Chapter 3 🦋

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Song: Adore you- Harry Styles, Jealous- Nick Jonas

Luke's POV🦋

"So?! Can you see him?!", I ask when nobody else would. I don't know why it wasn't the first thing Alex wanted to know when Julie came in. Maybe he was scared of the answer... It would be horrible, if Julie couldn't see Willie. I know I would die all over again if she wouldn't. Imagine that. No singing with Julie, no writing with Julie, no hanging out with Julie. Oh, that would be horrible! But Willie probably won't die all over again. He likes Alex, not Julie, like me- wait, whoa, no! What?! No! Me? Liking Julie?! What?! How?! When?! What???!!Argh! "Julie!?", I say to distract myself from my own thoughts. I didn't even notice that she was already talking and I interrupted her. "What?" ,she asks me. "Uhm..." ,great what am I gonna do now? And did she say if she can see Willie? Oh man, I'm in my thoughts again, I have to answer her! Fast, think Luke! "I... I thought I heard your dad coming.", perfect excuse! "And you know, he would've thought you were talking to yourself so I stopped you." Yes i did, that's the reason! Even though my excuse is perfect Julie looks at me weird and goes outside to check. Great. And now? I don't wanna look stupid and say i must have imagined it... Maybe with luck someone really comes... That would be so- "I'm coming!", Julie shouted out the door and interrupted with it my train of thoughts. "Luke was kinda right," , she keep talking, "my dad needs me. I'll be right back!" She says and goes. I still don't know if she could see Willie or not... I look around. Willie and Alex sit down on the couch. Alex looks... happy, not anxious. I guess that means yes...? I have no idea what to do. If I ask the guys they'll know I was very distracted... what am I gonna tell 'em then... i think I'll just have to find out. "I'm gonna go help Julie", I hear myself say and then I poof out. 'I'm gonna go help Julie'? Really Luke? Can't you survive a few minutes without her?... unfortunately I know the answer to that.


I appear in the kitchen where Julie is loading the dishwasher. She didn't notice me yet. And I just stand there. Watching her. She faces away from me. Her hair's tied up in a messy bun. Her curls are flowing out in every direction, reminding me of the sunbeams. She's facing a window where sunlight is coming through, which gives a golden outline to the small, fuzzy hairs she wasn't able to capture into her hair tie. She looks— "Luke?!" Oh shit! "What do you not understand of 'don't startle me like that'!" "Sorry... do you need help?", I ask while I already take a plate and put it in the dishwasher. Julie laughs and I look at her questioningly, "If someone comes they're just gonna see a plate floating in the air.", Julie states and chuckles at the thought of it. I smile too. Not only because of her statement, but because of her sweet chuckle and her beautiful smile. "Okay, well if someone comes I'll just drop whatever I'm holding.", I suggest. Of course i see the flaw of that plan which Julie also points out: "Then you would break our things." "But that's easier to explain than why a plate is floating." 

I keep helping her and in the meanwhile we talk about a new song. Julie keeps whispering 'cause she doesn't want her dad to hear her. Carlos is at a football game, so he won't be any danger. He went very early and the morning. Anyway he already knows about us. Uhh, should I maybe tell Julie? Nah, I'm sure the little guy is gonna talk to her.

Suddenly, right when we were thinking about a good chorus, the doorbell rang. "Can you get it, honey?", Ray asks from the living room. Julie answers yes and then goes to the door. I keep cleaning the kitchen. I hear Julie talking to someone... a guy. But who? Then I hear steps getting closer and suddenly Nick is standing in the kitchen. Nick!!! What is that guy doing here? Still trying to win Julie over? Not gonna happen! I may be confused about my feelings, but I know that that guy isn't good enough for our Julie! He's looking around not facing my way. Then he says something about a beautiful home to Julie. She clears her throat so I look to her. Wait?! Are those Flowers in her arm?! Did Nick seriously bring her flowers?! Suddenly I hear a shutter. I look down to the floor where the glass i just held in my hand is now broken in thousands of small glass splitters. Uh-oh... Carefully and slow I raise my head again and look to Julie who has a angry glance like she's gonna kill someone. I'm a dead ghost! Now Nick looks in my direction and asks: "What was that?" Just like Ray too from the other room. "Everything okay dad! A glass just FELL down." ,Julie answers and looks very angry at me. She especially points out the word 'fell'. I should clean it up. "Can you maybe go somewhere else with your Patrick Swazy so I can clean this here up without him thinking that a broom flies." Julie rolls her eyes but goes with Nick to the living room. Then she comes back alone. With the flowers. Ugh! She puts them on the kitchen island, gets a glass with water and puts them inside. Meanwhile I get the groom and clean the floor. "So, the knight in white is here to win you over?", I ask teasingly. "No.", Julie whispers back. "So you're gonna tell me that the Dancing Queen doesn't have feelings for you?" Instead of answering me Julie just says: "You're on fire with the nicknames today." Which is true but not the answer I'm looking for. So I ask her, not to suspicious: "Do you even like him?" First she answers nothing, while she puts the flowers on the desk and gets another glass of water. Probably for Nick. I'm finished with the cleaning and throw the glass away. I store the broom and then I sit down at the kitchen-island, lay my head into my hands and look at Julie provocatively. I want to know her answer. I need to know her answer! "I think, someone has a crush on Nick.", I say also teasingly, but truthfully it annoys me more. And I hope so much that the answer to it is 'No'. But Julie again doesn't really answers me: "Why do you wanna know so much?" Because I'm very confused about my feelings right now, but I know I don't want you to like Nick! "Jealous?", Julie asks me, again also teasingly. Busted!- no! ...just play it cool now: "No." I'm not jealous right? Is this what jealousy feels like? But to be jealous don't you have to be in love with the person, which I am.-Not! ...right? 

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