Part 16

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Monday morning,
Johnny was standing at his locker, putting his bag inside when he saw Hayden walking towards him

"Ah, here he is! The great thief. Uses sex as an excuse to rob you blind." He joked

"Shut up."

"Why? What're you gonna do, whip me with my own shirt?" Johnny joked as Hayden pulled his shirt out of his bag

"Actually, that's sounds-"

"No!" Hayden told him as he gave Johnny his shirt

"Right." Johnny said, shoving his shirt into his bag and gave Hayden his own shirt he left at his house "Now where's my apology?"

"For what?"

"Stealing my clothes." Johnny said

"I'm not apologising." Hayden told him

"Alright, fine. But I want something."

"What?" Hayden asked before Johnny leaned forward and kissed him

Hayden moved his hand onto Johnny's chest as they made out.

"We need to get to class." Hayden said as he broke the kiss

"You a nerd as well as a stalker?"

"Do you want me to tell everyone about you, snip?" Hayden asked and Johnny sarcastically laughed

"Let's get to class." Johnny said coldly

Hayden laughed as they started walking to class

An hour later,
Johnny and Hayden were sat next to each other in their math class.
Hayden looked over at Johnny and saw him trying to work out a question

"7.498." He whispered to him

"Thanks." Johnny said as he wrote down the answer

There was a knock at the door

"Come in." The teacher said and the principal walked in

"Can I speak to Johnny for a minute?" He asked, looking over at Johnny

Johnny stood up and Hayden looked up at him as he left the classroom with the principal, who shut the door

The class went silent and they heard talking from outside, but couldn't make out what they were saying

"I haven't even done anything!" Johnny suddenly shouted

"Just go and get your things!" The principal shouted

Johnny groaned loudly as he pushed the door open as hard as he could and it slammed against the wall

"What's wrong?" Hayden asked as Johnny walked over to him and started packing his things

"I'm being blamed for graffitiing the back of the school last night." Johnny said before he picked up his bag and left again with the principal

After class,
Hayden was walking with Annie and Asher in the corridor

"Where're we going?" Annie asked

"The principal's office." Hayden told him

"You really think Johnny didn't graffiti the school? He's an asshole." She said

"Yes! And he might've used to be a bully, but he's never done anything like this." Hayden said before the turned the corner to the principal's office "Oh shit!"

"What?" Asher asked him

Hayden saw Claire outside the principal's office, looking at the trophy case

In Love With a Bully- JohaydenWhere stories live. Discover now