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The springs of the bed creaked when I fell back on it. I giggled and clawed the sheets. Haphazardly, I snuggled myself in a cocoon. Heat trapped in and any second now, I know my pits would be drowning. But nonetheless, I stayed.

"Oh, to be a seventh year!" I wailed.

Xenophilius scoffed and leaned down. The very man himself sat in an ancient chair and tied his Doc Martens. I cringed at the scuffs on the top, noting that he'd need to get those bad boys polished soon.

"Oh, to not be presumed dead by the whole world!" he retort.

I imitated a sound of getting stabbed, not too hard to figure the actual sound. My body laid limp on the bed, mocking dead. The chair squeaked, signaling he had stood. I glanced up and watched him tuck his wand into his back waist band.

"Pandora will be driving you, yeah?" I questioned.

"Yes. Will you survive alone for a few hours?" he replied.

"Of course not! Simply bring me along. I'm sure you two salvaged my belongings during the incident!" I exclaimed.

He rolled his eyes. We both know I won't be accompanying them on the drive to the train station. Since that August cleansing, everything's been perfectly splendid. My body is top shape and my magic is the way it was before the metamorphmagus took effect.

Quite honestly, I'm renewed.

Bad news, though, is that I can't go back to school. As he said, the whole world thinks I'm dead. Including Tom. Which means I need to lay low and not show my face. If word got out that Cry Phoenix is alive and well, chaos will break out.

"X.. can you do me a favor?" I quietly asked.

He turned to me, a raised brow at my sudden change of tone. Pandora's figure quickly passed the hallway outside the door. Her keys jangled around her finger and she hummed under her tone. The sound of keychains clinking lowered as she walked outside the house.

"Ay, what's going?"

I blinked for a second, remembering he's gotten Irish accent. My hair fell in my face when I looked away. Slightly staticky blonde strands clung to my cheeks. When I shifted my chin, the sheets stuck to my skin.

The sun was barely up. The sky a pale blue and a few birds chirped. He had to leave soon, a long drive to the train station. I'm taking his time, I know I am.

"There's a box of letters under my bed.. and I know Siri is gonna find it, I just know he will," I began.

He slouched, patiently waiting for me to continue. The car engine revved up outside. Muggle inventions, got to love them. I'm quite fascinated with them, actually. Arthur got me hooked the winter of fourth.

"He's going to ask you for help because you know where Dora is. Just– just don't give in, okay? No matter how he reacts, don't tell him I'm alive," I continued.

Xenophilius sighed, running a hand through his hair. Yet another favor I'm asking of him. The killing, the resuscitation, the shelter, the cleansing, and now this. I'm indebted for a long time. I've got to make it up to him and Pandora somehow.

"I'm in Ravenclaw, Cry. You know I wouldn't. So this doesn't count as a favor. Now get up, see us off," he dismissed.

This isn't fair. I keep asking and asking and he still replies like this. I don't deserve this. Like I'll accept it but it's not fair.

He hauled his luggage out the doorway. I bit my lip uneasily, trying to find the underlying reason why he said that. Maybe there isn't an underlying reason. I don't know.

I heard the front door open and slam shut. Hurriedly, I tore the covers off of me. My feet padded on the floorboards, racing to get out. A gush of wind whizzed past my ears as I ran to the front of the house.

My hand gripped the knob, twisting it. Hinges squealed as I flung the door open, the early morning settled into my skin. Hair brushed passed my shoulders and a draft along my face.

Pandora leaned on the side of the car. Her head turned and our eyes made contact. Xenophilius shoved his belongings in the trunk of the vehicle, nearly bumping his head on the open door.

The sight of them made me emotional. Living day in and out for the past couple months have been a roller coaster. Constantly seeing these faces almost every hour of every day brought on a strong connection.

Before I knew it, I was sprinting towards them.

My bare feet tread in the pebble walkway. The faint sun shone on my back. They're all I have right now. They've been the ones supporting me this whole time when all of humanity slowly forgets me.


Pandora's words were cut short from the barreling hug I tackled her with. My arms wrapped around her neck and I slammed into her full on. She grunted, catching my waist so we wouldn't fall. Our embrace stumbled into the car but she held me.

Her shampoo (which I've been using, oop) wafted across my nose. Small surprised laughs came from her and she pat my back comfortingly. I squeezed her tightly.

"We've got to go," Xenophilius reminded.

I cleared my throat, not wanting to seem too sensitive. I pulled back, putting my macho cover back on. The girl smiled and pat my cheek endearingly. She began moving to the other side of the car.

He shut the trunk door and approached me, getting closer to the passenger side. He looked down at me, almost like he wanted to say something but didn't.

"Be safe, you two. And stay away from big crowds, alright?" I said.


He brought his hand up, I flinched away from it. Is he going to hit me? Who does he think he is? He's probably been waiting all day to do it! Just going to hop in the car and get away with it, how rude!

His hand gently fell atop my head. Quickly, he ruffled my hair and pulled the handle. Oh.

The car got a move on, wheels turning on gravel. Standing, breathless, I watched as they left.


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