Chapter 14🍄

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Alex's POV

Song: It's been a long, long time- Harry James and His Orchestra

I walk down the stairs from Julie's room which I got dressed in. Willie was standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers in a vase. "What are those?", I say smiling, getting his attention. He turned around and saw me. His face turned a few shades more red and he started to stutter: "Alex- you look. Uhm... that's a- a really nice outfit." "Thanks.", I say laughing at his sudden change of behavior. "You look amazing too, Willie." He snaps back to reality, gives me a small smile and hands me the vase. "Reggie wanted me to give you flowers but they didn't buy any, so...", we both laugh awkwardly as he hands me the flowers. "Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you.", I say jokingly. "Where are the others anyway?", I ask. "They're in the garage, they told us to come when we're ready."

Willie's POV

I take his hand and we leave the house, walking to the garage. When we get there, Julie, Flynn and Luke are standing under the loft, Julie whispering 'they're here' and Flynn rolling her eyes: "Yeah I know, Jules. The door opened." Reggie is at the piano playing a song for us. Alex and I gasp when we step inside. It's decorated with fairy lights on the loft and the walls. There's a table in the center of the room with lit candles and a jar of water, cups, plates and cutlery. Luke comes up to us and 'directs us' to the table. "We'll be serving lasagne for you gentlemen today. We have a wide range of drinks such as cold and luke-warm water.", everyone laughs at the pun and at the ridiculousness of the situation. Everybody's more relaxed and I notice how nice Reggie can play the piano. Luke goes back to Julie who's holding two plates of Lasagne. She sets it on the table and we thank her.

Flynn's POV

I usually don't mind me not being able to see the guys but right now I don't like it. From all my experiences with Alex, this should be the cutest date in history. It sucks that I can't see it. I've also never seen Willie, but I bet he's cute too. From what Julie has told me, he sounds like a great guy and I'm missing all of this.

Julie's POV

This is so cute. I can't believe we pulled this off. But We maybe should've asked if they liked lasagna. Or tiramisu. I hope Luke 's tiramisu is good... or my lasagna. I didn't even try it.

I want to ask Willie and Alex if our food is good, but I should do that later. Poor guys sitting there while we're all staring at them (except Flynn, of course). "Okay! How about we give them some alone time.", I say while opening the garage door. Flynn comes along without protest, since she can't see the guys. Reggie with a frown on his face after I say that we should go a second time, but Luke wants to stay with the excuse:" I have to serve them the tiramisu..." "You'll come back later!" Luke rolls his eyes annoyed but obeys and comes with us.

Willie's POV

The guys get up and leave us alone. We're sitting there laughing after the door closes. We hadn't really said much while they were here because it felt like we were animals being watched at the zoo. I'm grateful for Julie and for everyone else help but I think we got it from here. Alex and I start chatting and getting into a conversation. Before we know it, we finished eating and Luke came by to check on us. "Would you like some tiramisu for dessert?" We nod and laugh. "Wait, Luke!", Alex says before he poofs out. "Yeah?"

"Who made the tiramisu?"

"I did."

"With your moms recipe?", Alex was excited

"Yeah.", Luke poofs out.

"Is his moms recipe that good?", I ask taking a sip of my water

"It's the best! I haven't eaten it in a long time though."

A few moments later, Luke poofs in with two plates of tiramisu and I take a bite. Alex was right, this is very good. I ask about his mother. "Luke didn't have the best relationship with his parents. It pains him to talk about it because it wasn't until last month or so that he indirectly talked to them. He's making them proud." That's sweet. I don't think any of us have a good relationship with our parents though. "And your parents?" I'm afraid to ask, but i ask anyway. "Oh you know, pretty standard. Obviously until I came out but it doesn't matter, that's in the past. Times are different now." He smiled at me, sending shivers down my spine. "Hey, do you want to keep writing the song? I just came up with a few lyrics.", I say, getting the paper we were working with. I shouldn't have asked about his parents but he's right. That's in the past and times are different now. They're better.

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