Chapter 6 🦋🍄

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Nick's POV 🦋🍄
Song: Fever- Balthazar

Where am I? What... happened? 

I open my eyes carefully. I look around. I'm in my room. Sitting on my bed. But what happened? I just remember going to Julies... and then there was that guy ,with the weird outfit...

It's not weird! It's called style!

I jump on my feet. "Who said that?!" I look around, but there's no one here... Did I just imagen someone saying that?

No you didn't

There again... "Where are you?!" It's like he can hear my thoughts...

Because I can.

"Where are you?! Who are you?!"

I'm inside of you, don't you remember?

The guy with the weird outfit... Now i remember, he did something to me... "What do you mean you're inside of me?!"

I possessed you.

"Why...? And i still wanna know who you are."

Okay... since you're already conscious again... just wait a second.

I wait. But nothing happens. Am i going crazy right now? 

Suddenly something pushes me on my bed and everything gets dark. 

"Open your eyes!", I hear the same voice say as in my head. 

I do as he tells me. I open my eyes. I'm still on my bed. I'm still in my room. But there's a man in front of me. The man with the weird outfit. What is going on here?!

I look to the door. I just wanna get out of here! Away from that creepy man! "I wouldn't do that if i were you.", says the creepy guy in a creepy voice. I stay on my bed. Not moving. Scared. 

Breathing gets harder and harder. The creepy guy notices that and says: "Hey, don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. I still need you." That's... not calming at all! "Who are you, what are you doing here and what do you want?!", I ask as brave as i can, but regret it when he looks mad into my eyes. "I am", he answers me slow, "a ghost." 

As weird as that sounds, I believe him. He just came out of my body. "My name is Caleb.", he introduces himself, locking the doors with his telepathy or something. Okay, now I'm scared. But I gotta say he's got cool powers.

He goes to my desk, grabbing the stress ball next to my books. He squeezes it delighted. "I guess I have missed a few things." He tells me looking around my room. "Why are you here? Why did you possess me? Why did you go to Julies house and," I pause, stand up in front of him and exclaim: "Why won't you leave me alone?! What do you want from me?!!" 

He looks at me and for a second I think he's going to torture me or punish me or something but he just stands up and walks to my balcony. "I had a life, you know." Great. I know where this is going. All the monologues start like this. He's going to blabber on for four hours and I'm going to have to suffer through his whole life story. 

"Before all of this, I had it all. A successful career, the love of my life, a small family. And when all of it ended, I still had hope. Useless and naive hope." I sat down on my bed again and made myself comfortable. He looked committed. "It all started when I met him. An Angel on earth. The sun in my solar system- Joseph Grant. We met when I moved to L.A. He was a Journalist and I was a down-on-my-luck magician. I was performing a few shows here and there but nothing permanent. He worked as a journalist. He was my hero. Took one long look at me and decided I was worth it. He took me under his wing and let me stay with him. We fell in love too. Had to keep it a secret though, not like your dads. God how I envy them. Joe and I were hidden behind doors. Being out in public was torture for both of us, we just wanted to be like the other couples we saw on the streets of Hollywood." He stopped with his story to come back inside. "After the war, the number of children in the orphanages rose and Joe and I decided to adopt a baby girl. We named her Gwendolyn. We couldn't say that Joe and I were going to take care of her so the papers said that our friend Margaret was her mother. Gwenny lived with us though, and we raised her. I stayed home while Joe would track down stories and at night, I would perform my shows. My career took off in 1918. I became famous and recognized in the streets for my legendary tricks! 

"I went out of town to perform for all of the east and oh, how they loved me. I was the greatest they'd seen. Blowing people's minds left and right. Joe warned me though. He loved telling me the tale of Icarus, warning me every night how I reminded him of that story. One performance, my wings did melt in the heat of the sun. I plunged to my death. Well not really, more like drowned but that was the end of me." He looked off into the distance and continued. "I came back as a ghost and started the Hollywood Ghost Club, following my passion for dance, music, and performance. Every night is a colorful feast for your eyes. I put the extra in extravagant." I kind of feel bad for him. He did get to fulfill his dream of singing but he lost his family and friends. His whole legacy. "What of Joseph and Gwendolyn?" I asked, curious as to how his family turned out. "I went and visited them often and Joe was able to see me but Gwenny didn't have any memories of me." Poor guy. "Joe's love was enough to get me to be seen by humans. I got new skills anytime he showed any affection towards me. I could give him kisses in Public without anybody hurting him. It was great for a while but he grew older and I stayed in my prime. I wanted him to move on and find somebody new. I wanted him to live his life because I loved him and clearly, there was no future with me. It's one thing to see your dead husband as a ghost but staying loyal to me? It was painful. As much as he loved me, I knew it hurt him too. I stopped visiting him. I focused on my club. It became a huge success but I always had Joe in my heart. After I stopped visiting him, he thought he'd only imagined me. That I was his coping mechanism. I saw it in his therapist's notes. He thought I was a hallucination." His light blue eyes were turning red and shiny with tears. That sounds horrible, so I put my hand on his back trying to comfort him but the second I touched him, he flinched away, causing his tears to fall and get snapped back to reality. He walked to the window. "Gwen and Joe moved in with Margaret since he didn't have my income and couldn't afford our apartment anymore and Gwen got to grow up with a mother and father. She didn't even know that she was supposed to have two dads. I guess she was better off with them. I turned back to my club and checked in on Joe and Gwen regularly. Just to see how they were doing." Caleb relaxed again and went back to the stress ball he left on my desk. "And? How were they doing?" He got snapped out of his thoughts by my question. "Oh, my husband and daughter?" That sounded weird. Like he was mad or something. he sounded cold, sharp, and threatening. "They moved on. Gwen has no idea of who I was, Joe couldn't stand the memory of me and the world forgot my name pretty soon. The only place where I lived on was in some bars where I performed but otherwise, my name was erased from everybody's memories." I wanted to ask more questions like: 'What does this has to do with me? And why are you possessing me. But I felt sympathetic and left him alone. Poor guy remembered his sad life. He could squeeze a stress ball for a while. It'll do him some good.

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