs. "Hey Honey! How was the party?", he asks whilst sitting down next to her and putting his arm around her shoulder. Instead of Julie Flynn answers in a singing voice: "Amazing!" And Julie answers: "Don't worry nothing broke and no one smuggled alcohol in." "Really? How boring.", Ray jokes, "Did everyone leave?" Julie just let out a tired 'yes' without even opening her eyes. "Well you two look tired. But this was your party and you have to take responsibility for it.", he gestures to the whole living room "I want this mess gone." Julie nods and stays there. Flynn however, opened her eyes, grabbed Julie's arms and pulled her up. "C'mon Jules, let's begin outside."
We all go out. It's a complete chaos. Poor Julie. She's so tired. And of course Flynn too! Flynn too... I'm not just thinking of Julie...
"I'm soooo tired.", Julie whines. I hate to see her upset. "Y'know we can clean if you want.", I say without having control over it. "Really? We can!?", Alex asks with his mad-look. Julie asks the same but with a relieved smile. And I love that smile. So I say, avoiding the guys looks: "Ye- Yeah, I mean... uhm, we don't need to sleep, we're ghost, so..." "What do you mean we don't need to sleep?!", Reggie asks shocked. I don't know why, he should actually know that.  I turn around to him. "You know we don't have to sleep, right?", Alex's asks. "What?!" Reggie is shocked. Before we would all explain it to Reggie I turn back to Julie and say: "You can go to sleep, we'll handle this." I smile and Julie smiles back weakly "Thanks." Then she takes Flynns hand, who gets really confused, and drags her to the house.

Willie's POV
Song: Life's a dream- The polar Boys
You're the Reason- Calum Scott

We were almost done. The guys and I were stuck picking up after a bunch of teenagers thanks to heart-eyed Luke over there. The bright side was, we're hanging out and laughing so much. It's sort of a bonding experience.
"Oh, but did you guys see Matt's face when he saw that Julie didn't actually have a dog and only used it as an excuse? Priceless!" Reggie was letting out between laughs. I knew what they were talking about because Alex always fills me in after school. I know all of their classmates and the tea that's going around, since he's is a great story teller. Unlike Reggie who can't contain his laugh long enough to get out 3 words. Luke gave up on trying to tell stories too, he's basically on the ground rolling with laughter. Tonight was pretty fun, I must admit. I'm glad Reggie's having a good time.
There were three bags full of trash. "I'm going to take these out," I announce. I didn't expect Alex to say he wanted to join me but to be honest, I'm really glad he did.
We walked outside and it was cooler under the dark sky. We put the trash away and he stops. "Can we go somewhere?" He was anxious to ask me that. I smiled and answered. "Of course, Hot Dog. Where are we going?" He relaxed and smiled too. "Beach?" I nod and we walk away. It feels good. No poofing. A pleasant stroll beneath the moon after an exciting evening.
We arrive on the beach and as expected, it's empty.
"This is nice." Alex breaks the silence as we sit down in the sand. "Yeah, I like this. I like the stars, I like the sound of the waves" and, I like you, Alex. I didn't say it out loud. I don't know why. Maybe I will. But just thinking about it makes my head spin. This could ruin everything. My whole relationship with everyone! I'm not going to risk it. But then I see Alex smiling. I can't resist. I slowly near my hand to his. When our hands make contact, I feel his soft skin and he quickly looks down at them, with wide eyes. I pull my hand away as quick as I can, resting it on my lap, the blush creeping on my face. I turn my head away. Shit, what did I do? As I was about to feel guilty, I feel him taking my hand in his, accompanied with a reassuring smile. I smile back shyly, but happy. Very happy. He notices that and takes my hand even tighter. As our fingers interlace, an oddly pleasant sensation runs through my body and sends chills through my spine.
We stay like that for a while. Just sitting on the beach, looking at the stars and our hands interlaced. I wish we could stay like this forever! But of course we couldn't.
"Hey, uhm... maybe we should head back?", Alex says quietly, almost whispering. "Yeah..." Nooo! I didn't want to leave! And I didn't want to let Alex's hand go. He apparently didn't want to either, 'cause he didn't move a muscle. I watch him as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His nose and other gorgeous features are highlighted with the moons bright shimmer. Suddenly he looks back at me. I feel my cheeks heating up. Luckily it's night so Alex doesn't see how red I just got. Or does he? Because he begins to chuckle. I want to turn away, in case the moon is indeed bright enough to see my red face. But... I just can't. I'm looking into his deep blue eyes and am like hypnotized. It feels impossible to ever look somewhere else again. Then I ask without control about what I'm saying: "Can I try something?" Surprising myself about saying that out loud. I wait eagerly for his response growing more nervous every second. He takes in a shaky breath before replying silently but full of emotion: "What?"
I notice that I'm leaning forward, looking into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. It's getting hard to breathe. Very hard.
My breathing heavies even more as I see Alex's face inch towards mine too.
We're so close, I look into his endless baby blue eyes, drowning in this ocean of his. He gently brushes up my jaw line with his free hand leaving the other with mine in the sand. I stare into his eyes a bit longer, wanting to remember the feeling of immense butterflies in my stomach forever, before he closes the gap between us. Well i don't know maybe i was the one to do it, it doesn't matter. The only thing that does is his lips meeting mine. They are warm and soft and fit perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. His hand wanders up my neck sending goosebumps all over my skin and rests in my hair. I grab the hem of his hoodie, pulling him closer to me, maybe a bit too harsh. But apparently not, because the kiss gets just more passionate. He pulls away leaning his forehead against mine. He glances at our interlaced hands and chuckles, bringing a smile to my face.

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