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Another year...

The train rumbled to a stop as students began hugging their families goodbye, gathering their luggage, and greeting old friends.

I arrived earlier than my friends once again this year. The orphanage made sure to keep me early in case anything happened. Their habits became mine. Years ago I was bitter over the fact I had to wait alone until the train. Fortunately, those feelings are long gone.

I boarded the train, my luggage bumped my ankles every now and then. I ignored it and searched for an empty compartment.

Students bustled around with excitement and relief as they embraced their friends after such a long vacation. I weaved past them to find a neat compartment right at the end.

My fingers curled around the handle and pushed. I let it stay open and lifted myself atop of the plush seats. I tucked a leg under me and looked out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of any of my friends racing to the train. Not yet.

Then from the corner of my eye, I noticed two figures running. I focused my gaze on them, seeing them sprint as fast as they could to the train. They ran enough until I couldn't see them through the window anymore.

I chuckled, glad to see the same pattern repeating once again this year. I waited to see which one would find the compartment first.

I didn't have to wait long.

The appearance of Remus popped into my line of vision. A wide smile on his face, satisfied with coming first and finding me.

"Fawkes! Long time no see!" he greeted.

I laughed, standing up to wrap my arms around him. He let go of his luggage and held me back momentarily. I let go quickly and smiled widely.

"How far away are they?" I asked.

"About two minutes.. I'm sure they'll stumble in soon," he replied.

I giggled, stepping aside to let him into the compartment. He set his items aside and relaxed into the cushions. He sighed comfortably and closed his eyes.

I poked my head out of the compartment, looking around to find another Marauder.

Peter walked calmly down the walkway, chewing on his thumb nail. He caught my glance and waved, smiling sweetly.

"How was your vacation, Wormtail?" I called to him before he could reach the opening of the compartment.

"Same old, same old. My parents hexed a mouse the other day, though.. sort of disturbing, gotta tell you," he answered.

He stood in front of me, beaming his endearing smile. I pat his arm, allowing him to enter as well.

I heard him settle into his seat behind me. He said, "Oh, they're a minute away. Maybe less.. start counting from 15."

Shaking my head in amusement, I crossed my arms and awaited the last two.

Just at the end of the hall, chaos ensued.

I strained my eyes to see Sirius push his way through. His hair was a mess, but the mischievous glint in his eyes sparkled brightly. I smiled, glad he's in good condition.

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