Chapter 23 🥀🍄🦋

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Reggie's POV
Song: Everglow - Coldplay

We went to the kitchen to get snacks, like Willie promised before.
Now we're playing a really fun game. Willie throws a nut and I have to catch it with my mouth. I'm really good at it. Alex..., well he has other strengths.
"Hey guys.", Nick suddenly stands in front of us. And is talking to us. What? I get so shocked I fail to catch the nut in the air. It drops to the floor as Nick let's out a slight chuckle.
"What? You aren't gonna greet me either? Wow, your generation got raised so badly!" Nick takes one of the red apples in the fruit bowl and plays around with it, waiting for us to greet him. But we don't, since we're still not sure if he really means us. Shouldn't he like, not be able to see us?
"You know, I don't have forever so you either greet me and enjoy your last moment together or just ignore me and never see each other again without having said goodbye." Nick says, rambling on, a mischievous look appearing in his eyes while he speaks.
Suddenly Luke and Julie come bursting in. "Nick possessed Caleb! No wrong, Caleb possessed Nick!!!", Luke yells on his way to us. We all stare at him in horror, shock clear on our faces and on Lukes and Julies, who are catching up to us, too as they realize that Nick, or better said Caleb, is already with us.
"Hello, Lovebirds. Nice of you to join us.", Caleb says with a big sarcastic smile on his- Nicks face.
"I was about to reveal the big surprise, thanks for ruining it.", he says faking a pout that looks more like a grimace.
"You're welcome.", Luke replies ironically and full of sass.
"Y' know you should quit that attitude, I'm still in control of this boy's body. And well this Nick here has pretty big, strong feeling for the girl over there.", he says pointing at Julie. Their hands are still intertwined and we all notice Luke's grip growing tighter around hers.
"Now, now Luke"- Nick says leaping forward to separate them -"Don't hurt this boys feelings any more, or it's gonna come all back to you". Luke just gets angrier trying to get Julie away from Nick, who just held her behind her back. But me and Alex, as the good big brothers we are, poof just behind him and Willie holds Nicks hands as we free Julie. Luke immediately puts his arm protectively around her shoulders, which I would have considered romantic and cute if we weren't in such a wonderful moment with our biggest enemy.
Seeing as he has lost the power over Julie and lost this battle, Nick brushes of his hands and clapped them together bringing my attention back to him.
"Okay, enough small talk. It was nice chatting with you, but now I unfortunately have to go.", Caleb, still in Nicks body, says.
He then looks at Willie expectantly, but as soon as he doesn't get a reaction from Willie he orders out loud: "Willie. Come."
Oh no, this isn't any good... Willie, with a confused look and irritated frown on his face, slowly moves to Nick (Caleb), who seemingly still has control over him. Alex notices that he's going to loose Willie again if he doesn't do anything to stop it. He steps forward, standing in between Nick and Willie, blocking their way to each other. Then he does something I wouldn't have expected: he takes Willies hand and brushes his other hand across Willies cheek. Willies face has now gone from confused to loving, but still with a slight doubt in his eyes that shows that he's not entirely out of Calebs trance.
"I..I'm in love with you, Willie", Alex says, getting red at all the surprised eyes fixed on him all at the sudden.
Willies face shows nothing more than love itself.
"Awww how sweet.", Nicks voice erupts from behind Alex, giving just about as much away that he doesn't really mean it. We all, except for the two lovebirds (and with that I mean Alex and Willie), turn our heads to stare at him annoyed, because first of all: he just ruined a perfect romantic moment that could have lead into the most sappy romantic kiss; secondly he's annoying and last but not least, he's Nick and Caleb, in one person.
"Now, come Willie.", we all watch Willie expectantly for him not to obey Caleb. He takes Alexs hands, leans forward and kisses Alex soft and full of sadness. It feels like a goodbye kiss...
"I'm sorry...", Will whispers as he cups Alexs face, "He... I have to go..." Will wipes away a tear from Alexs face, as do I from my face. This is sad! I don't want Willie to go! Man, I hate Caleb so much!
Willie gives Alex one last kiss, but then goes to Nick and lets go of Alexs hand.
Shock and sadness is written on our faces as we watch Willie making his way to an triumphant looking Nick, who, as soon as Willie reaches him, grabs his hand (what makes Alex flinch), waves to us and poofs away, leaving a whisper of "Goodbye boys." behind.

