Chapter 2 🍄

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Song: Achilles come down- Gang of Youths

Willies POV 🍄

I don't remember the last time I liked a person this much.

I felt so good being around Alex. He was so sweet, funny and made me feel so helpful.

I loved answering his questions.

The way his blue eyes lit up when he learned something new. The way his forehead wrinkled when he had a follow-up question. His jaw clenching when he didn't like the answer.

The infamous I dinged your board?! Dude, you ran me over! You're lucky I didn't- Alex completely forgetting he was dead.

I loved seeing the realization dawn on him that I'm a ghost too.

He made me feel that way too.

Like I forget everything bad that's happened even for a minute, staring in his expressive eyes, I feel at peace. 

When ever I get overwhelmed, bored, emotional or too energetic there's one thing I do without fail, I skate.

I love to skate and when I do, I forget all the worries flowing through my head- but this time, instead of paying attention to the crowded streets of LA, all the busy cars speeding by, the drunken minors barely keeping it together in the dark alleys, All I Can Think About Is Him.

I've never felt this bad! How could I have so many emotions towards this one man, whom I've known for barely a week?

I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go, I don't know who to talk to.

It's too much. I want this feeling to go away. I wish I could turn back time and never take poor Alex and his friends to the Ghost Club.

I wish they could have stayed here, being able to play with Julie, giving me time to figure out my feelings-

I just want Alex to be here. I need to look into his eyes again.

Feel at peace. But I can't.

Because of me.

Because of me, the boys are on the other side, looking down on me and the rest of the world.

Because of me, Julie must miss her newly found friends as much as I do.

Because of me, the boys' second chance at greatness was cut short.

As these thoughts go through my head, my eyes start to burn, not because of the wind.

I press my foot against the cracked concrete repeatedly, speeding up my skateboard. It starts to hurt. I feel my leg almost smashing into the ground but that doesn't matter.

No physical pain I'm ever going to go through will trump the one I've caused these ghosts. The one's that are haunting me.

I stay like that. I don't know for how long or even how fast I was going. Suddenly, I feel unbalanced.

Not in a metaphorical way!

I'm falling-

There was an uneven sidewalk, a root growing out of a tree, breaking through the pavement.

The good thing is I'd fallen many times- even alive, so now I can shift my body in split seconds to make the impact softer.

I wish I could also do that when I'm falling in love with someone.

Brace myself, so that the impact doesn't hurt so much.

My body falls on the cold, dirty concrete.

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