Chapter 16 🦋🍄

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Violet's POV 🦋

Song: Stay with me - Sam Smith, Lost stars - Adam Levine

"Very good Miss Peters.", my homeschool-teacher tells me whilst correcting my chemistry exam. She gives the sheets back to me. A+. Again.

I really do not want to brag, but these "exams" Mrs. Linguini does are way to easy. I am not saying that she's a bad teacher, no on the contrary, she's a very good teacher and already taught me advanced material I should learn in middle school, although my mother- no, wrong word, my father's wife said she shouldn't, because she does not want me to be "weird" (apparently smart is weird), so now we do not have any material to work with. We are just repeating everything and it is so boring. Mrs. Linguini knows that, and since she is very nice she did try to teach me French or advanced math, but every time the evil Queen Amber finds out she almost fires her.

While my parents were in Hawaii Amber couldn't check what we were doing so Mrs. Linguini told me about the American revolution. On my brother's birthday, after I visited his tomb stone, we watched hamilton together, ate ice cream on the couch and didn't study. Instead Mrs. Linguini was... there for me. I told her about my brother and she listened. I didn't want the "babysitter" to come, who I always end up babysitting, and Mrs. linguini canceled and stayed. She stayed all night and the whole morning, till she had to go home to her husband and kids.

And that was the first time I wished I had a mother.

My real mother died at my birth. My fathers always told me that she was amazing. She was generous and happy and loving. "The first human being I met who wasn't prideful or selfish.", he always stated. My mother was a real angel. Everybody says that. But unfortunately Angels always die too soon. People say that that's because god wants them back. Do I believe it? Yes. Yes, I do. Not because I am a super religious person or "crazy", like my stepmother likes to add, no because it's a fact. I don't know if the god wants them back part is true but people who are like angels... they're always lost too young.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.", Mrs. linguini stands up and says goodbye. Then she leaves. And I'm left alone with the evil Queen. My father's at work and I wish I were allowed to drive. It doesn't seem so hard and when I was little (before Amber) my father always took me on his lap and let me drive into a parking lot. Of course he handled the peddles, since I couldn't reach them, but I used to steer and it didn't seem hard. Though it was a parking lot and it was with my dad. And with him nothing used to be hard and everywhere was safe.

"So, Vivi,", Amber begins to talk. I hate that nick name, but telling her didn't help. She just ignored it. "my friends..." Amber talks a lot. Too much. I just fade out her high-pitched voice and think about something else, while nodding. But, of course I also half listen... let's say that I just fade out the unimportant stuff. There's very much of that.

Apparently Ambers friends are coming over to do something unimportant. Or talk about something unimportant. As i said, i don't listen to the irrelevant stuff. But Amber wants me to go. To my room or outside, just not here. She says that I'm often very rude to her friends. Which I am not. I am just honest.

Amber thinks that that is because of my autism and etc., which I apparently have, according to her and her friend the psychologist. After Amber married my dad she got me tested for everything. Her exact words were: "Something's wrong with her and I need to know what." As a result I have autism, the Asperger syndrome, OCD & a photographic memory (although I do not understand why that's on the list). But I don't think that it's true. I know I'm different, and I do have a photographic memory and some other weird specialties, but not some Asperger syndrome. I'm not very social, yes, but that is because I... well to be honest I do not like humans. At least not all of them. There are of course exceptions, like girl I met on the graveyard, Julie, she was nice or my dad. My dad was great. He was my hero and my best friend. He never tested me for anything although I told him everything. I told him that sometimes I know exactly what people are thinking about, sometimes I feel that some else is present, like an other person but no one sees them, and that I always know when something bad is about to happen, like Peter Parker and his spider-sense. I told him that there was something wrong with me, that i was different, weird. He just shook his head and then drove with me to a museum. There he took me to a very special place.

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