Chapter 1 🍄🦋

804 23 31

Song: Talking to the moon- Bruno Mars

Alex's POV🍄

After Julie went back to her house after the magical, weird, but good hug, I was left confused and anxious for a change. Reggie and Luke want to go lay down and rest which sounds like a good idea so I go help them pull out the couch.

Luke sees right through my facial expressions and body language and asks me what's wrong.

Even though he seems concerned, he's still playful and cheery, climbing up to the loft to get pillows.

I stay silent, not even knowing what I would say to him.

I'm always like this. I'll manage a night without talking their ears off, besides they want to rest.

"Oh, nothing, just riled up, you know." Reggie nods in agreement, which I'm relieved about. They bought it.

"Yeah, totally get you. I mean Julie saw me cry!" Luke and Alex let out a chuckle to Reggie's comment.

The power of Reginald. He can always make us laugh, even when we feel horrible.

"Not what he meant, reg" Luke throws the last pillow from the loft, hitting Reggie in the face with it.


What time is it?

I have been laying on the sofa in the dark for so long I start to breathe heavily.

Once I acknowledge my situation, I get scared.

Scared of missing the next 25 years again. Scared of being trapped in the dark like this again.

I know Reggie and Luke are next to me.

I can hear Luke snoring lightly and Reggie's breathing.

I stop hyperventilating bit but still spiral.

I reach over to make sure if Luke really still is there. I expect to feel his bicep when I reach over but I felt his nose and eyes.

Oh god, I hope I didn't wake him. At least he's here so I turn around in the bed as silently as possible.

I don't understand how they did it though. How could they fall asleep?

My mind is overwhelmed by all the things that have happened in the last hour and Reggie is just dreaming about food, probably.

I try to calm down and think of happy things like Luke's tried to teach me before. Think happy thoughts, Alex! Think of you doing your favorite activity with your favorite person in your favorite place. Luke's always helped me, but with these anxiety attacks, he hasn't quite figured out what calms me down and what triggers me.

I can't just go to the best place on earth and pretend everything's all right!

I must have said that last part out loud, since Reggie stood up and turned the lights on.

The second the bright light blinds my eyes I squeeze them shut, out of reflex and realize I had a tear dripping from my nose. "What's wrong, Alex?" Reggie states with a very concerned tone.

I can't- no, I don't want to pretend any more.

I let out what's wrong, sitting up, head in my hands. I start off with the obvious: "Why the hell can Julie touch us now?! How did she get rid of the stamps?! Can other people see and touch us now?!" Luke had still been laying down, but now he sat next to me on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I want to know too, but I don't think anyone's got the answers to those questions."

He's right.

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