Chapter 15 🦋🍄🥀

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Song: Home - Edith Whiskers


Julie's POV

I open the door to the classroom. "I'm so sorry that I'm late. I overslept.", I tell the teacher who answers me, that it's okay and that I should sit down. I do. Behind in the back. Next to Flynn, who greets me with a nice smile, and... the guys. "You're late.", Luke whispers mockingly although he doesn't have to. I roll my eyes smiling and get my stuff out of my schoolbag. "Not every one has the privilege of poofing.", I whisper as quiet as I can. Luke chuckles. "Y' know, maybe we can take you with us. Like in the movie we watched where they took each others hands and then they all could teleport.", he suggests, not whispering this time. I laugh. As if that works. Would be cool though... "We could try it out."


In the break Flynn, the guys and me go outside very apart from everyone. There we could talk. The guys keep stealing a bit of mine and Flynns food, which is pretty annoying, but to repay their debts they poof to the supermarket and get more snacks. When they're back we talk about Reggies problem with Olivia: how to communicate with her. We think and think, ideas coming up like me and Flynn being the postmen, receiving and giving messages from an unknown lover, messages written on her hand with markers (that one was Luke's idea) and other things, but nothing sounded really promising or realistic.


Reggie's POV

Yesterday I got an Idea, it was really funny how I had it. We were walking home from school, and Carlos, was sitting on the front steps, waiting for some one, probably Julie, not us, because i think he doesn't know we're there. Although Julie told us he's really smart when it comes to ghosts and everything.

Well, he was waiting for Julie, because he had forgotten his keys, but was faster home than us, 'cause we were, obviously, chatting about god and the world, me not really listening, y'know dreaming 'bout a certain girl. So he told us her that, and also said that he had something else after lunch, without "anyone" being around. He kinda emphasized the "anyone" differently. So Julie got her keys, opened the door and disappeared to eat. We poofed away, to not disturb Julie any more than we already did, i think shes a little annoyed with us for commenting on everyone of her school hours. But she loves us, mostly me, she can't be angry too long, and I see she enjoys Lukes company and has slowly started to adapt to her new routine.

After they finished eating Julie wanted Carlos to tell her "the thing" in the studio, so we could hear too, it was probably about some new ghost theory, but he rejects that and suggested to go in his room. Being the curious, protective brother over Carlos i am, I obviously followed and after the little talk they had, me always trying to hide from Julie, i knew what happened, what got him so shaken up, he got a love letter. From a girl in his class, slipped into his locker and with an email address on it, to write more without having to use up so much paper. After that Julie got all crazy, Carlos getting really uncomfortable, I saw it in his face. She asked if he liked her back, he didn't quite know and just babbled on and on, but the important thing is that I got the idea how to contact Olivia. I would write her an love email, well maybe just an email from an admirer. But she wouldn't know who I am and we could talk over email. I poofed away, trying to make as little noise as possible. I would just have to ask Julie for her email address.


Olivia's POV

I wake up, feeling rested and ready to start the day. Today was going to be a good day, Wednesday is my favorite day of the week, we don't have many difficult subjects. I unplug my phone and get up to dress myself.

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