Part 29

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Hayden ran upstairs and dropped his bag and jacket before he laid on his bed and burst into tears

"Hayden?" His mom asked as she opened the door

"Go away!" Hayden cried

She walked inside and walked over to him.
Hayden felt her hand move onto his arm

"What's happened?" She asked him

Hayden turned round and faced her

"It's Johnny... he broke up with me." He told her as he wiped tears off his face

"What? Why?"

"Because he thinks I'm too good for him. That I'll have a better life without him." Hayden said and his mom was quiet "Do you agree with him?!"

"I wouldn't put it like that, but... you are a lot smarter than him, you have more opportunities than he does."

"So you think he did the right thing?!"

"No! No, of course I don't. Smarts and grades don't mean everything. But I can see why Johnny would break up you for that. You shouldn't be too upset about this... you were only together for a few weeks. And you're young, it wouldn't have lasted long anyway at this age."

"You and dad met at our age!" Hayden said loudly

"But we didn't actually become serious until we were 21."

"But... I love him. And he loves me! Why's he acting like this? Why won't he just be with me?" He said

"Because life is a lot more complicated than that." His mom told him before Luna walked into the room and jumped on Hayden's bed "And who needs a boyfriend when you've got a dog?"

They both laughed as Luna licked Hayden's hand and they both petted her

Next Thursday,
Hayden put on his jacket and went downstairs

"Where're you going?" His dad asked

"Out. With Annie and Asher." Hayden said before he left

He walked over to Annie's house and saw her sitting on the steps of the porch

"You alright?" He asked as he sat next to her

"Yeah... just nervous."

"You having second thoughts?"

"No! I want this." Annie said "Are you having second thoughts? Cos if you do want it, I'll have it and give it you when it's born, like I said."

"No! I don't want it. Too young for that..." Hayden said

Annie smiled "You ok? With Johnny...?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Over it."

"Liar." Annie said and they both laughed

"Alright, that was a lie. But I'd be over it if wasn't for this stupid play! We were rehearsing the PG sex scene in lunchtime earlier."

"PG sex scene? What's that?" Annie asked

"We were just... making out half naked." Hayden said

"If you don't wanna do it, why not just drop out?" Annie asked him

"Because no one else wants to play a gay guy and make out with Johnny."

Annie laughed as she ruffled Hayden's hair and he laughed

"Here's the idiot." Annie joked as Asher pulled up at the sidewalk

Asher walked over to them and Annie stood up and kissed him

In Love With a Bully- JohaydenWhere stories live. Discover now