Willie POV
Song: Leave a light on - Tom Walker

Oh boy. This is not good.
Okay, I'm sitting. It's dark and humid, my hands are tied up behind me, I'm sweaty and I don't know where I am.
This is not good. first thing I try to do is poof, but it's weird. I can't. I'm just stuck in my seat. I feel heavy, I don't know how to explain it. If I can't poof I got to find out where I am.
I remember the last thing which was Caleb. And... Alex! He, no... stupid Caleb. Alex probably now hates me... I... Why did I ever join Calebs club?! I didn't know he would own me then... My poor Alex...
I try to distract myself and look around. My eyes are fine now, they adjusted to the lack of light and I can recognize a bed a few inches away from me. I know I'm in a room from Calebs hotel but now I'm just wondering why.
Why can't I poof? Why am I tied up? What does Caleb want from me?!
My thoughts shift again to my poor Alex. All I want to do is send him a sort of signal that I'm fine and I'm sorry... and that I'm in love with him, too. I should have said it. Just so he'd know...
This is horrible. I'm so mad at Caleb right now.
Trying to get out of these bounds is going to be nearly impossible but I may have a chance at getting off this chair. It's a dining one, easy to rock in, I can move it forward too but I won't be able to break it or otherwise get out of it.
Caleb (in Calebs body) comes in when I'm trying to get to the bathroom. I was hoping I could somehow break the mirror, grab a shard and cut the rope. But of course he comes in and ruins my plan. I was intrigued too see if I could actually do it.
"William, William. You know one of the things I always liked most about you is how resilient you are. Truly a shame you're using that will power for/to achieve the wrong goals.", he stands at the door, letting the light from the hallway fleet the room with a yellow glow. With a wave of his hand I'm back where I woke up, next to the bed. I let out a sigh of defeat and finally ask a question.
"Where am I?", I know it's the hotel but why in a random room, instead of his office or something?
"Room 666, it was the only empty one in this season", he shrugs. "It's horrible for business, the stigma behind this room. Sure I like to have my fun with the guests who are brave enough to book a night but it's as if this room doesn't exist." He comes forward and sits on the bed, leaving the door open. "Wanna have some fun?", he asks me with one of those creepy smiles. "No! I want to go back to my-", I start answering his question but I get cut off by Caleb sniping his fingers.
"Okay, here are the rules, you're gonna be quiet, nice and peaceful. ...That's it. So, you can only win if anybody who doesn't work for me enters this room. Sound fun huh?", Caleb explains the most stupid game I've ever heard of. I stay silent.
"Alright, I'm glad we agree. Isn't this nice? Great quality time, us bonding like this." He gets closer to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I shove it off.
"What do you want from me?!", I ask angry. "Oh no no no, not so harsh. I just need you here. For my plan." "What plan?" "Mhmm... to tell or not to tell...", he says thoughtfully and playful while standing up again. He goes up and down the room while acting like he's thinking, although I know that he already knows what he's gonna do. "See, actually I only need you for the second phase. When the boys will be crushed and devastated. And, all out of options, then Alex will convince them to come to you, won't he? You sweet, sweet boyfriend."
I try to get free. I want to get to Alex. I need to. I don't want Caleb doing anything to him. My poor Alex.
But Caleb just chuckles at my failed try. "Oh, don't worry. I won't hurt him.", he says, "Physically."
I get even angrier and try with more strength than before to get out of the restraints. Caleb only tightens them with a wave of his hand.
"You leave them alone!", I yell. "Why would you want to do something to them?! What have they done to you?", I say, my voice breaking.
I don't think I've ever been this mad. "Oh, poor Willie. I have a lot in store for our miracle performers.", he chuckles evilly.

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