Part 25

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Johnny and Hayden were sat in a booth at a diner, sharing fries after they went bowling and to the movies

"So have you had fun tonight?" Johnny asked

"Yeah. Thanks for forcing me to come out here." Hayden said with a smile

Johnny smiled as they ate

"I let you win bowling by the way." Johnny said

"Liar! You just don't wanna admit I'm better than you!" Hayden laughed "So what happened with your mom last night?"

"Well, I told her about Grey and everything."


"She... she was ok, actually. I told her about the birthday cards and she knew nothing about them, so my grandpa must've sent them back." Johnny said

"But she's ok with you wanting to get to know him?" Hayden asked

"Yeah, she's fine with it. She even agreed to meet him... at some point."

"That's great. So do you know when you're gonna see Grey again?" Hayden asked

"He's asked me round for dinner with him and his wife on Wednesday." Johnny told him

"That's good." Hayden said as he looked out the window at the dark parking lot

"You wanna go home?" Johnny asked and Hayden nodded "Alright, come on."

They stood up and Johnny grabbed his jacket before they went outside and stood under the streetlight

"Hang on, I need the toilet." Johnny said before he opened the door to go back inside

"So you're just gonna let me stand here in the cold?" Hayden joked

Johnny smiled before he took off his jacket and moved it over Hayden


"Uh... I meant for you to give me your car keys so I can wait in your car." Hayden laughed

"Oh... I'm having this back then." Johnny laughed as he pulled his jacket off Hayden and gave him his car keys

"Thank you." Hayden said as Johnny kissed him

Johnny went back inside and put on his jacket before he started walking to the toilets.
He looked out of the windows and saw Hayden walking to his car. He saw two guys getting out of a truck and walk towards Hayden.
Johnny ran outside as he saw one of the guys punch Hayden in the face.

Johnny ran over to them and punched one of them before shoving the other guy to ground

"Come on!" One of them shouted before they both ran back to their car

"Hayden! Hayden, you ok?" Johnny said as he quickly went to Hayden, who was holding his eye

Hayden groaned in pain as Johnny moved his hand off his eye and Johnny saw his eye was bright red

"Come on, it's alright." Johnny said before he lead him to his car

Johnny walked Hayden up to his door with his arm round him

"It hurts." Hayden groaned, holding onto his eye

"You'll be alright." Johnny told him as they walked up to the porch

Hayden opened the door and they went inside and Luna ran up to Hayden

"Get off!" Hayden shouted at her an Luna moved off him and ran upstairs

Hayden's parents came out of the kitchen and saw Hayden's eye

"What the hell happened?!" His mom said loudly as she sat him down

In Love With a Bully- JohaydenWhere stories live. Discover now