Part 12

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The next morning,
Hayden stood in front of the mirror, buttoning his shirt up when his mom walked into the room

"You ok?" She asked as she walked over to him and stood behind him

"Yeah, I'm fine." He sighed

"Then why have you been more miserable than your dad when he sees Donald Trump on TV since you came home from school yesterday?"

"It's nothing, mom. I'm just tired." Hayden lied

"I know you better than anyone. And I know you're lying to me." She said, moving her hands onto Hayden's shoulders from behind him "Girl trouble?"


"Boy trouble?" She asked and they looked at each other through the mirror

"What do you do when you really like a bullying asshole? And you know he likes you back?" Hayden asked

"Ah, so it is boy trouble. Look, if you think this guy is an asshole, why do you like him?"

"Because... I've seen him at his house with his mom and he's the most caring person I've ever met. But in school, he's like a completely different person." He told her

"Hayden, if this guy really likes you, then he'd change. He'd stop bullying people. Give him one chance to do that, but only one. You don't want him walking all over you."

"You talking from experience?" Hayden asked

"Yes. Your father was a complete asshole when I first met him. But he changed for me because he loves me... at least he better love me." She joked and Hayden laughed

"So you think I should give him a chance to change?" Hayden asked her


"And what if he does change?"

"Then you bring your new boyfriend round for dinner so I can meet him." She joked "Now give me a hug."

Hayden smiled as he turned round and they hugged each other.

Later that day,

"Hayden, I warned you about Johnny. He's an asshole. You shouldn't get involved with him." Annie told Hayden as they put their bags in their lockers

"Yeah, and you were right. You happy?" Hayden said

He looked past Annie and saw Johnny alone, putting his bag in his locker

"Come on, let's just go in." Annie said before she lead Hayden into the auditorium for assembly

There were only a handful of students already sat at the bleachers.
Hayden and Annie walked onto the third row and sat next to Asher

"Hey, the handcuffs came this morning." Asher told Annie

"Finally! You ordered them like a week ago." She said as more people walked in and sat down

Hayden watched Johnny walk inside and sit on the first row of bleachers on his own. He noticed Johnny was looking nervous

The principal and teachers were sat in the middle of the auditorium on chairs.

"Right, everyone! Can I have your attention please?" The principal said as he stood up to the microphone

Everyone turned silent and looked at him

"So this morning will be a quick assembly. I just wanna talk about a couple of things. Firstly, you will all be receiving sex education classes due to multiple pregnancies in this grade."

Hayden and Asher looked at Annie

"It's not me." She whispered

"And to finish this short assembly, Johnny Orlando has something to say."

Hayden looked down at Johnny and watched him stand up and walk up to the microphone

"Uh... so you all know me. Some of you like me, some of you... some of you probably despise me." Johnny said into the microphone "Someone pointed out to me yesterday that I'm a huge asshole. And to everyone I've ever hit, made fun off or just everyone I've bullied... I'm sorry. I am truly sorry and it will never happen again. I think most of you, maybe even all of you, won't forgive me."

Johnny walked back from the microphone as the principal walked over to him

"And as punishment for his behaviour, Johnny will be picking up trash during his lunch hours for the week." The principal said "Now, everyone please get to class."

Everyone quickly stood up, talking. Hayden stood up, watching Johnny still standing in the middle of the room

"You coming?" Asher asked Hayden

"I'll catch you guys up."

"Ok, fine." Annie said before her and Asher left

Hayden started walking down the stairs towards Johnny as everyone else left, leaving them the only two people in the auditorium

"Hayden, I-" Johnny started as Hayden walked towards him

"Shut up." Hayden told him

"You have forgiven me-"

"I said shut up." Hayden said before he walked up to Johnny and kissed him

Johnny stood in shock before he moved his hands onto Hayden's arms

"So am I forgiven?" Johnny asked as Hayden pulled back, keeping their hands on each other

"Obviously." Hayden said with a smile before he moved his hand onto Johnny's cheek and kissed him again

He felt Johnny's arm move round his stomach and his hand to the back of his head as they made out

In Love With a Bully- JohaydenWhere stories live. Discover now