Part 8

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Hayden woke up on Asher's bed. He looked next to him and saw Annie sleeping and Asher was gone from the other side of her.
He got out of the bed and went upstairs and saw Asher still naked making a sandwich

"You ok?" Asher asked him


"Want anything to eat?"

"No thanks." Hayden said as Asher put things back in the fridge

"Fine." Asher said "So did you have fun?"

"Yeah, obviously. It was amazing." Hayden told him "Didn't know you were into guys though?"

"I'm not. I'm straight." Asher said with a smile

"But you literally made out with me, fingered mean, fucked me and sucked my dick. What was that all about then?" Hayden asked him

"Dude... we had a threesome. I wasn't just gonna make you watch while I fuck Annie... that wouldn't be a threesome." Asher said "Look, its like in a threesome between two girls and a guy, you always see the girls making out and fingering each other even if they're straight, right?"


"Well, it was like that with us. We were just doing those things cos Annie was there as well. We obviously wouldn't do those things when it was just us." Asher told him

"Yeah, right. Course we wouldn't." Hayden said

Asher gently slapped his shoulder as he walked past him

"Coming back to bed?"

"In a minute." Hayden told him

Asher shrugged his shoulders before he went downstairs.

Monday morning,
Johnny put his jacket on and grabbed his bag from under his desk.
He went downstairs and dropped his bag by the front door before he went into his mom's room and went over to her sleeping

"Mom! Mom, come on you need to get up!" He said as he gently shook her awake

She groaned as she woke up

"You need to get dressed, you've got an appointment soon." Johnny told her as he tried to pull her up

"No!" She groaned and she laid back down heavily, scratching Johnny's lower arm

He winced as he looked down at his arm and saw 3 long scratches and blood slowly running out of them

Johnny was wrapping a bandage round his arm while talking on the phone

"She's scratched me again." He said "So you're gonna come and get her up? Alright, I'll leave the door unlocked."

Johnny hung up and put his phone in his pocket before he put the bandages and tape away.
He rolled his sleeve down as he picked up his bag and left.

Later that day,
Hayden was in gym class, watching the class playing basketball. He saw Johnny sitting on the bench on the side of the basketball court. Hayden was surprised to see him wearing a sweatshirt. Normal Johnny would be running around in a tank top stinking of sweat.

Hayden saw Johnny take out his phone from his pocket and started talking to someone through it.
He watched Johnny stand up and walk inside into the locker room

After a couple of minutes, Hayden went inside and heard Johnny talking on the phone in the locker room

"Yeah, I'll come pick her up. I'll be there in half an hour." Johnny said before he hung up

He sat down on the bench and moved his hands through his hair before he saw Hayden at the door

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He yelled as he stood up

In Love With a Bully- JohaydenWhere stories live. Discover now