Chapter 10 🍄🦋

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Flynn's POV 🍄

Song: Levitating- Dua Lipa ft. DaBaby

It was just us three for a while but once the sun started to set, more people came by. At first it was our friends or people we liked from our classes. Then it escalated to people we didn't like from class. They were acting super fake and complimenting us and acting like they never would have, if Julie hadn't become such a success. In the end, people we've never seen came through the door. Some told us they followed the band on instagram, others said they were the friends of the friends and we just lost track...
The party was pretty cool and I'm still surprised Ray was so okay with everything. He must be in a real good mood. Julie went ahead and ordered Pizzas, Carlos brought out twister, there was a corner where some people started to play truth or dare. It was a good time and that would have been enough for me to call it a day. But not for Julie and the phantoms. The crazy ghost band, our rock stars, were ready to hit the stage and perform their heart out. Julie was getting ready upstairs in her room, adding the last brush of highlight on her nose, patting down the last few wrinkles on her clothes. "You seem nervous." I deduct. She wasn't talking like she usually does before a performance. "Yeah, I haven't had time to process everything that's been going on." She sighs and heads to her dream box. "Yeah, I was just going to suggest that."
I smile and lean back to observe Julie. She took out a piece of paper. I couldn't recognize it from where I was sitting but I bet it had something to do with Luke since her face turned bright red when she looked back at me. That girl isn't going to get rid of this crush, is she? "Wanna tell me something?" I ask with a very suggestive tone. "No..." She puts her dream box away.
"I'm just remembering stuff."
"Is that stuff maybe a fictional scene you made up while dancing with a certain someone?" she let out a grunt and fell onto her bed face down.
"I'm just so frustrated." I hear as a muffle from the mattress.
"Well because," she got up "he really is the closest thing I've got to my mom and if I ruin it with him, I won't just lose a friend, I'll lose her all over again."
"Who said anything about losing him?", I ask stunned.
"Well, If he finds out about this crush," she stopped.
"You two will start dating. You guys are soulmates, also, Luke has got a big crush on you too, girl. Don't worry." I see Julie shaking her head, but smiling. She may not believe it but I can see into the future. They're so coming together. Even if one's a ghost.
Now, we're all standing around the familiar garage around the piano. Everyone's waiting for me to start the show with my little rhymes.
"Okay guys, Sit down and buckle up
'cause we got a fresh new bop,
quiet down and stop your tantrums,
the moment you've all been waiting for,
here are Julie and the phantoms!"

Nick POV 🦋

I... I know this voice... I haven't recognized it yet. Is that... no,... Flynn! It was Flynn, with her really cool rhymes.
I opened my eyes. I can't remember closing them, but, well they were. Somehow. I'm sure it had to do something with Caleb... I didn't just dream that, no, it was real real.
After Caleb talked to me in my room and I even began to feel a little bit of empathy, he possessed me again and then... he... I don't remember... I don't remember anything since then... I don't remember coming here, maybe I blacked out or something.
A ghost did possess my body... But where is he now? Why am I conscious again? Did he leave me alone? So many questions... and no one who can answer them. I don't even know why he possessed my body, he won't tell me.
"Thank you all for coming!", a voice interrupts my thoughts. It was Julies. She was talking into a mic, but I can't see her. Too many people. But I really want to see her, so I try to make my way through the people up to the big piano standing in front of the garage.
"I hope you've been having a great time", Julie was sitting on the piano talking to the crowd. They all started cheering after what she said. She was wearing her hair in a high ponytail with a few hairs flying out here and there. She looked great in a pink jacket as well as playful because it was covered in pins and patches in the back. I generally love all her performance looks. She went on: "So, my writing partner and I wrote a new song", she explains while going to the piano seat, sitting down and putting her customized microphone in the mic stand, "and we hope y'all like it." She starts playing a beautiful intro on the piano. And now she starts singing. Softly but beautifully! Suddenly I notice people standing behind her. People with instruments. Her band with their instruments?! Don't they usually come in with the holograms in the chorus...?
When Julie gets to the chorus the guys around her start playing too and she stands up with her mic and goes to them.
The crowd started cheering at that moment and now they are clapping and dancing with the (amazing) music.
But when they cheered... they all locked surprised too. Like they didn't see the holograms before, just when they started playing. But that's crazy right? How could they not see them? I saw them. Yeah... they probably just cheered because the guys started playing. ...right?
Well, the song is definitely very cool, like all their songs. While the Chorus plays, Julie dances a little bit with the bassist. And then with the drummer. But he didn't really pay attention. He looked somewhere the whole time. I followed his look and spotted a guy next to the garage door. He had long brown hair, crinkled eyes looking back at the drummer with a bright smile and also looked as dreamy as the drummer back to him. How cute, the-

