Part 39

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Johnny ran through the hospital with to get to his mom's room and Hayden followed after him while Grey was finding a place to park his car

He saw Claire pacing back and forth outside a room and he went over to her

"Finally! Your mom's in here." She said as she lead him into the room

Johnny went over to his mom, who was laying asleep in bed, hooked up to a heart monitor

"What happened?" He asked Claire before Doctor Winters walked in

"Johnny, I need to talk to you. Alone." She said

"No. Anything you can tell me, you can say in front of Hayden and Claire." Johnny told her

"Ok..." Dr Winters said "Claire found your mother unconscious and called an ambulance-"

"Yeah, I know all that. Just me what's wrong with her and when I can take her home!"

"Johnny, you can't take her home. Your mother has overdosed on her medication."

"So then pump her stomach! It's not hard!" Johnny shouted

"Except, her body is to weak to handle it. Pumping her stomach would only lead to serious risks and complications."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." Johnny said

"But it's not your decision. It's Grace's."

"She hasn't got the strength to make that kind of decision!" Johnny told her

Dr Winters sighed before she took a note from her stomach, "Well, she already has."

Johnny took the note from her and read it. It was telling doctors to not treat her.

"This... this wasn't an accident, was it? She did this to herself?" Johnny asked, his eyes watering

"Yes. I'm sorry." Dr Winters said

"How much did she take?"


"So you're just gonna stand there and watch her die?!" Johnny yelled

"It's not like that-"

"You're supposed to be a doctor! So help her! Or I swear, I will sue you and every staff of this place for everything you have!" Johnny shouted

"This what she wanted, Johnny. And even if it wasn't, treating her could result in serious consequences which could just give her a much slower and painful death."

The door opened and Grey walked in. He looked over at Johnny crying.

"What's going on?" He asked as Johnny  walked over to him and hugged him as he cried

"Johnny, just be here for her. She can still hear you, talk to her." Dr Winters told him

"They're letting her die." Johnny told Grey

"Johnny, she's right. You just need to spend time with while you can." Grey said

Johnny moved back from

"You think I should just let her die?!"

"It's not like that. But, treating her could just make her worse." Grey told him

Johnny felt Hayden's hand move onto his shoulder. He looked at Hayden before he looked back at his mom

"How long? How long... has she got?" He asked Dr Winters

"Uh, we're not sure. A few hours at the most."

"Get out. All of you." Johnny said as he went over to his mom and held her hand

"Johnny, you shouldn't be alone right now." Hayden said

"I've been on my own with my mom for the last 3 years, why should now be any different?" Johnny said "Just get out!"

"Come on." Grey said and they all left the room and he shut the door

Hayden watched Dr Winters walk away down the hallway. Grey sat down on a chair and moved his hands over his face.

A couple of hours later,
Hayden was sat down, his head leaned back against the wall and he was trying to stay awake.
He looked at Claire, laid across two chairs asleep with Grey's coat over her.

Grey walked round the corner and handed Hayden a cup of coffee

"Thanks." Hayden said as Grey sat down next to him

"You don't have to be here. It's 4am." Grey said

"I wanna be. For Johnny."

"Your parents know you're here?" Grey asked

"Yeah. Called them when you were parking when we first got here." Hayden said "I bet Hunter and Olivia were when we basically threw them out the car."

"Have you never done a drive by on your wife with children?" Grey joked "You're a good kid. Johnny's lucky."

Hayden smiled weakly, "So am I."

Grey looked over at Claire "Why's she still here?"

"Because... she cares about Grace and Johnny. She'd never just leave him." Hayden said "Were you allowed to look at the camera in there?"

"Uh, yeah."

"What's Johnny doing?" Hayden asked him

"He's just... laying on the bed next to her. And cuddled up to her. Like... sort of like a little kid who's had a nightmare and crawled into bed with their parents."

"Are you ok?" Hayden asked

Grey was quiet for a moment

"Yeah... I'm alright." He said "It's gonna be so hard for him."

"I know." Hayden said as they saw Claire waking up

The door opened and Johnny walked out, looking down at the floor.

"Johnny..." Grey said as they all stood up

Johnny said nothing, his face blank. He walked over to Dr Winters office and opened the door. They looked at each other before she knew what happened

"Johnny, I'm so sorry." She said

Johnny nodded his head slightly before she walked past him and into the hospital room.

"Johnny-" Grey started

"Just... take me home." Johnny said before he started walking to the entrance

They all followed Johnny outside as they went over to Grey's car.
Hayden and Claire walked at the back, his arm was round Claire as she cried.

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