Part 10

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Monday morning,
Johnny was walking on his own in the school hallway when he saw his biology teacher walking towards him

"Johnny!" She called for him

"Yeah, miss?"

"Well done on the assignment. You and Hayden got an A." She told him

"Seriously?! An A?" Johnny asked, surprised

"Yeah, I was shocked to." The teacher joked "Seems Hayden may be a good influence on you."

"Yeah... maybe he is." Johnny said quietly

"Well, I've got a copy of your work here if you wanna give it to your parents." She said, handing him his paper

Johnny looked down at the A at the top of the page

"Thanks, miss." He said before he started walking to his locker

He opened up the work and skimmed through it. After he finished it, he realised none of his work was in this and everything he'd done had been changed.
He breathed heavily as he slammed his locker door

He looked over at Hayden, putting things in his locker.

"Stalker!" He said as he walked over to him

"Yeah?" Hayden asked

"If you think I'm an idiot, you could've just told me instead of replacing all my work!" Johnny shouted at him

"I don't think you're an idiot! It's just... your work could've been better. It was at best, a C grade."

"So you decided to replace my work to get that A? Just cos you're smarter than me, doesn't give you the right to replace my work! We were meant to be working together!"

"It's because of what you said on Saturday about how you lie to your mom about your grades! I just thought for once, you wouldn't have to lie about your grade." Hayden said

"Except it's not my A, is it?! It's yours! You've just done all the work and slapped my name on it." Johnny told him

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd react like this. I can hand in the original work, if you want."

"You can't hand the original work in now! Because then I'll be accused of cheating and forcing you to do the work for me and probably get kicked out!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen!" Hayden told him

"Whatever. I don't know I thought I could ever be friends with you." Johnny said before he slammed his paper into Hayden's chest and walked away from him

Later that day,
Johnny went inside his house. He went into the living room where he saw his mom watching TV

"You ok?" He asked her as he sat down on the sofa, next to her in her wheelchair

"Uh huh."

"Where's Claire?" Johnny asked

"Left early. She... she had a family emergency." His mom said slowly


"The sch-school rang. You got an A." His mom said

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