What happened?! I just... blacked out again. Caleb. He couldn't even let me enjoy the concert. Oh wait it's not over yet. I still hear Julie singing. I open my eyes. I am standing somewhere different now. I don't know why. Caleb probably did something. I had a perfect view to the drummer from here. And the guy from before. He was standing next to the drummer now dancing a little bit to the rhythm, while the drummer couldn't stop blushing. The bassist was smirking the whole time till he spotted a girl in the crow. She seems familiar, but I have no idea who she is... Probably missed that too. Anyways, she is blushing too and admiring the bassist dreamy, who can't take his eyes off her. So much love here. It's great till I see Julie. She was sitting in the piano again and next to her was the guitarist also sitting in the piano. How did he get up there with his guitar?! They were staring into each other's eyes again while blushing and smiling the whole time. It was their little duet part. They were singing together, into one microphone. Do they have that in every song? I am getting jealous. Really. That guy... she hasn't even met him in real life because he lives in Sweden and she likes him?! Do they ever take their eyes off each other??!! Apparently yes, but only because Julie stands up on the piano now and hits a very high note perfectly. The guitarist jumps off the piano again and goes back to his microphone. All of them start singing again, even the guy next to the drummer. He has a good voice. Julie is still on the piano but now by the end of the song the guitarist comes to the piano, again, while Julie jumps on the piano seat and onto the floor. They meet in front of the piano and sing together into the same mic again. Annoying. They're so close to each other it's seems like they're gonna kiss but after the guitarist sings the last note disappears. The crowd starts cheering very loud, of course Julie was amazing with her band. She goes to the crowd and her friends and talk to them. I wait. Suddenly I hear voices behind me. "Wow! That was amazing!" "Yeah, and you and Jules oozed chemistry once again." "Reggie we told you to not use ozzed!" "Well you and Willie OOZED chemistry too." Now they're all laughing and talking more. I don't turn around, I can't. I don't know why my feet just won't. But I can imagine who is talking there behind me. Although it's impossible because they should be in Sweden, but at the time I'm am changing my beliefs anyways. I believe in ghost now, that's for sure. "Willie, by the way you have a really great voice!", the voice says which I believed to be the guitarist. "Thanks", Willie (probably) replies. "Hey! Did you notice! Luke didn't deny the comment about him and Julie Oozing ing chemistry!", so the guitarist was named Luke (I think, kinda hard to keep track) and there's one annoying guy who's using the word ooze too much. "What?!", Luke shierks. The other guys agreed and started to snicker and tease Luke with the phrase "you like her!". "Stop it! I don't like Julie! Well no-no I... I do like her but as-as a friend y'know? Oh man, just stop it!", Luke defends himself not very well. Oh god I just have to turn around! I have to know if it's Julie's band behind me. But the can't find out that I can still see them. So I go to the other side of the garden and turn to their direction. Perfect. They're talking and don't see me 'cause I'm on the other side. The guy who I think is Luke, the guitarist, is blushing extremely and hoping from one leg to the other, while looking on the ground. They are probably still talking about Julie. Now he looks up, Luke, and he looks in my direction. Our eyes meet for a second and I wanted to look im away I really did, but... well I didn't. I just looked him in the eyes. Too long. He is getting suspicious and his face expression changes.
Suddenly I hear a voice in the back of my head.
You gonna blow it! Stop looking at him! That's  why I don't let you be conscious. C'mon pretty boy back to sleep!
Then everything went black.

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