Part 14

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Later that night,

"You alright, mom?" Johnny asked after he put her in her bed

"Yeah." She told him "Are you?" She asked and Johnny looked down at her

"Uh... yeah, I'm fine." Johnny said, confused "Why're you asking?"

"Cos I am your m-mother."

"Well, I'm ok. I'm always ok." Johnny said

"A-are you and Hayden t-together?" Grace asked

"Yeah, we're dating." He told her

"You h-happy?" She asked

Johnny smiled at her, "Yeah... I'm really happy."

"Good." Grace said with a smile

"Goodnight." Johnny said as he walked over to the door


Johnny turned the light off as he walked out of the room and shut the door.
He unbuttoned his shirt as he walked upstairs and took it off as he went into his room.

He sat on his bed as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and texted Hayden

'Hey, sorry about earlier with my mom just before we... you know'

Johnny took his alarm from his pocket and put it on his side table before he took his pants off and laid down and his phone went off with a text from Hayden

''It's ok. I understand'

'Thanks. I still wanna... sleep with you'

'Yeah, I want to too.'

'How about next week? My mom's on respite from Monday to Saturday morning. You could come round Friday after school, I can get a pizza or something and you could stay the night'

'Yeah, that sounds really nice.'

'Cool. I'll see you tomorrow at school then'

'Yeah, see you.'

Johnny smiled to himself before he set his phone on his side table.
He got into bed before he turned the lamp off on the table

The next week,
Johnny pulled over outside Hayden's house on Friday afternoon.
He got out of the car and walked up to his front door and rang the doorbell and heard barking.
He waited a moment until Hayden's mom opened the door

"Hey. Is Hayden ready?" Johnny asked her

"Yeah, come in." She said, letting Johnny in

Luna ran up to Johnny and jumped into his legs, her tail wagging

"Hello." Johnny said, petting her "I'm assuming this is Luna."

"Yeah. Luna, come on, get down." Hayden's mom said, but Luna stayed on Johnny

"Luna, off." Hayden said as he came downstairs and Luna instantly moved off Johnny

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