Chapter 9 🍄🥀

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Reggie's POV 🍄
Song: The adults are talking- The Strokes

I helped Carlos carry some decorations down. It was really weird but we make it work. He tells me which boxes I have to carry down and I do. He can't see me but he can still talk to me.
We take about five boxes to the living room. I don't see Ray, he's probably getting ready in his room. I'm gonna go check back in on the guys. They wanted me to leave to plan a surprise. The concert's a fun surprise but I bet Julie had another good idea which she was discussing with the team.
I come in, whistling from a far so I don't listen to what I'm not supposed to.
"Hey, the decorations are all at the living room!" I gloat. I mean, not any ghost can manage to work together with a human who can't see you. Everyone is silent for a minute. They look rattled. Something's off.
"That's awesome, tell me how you did it! You helped Carlos?", Willie breaks the silence. Everyone snaps out of the trance with him and they all look back at me with warm smiles. I hate this.
"Guys, really. What's wrong?" Julie told them what had bothered her but sent me away. They're not planning another surprise.
"We're not ruining your birthday, pal.", Luke comes up to me and places both hands on my shoulders. "I think we're going to get a special someone to your party tonight." Luke smirks at looks over to Julie.
"Oh, yeah! Flynn's coming over any second.", she tells me in a cheery voice trying to make me forget everything that just happened. To be fair, I have experience with that.
Luke clears his voice. "Not who I meant," he chuckles. "Yeah, I meant Flynn's coming over so she can invite that special someone." Julie shrugs it off. She's typing on her phone now.
My cheeks flush red when I think about who they might be inviting. I hope they're talking about who I'm thinking.
"She'll be here any minute now." Julie smiles at me. Then her eyes go wide. She realized something, but I don't know what. "What is it Julie?", Alex asks. Oh cool, I just realized he's holding Willie's hand. That's so sweet. Good for you, man!
"I need to go to talk to my dad. I might have forgotten to tell him we're performing tonight." Julie chuckles and gets out of the garage and sprints to the house. Her dad doesn't know about my birthday concert? I hope he'll still let us perform last minute.

"Heyo, Party people!", Flynn's energetic voice was heard by everyone in the neighborhood. She sees that Julie isn't here. As I thought she was going to leave, she stops in her tracks. "Hold on, are you guys here?" We all smile. She's developing a feeling! Alex answers her but then remembers she can't hear us, so Luke goes to his guitar and picks it up. Flynn is over joyed in her being right about her gut feeling. She might not see him but she sees the floating guitar and hears what he's playing and his voice, greeting her. "Okay, play me something! Imma tell you who's on tonights guest list!" She gets out a notebook and we all go to see the pages that got written full of names. Luke's playing some new riffs he's been tweaking on, and sings what we're saying for her, while Flynn tells us in detail who everyone is or why they could and couldn't make it. We're adding names and chatting. It's very fun. I like this. We even tell her about Willie.
Julie comes back and sees us all. You can see exactly how happy she is that all her friends found a way to hang out together. Luke working as a sort of bridge between all of us. She joins Flynn at adding names to the list. Once they're done, they send out an invitation to all. It was another one of those crazy moments the universe plans for you. The absolute second they send out the invitations, there's a ring at the door bell. All of us laugh and we all wonder who the hell could have made it this soon.
Julie and Flynn exchange smirks, so they know who it is. We all follow them to the door. Oh boy.
It's Olivia.

Olivia's POV 🥀
Song: (Sweet life - Franc Ocean)

The door opens and I see Julie and Flynn standing next to each other, smiling from ear to ear. "Hey Olivia" Julie says excitedly, smirking at Flynn "You made it!", Flynn states, mirroring/returning Julies smirk. "Hey, I brought some Doritos, if thats okay and you still don't have any", I mention, placing the big orange pack on the couch table they lead me to. I notice Julie staring at a point behind the couch, smiling to herself as if no one was watching. She turns around abruptly facing me again. "So, have we already told you about my band?" Asking the question out of the blue "OUR band", Flynn corrects her best friend. "Well only a little, but i would wanna know more", I respond. "And what do you already know?", Flynn asks. "My parents told me about your fat gig at the Orpheum...."

