Chapter 5 🍄

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Willie's POV 🍄
Song: Walk me home- P!nk

I left the guys at school again, I'm not going back! I can't... even if I'm invisible to everyone.
I spend my day like I usually do, touring the streets of LA, discovering new shortcuts and routes. I was clearing my mind and enjoying myself until I saw what time it was. I'm super excited for when Alex gets out of school. We agreed to meet at the skatepark since he wanted to learn how to skateboard.
Well, it was less that he wanted to learn it was more like it was expected from him. I learned to play drums with him yesterday, we did an introduction lesson.
Since his classes already ended, I poofed to the skate park and saw him sitting on a bench which the lifer skaters did stunts on. He was sitting there, watching the skaters' moves carefully, examining every move.
"Hey, hotdog!" I got his attention and our eyes met across the park.
I walked to him, greeted him, and placed my skateboard in front of his feet.
He looked down and then back at me with a questioning look, cringing at the thought of him standing on this four-wheeled board.
I let out a chuckle. "Come on!"
"Okay," I put my arm out and he held on to it, putting one foot on the board.
"This right?" I roll my eyes with a smile "Yes, you're doing fine." I try to comfort him. Why is he so nervous? It's not like he can die!
"Look willie!" he cheered. Alex put both of his feet on the board and rolled a bit on it. "I'm doing it!" he is so happy, even though a toddler learning to walk was moving faster.
"Wanna speed up?" I look towards him and laugh at the face he makes.
"I'm not ready yet." I accept that and we keep moving slowly. After staying like that for a while, his grip on my arm starts to loosen. To keep him going forward though since his feet are glued to the board, I have to grab his torso and keep pushing him. Luckily he isn't ticklish like I am.
We go forward when I hear him say to go faster.
I accelerate a bit more so that I'm running.
Alex holds on to my hands holding onto him.
"Slower?" I ask "No it's fine" his voice is shaking and I can tell he is going to barf any second so I stop.
"Why did you stop?" he snapped
"You clearly couldn't handle it. Look at your nail marks on my hands!"
"Sorry." He mumbles and looks mad.
"Are you mad?" I ask baffled.
"Yeah, Willie. I'm mad." He looks back down on the ground.
"Why? What did I do?" I feel bad. I didn't mean to upset him.
"It wasn't your right to decide if we should stop!" I don't like him like this.
"Well, I saw you were distressed." I'm just trying to help.
"Well, I felt alright."
"Yeah, you could tell."
Alex looks at me, staring holes into my soul. He then puts his feet on the board and tries to skate away.
"Alex, what are you doing?" I sound exasperated. He's going to do something stupid.
"Skating. Proving to you that I can go that fast." he declared.
He is still trying to balance on the board, falling off every 3 seconds.
"Alex, you're gonna fall. You don't have to prove anything to me anyway!" I tell him honestly. I don't care if he can skate.
"Well if you don't-" he fell off again. "If you don't let me go faster, I'm taking matters into my own hands."
"What's up with you today? Wait for me, I'll hold you."
Alex kept skating and sped up. Faster than we had gone.
"Alex slow down!" I yell after him.
He was panicking and let out a yell.
"Get off!"
"I can't!" Alex's arms were flailing around
I tried to run but it was no use, he was going too fast. I'm losing him.
I do the only thing I can think of even though I know it'll hurt.
I Poofed in front of him and I estimated the distance correctly since We were both lying on the ground, groaning from the impact.
"You dinged my board." Alex let out, still rubbing his shoulder from the pain.
"Your board?! that's- Ooh." I see what he's doing. That's so sweet. We're recreating the first time we met. Only the roles are reversed.
The mood shifts when he stops smiling, my heart sinks.
"Alex, what's wrong? Why are you like this today?" I'm worried about him.
"I'm scared" he presses his eyes together and whimpers. I hate this.
"Of what hotdog? Death? I can't imagine it getting worse than this!"
I keep my voice soft as we just stay on the ground, feeling the lifers step through us.
All his anger and frustration seeped away when I took his hand and he placed his head on my shoulder.
He shakes his head, wiping away tears that haven't fallen. "Remember that day? After the Orpheum performance? I was searching for you and I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found you, Willie. Caleb's been gone but who knows how long it'll take before he finds you. He still owns your soul so the probabilities of us being able to enjoy our afterlife in peace together aren't that high." He raised his head and looked into my eyes.
"I know," I whisper, trying to calm him down even though I know he speaks the truth
"I'm scared too. I don't want to find out what it would be like to have your soul destroyed." That was very dark, so naturally, my messed up brain makes my body let out a laugh to try and lighten the mood.
"So how do we deal with this? It's not fair. We already died. We shouldn't have to deal with this too." I nod to Alex's statement. It really isn't. We were already dealt a bad hand in our life, so the afterlife should have been so much better. But look at us. "We're just going to have to enjoy what we have and try to make every second count." My wise mind tells me, which I then say out loud. Alex lets out a sigh and agrees.
"How about we go home?" I ask after a few minutes of sitting there.
I remember this sidewalk. There's the tree I fell over. That night when we reunited, found each other again. "No, I wanna stay like this forever." I laugh slightly and say "Okay." We're sitting on the dirty floor, leaning against a building. Our fingers are intertwined and our shoulders touching. He's taller so if I move my head slightly to my right, his shoulder is there for support.
We just sit there. And it's enough. I don't need more.

A/N: Sorry for the lack of plot but you know,, it's the holidays so the story isn't the number one priority right now, sorry! Promise to continue with more plot later on but you'll have to deal with these kind of "fillers" for a while...

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