Reggie's POV 🥀

"Did she just really say "fat gig"? Wow, i really like this girl.", I must've said it out loud, cause I see Julie trying to hold back a laugh and Luke, Alex and Willie snickering, looking at me. Oh no, now they know.

Olivia's POV 🥀

"My parents told me about your fat gig at the orpheum and that your now got many calls for weekends and all. They also said you have some spooky hologram members", I add.

Reggie's POV 🥀

"I'm not spooky!" This time I'm careful to just think it and not say it out loud. Olivia continues to tell Julie and Flynn about her parents, why they moved here, what it was like in New York and all, till she finally asks if she can see the "spooky holograms" cause she's only ever seen us on videos. She doesn't even mention that there's one really cute hologram. No, not Luke... also not Alex...hello? It's me.

Olivia's POV 🥀

Julie turns the projector on and gets ready herself, sitting in front of her piano. She asks Flynn what song she should play. "I think Flying solo", Flynn answers turning to me "It's the best! She wrote it for me, that's why I like it so much." Aw how sweet, I can't help but remember my own best friend I left in New York. The friendship between me and her was as close as Julie and Flynn's, they're really lucky to have each other. My thoughts get interrupted by Julie starting to sing (she really has the best voice ever). I'm starting to ask myself when the holograms are coming in, maybe the projector isn't working. Right when i think that, they suddenly appear behind Julie holding or standing by their instruments. Woah, she must be really good in technology and all, they look really real. I see the blond drummer, happily giving all his energy and motivation into the drums. The second guy is standing besides Julie giving her a big smile, he's totally into her. He's playing the guitar and singing a duet with Julie, looking her deeply in the eyes. Julie is replying his smile leaning in and singing with full power and potential, they're really cute together. The third of them looks me directly into the eyes, (how does that even work?), he's standing by the keyboard distractedly playing the wrong cords in the wrong beat on his bass. I'm not really good at music, but that I can hear. He's also really cute.

I smile because he still hasn't noticed the glares from his bandmates, he's still looking at me, so I smile brightly, he immediately smiling back. The other two boys and Julie slowly stop playing, but he still doesn't notice, he has me trapped in his look, locking me in this moment. He also stops playing giving me one last long look before disappearing. I'm left there staring at nothing but a lonely keyboard. Out of the corner of my eye I see Julie and Flynn exchanging looks.

"Where did you say they came from again?" I ask, after awaking from my trance, that luckily wasn't that long, so also not that embarrassing. "Oh, they're from Sweden", Julie replies "They're cute aren't they?", Flynn asks teasingly, me knowing exactly who she means "Mhmm", I answers, "And what are their names?" I say hoping to distract them from what they just saw. "Oh the bassists name is Reginald", Julie answers directly. Sounds somehow a little old and rare, but it fits him. "And the other ones?" I add, not wanting to show that I actually don't really care that much "Alex and Luke" at the mention of the last one a light blush creeps onto Julies face, exposing which of the two she means, the guitarist. Maybe it's not that bad to know which one is Julie's crush, I totally ship them.

Reggie's POV 🥀

"Did you have to tell her my name is Reginald", I cry out, after Flynn went with Olivia into the house to show her where the bathroom is. "Hey, hey slow down, she totally likes you back, Reginald", Julie says. "Why did you say like me back I don't-" "Yeah you do", Luke interrupts me. Oh...right, they heard. I immediately get red. "Aw come on man", Willie says pinching my blushing pink cheek. Alex uses the opportunity when Olivia and Flynn come back to pull Willie away from me, he really is jealous. Willie throws Alex a playful glare and puts his arm around his shoulder. How would I ever even stand a chance AND i'm already taken, by a beautiful girl from NYC.

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