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A shaking breath racked my throat. I ran a hand through my hair, turning to the side. The sun set, resting in the distance. Oranges lined the skyline and the clouds lowered. Soon enough, the moon will rise and another cold night of August will spread.

Anxious hearts and trembling eyes. The three of us haven't spoken more than a few sentences to one another since the sweating afternoon. Unease for the awaiting evening wouldn't fade.

Pandora constantly walked passed me. She went to and back. Her busy hands searched for anything out of place. She's checked for over an hour and there are no holes in the procedure, she's just worried. I pulled the white nightgown closer to me.

My eyes lowered to the bath. Droplets splattered on the surface of the water. Ringlets from the faucet moved outward into large circles. Bubbles float from the closed drain and vanished on its way to the top. Trying not to dissociate, my vision blurred and I unfocused from my surroundings.

The sounds around us muffled and I can only hear my breath. The thunderous inhale and exhale. A cold sweat ran along my collarbone, my hair falling over my shoulder. Strands caught on my lashes.

The cleansing ritual.

Tonight is where it begins again... or ends.

I read the rules and steps hundreds of times. But I couldn't keep my mind off of what will happen. It didn't help decrease my fear. Because now, I'm mundane. I'm fragile, the power has left. There's no more strong guard to protect me.

I jumped, coming to my senses when Xenophilius put his hand on my shoulder.

The sounds of chirping insects and footsteps on tile filled my ears. My head tilted upward, glancing at him. He didn't make eye contact with me, just peering at the full bath gravely. He didn't say anything. We both know what could possibly happen.

His thumb ran along my shoulder once then twice in silent comfort. Just as quietly, he removed his hand and tended to the ritual.

"The sky is dark. The moon shines bright, let's begin," Pandora stated.

She twisted her long hair up, securing it back with a clip. Her skin paled and she pulled the spell book onto the sink side. I can't believe we're doing this. I forced her to stab me, killing me in the process. And now she's doing this for me too.

My appreciation can never be voiced enough. But I have a feeling she already knows and wouldn't want me saying it now. Especially when I know she'd say, 'Save it for after. You'll pull through.'

Her hand gestured for me to advance. Apprehensively, I walked to the bath edge. I raised a leg, my toes submerged in the water. The cold liquid sent chills upward. Goosebumps arose on my nape.

I stepped fully, bringing my other leg inside as well. The ends of the nightgown absorbed the water. Before I lowered myself, I caught sight of the moon.

Full moon.

My thoughts wandered as I lost line of vision on the way down. I laid in the water, the material soaked to my skin and my hair ends float. With wide eyes, I flickered my gaze to Pandora. She nodded, ushering me on.

The water finally came to my chin. My back barely lifted from the ground as I awaited the next step. She reached for the counter, her fingers nimbly going for the blade.

The girl faced me once more, however, her lids trained on the knife in her hand. She bit her lip and pressed the sharp edge into her palm. With a deep breath, she applied pressure.

The sound of flesh breaking filled our silence.

Her blood spewed from the deep wound. Quickly, she pushed the handle into Xenophilius' hand and continued. She held back tears but heavy pants came from her mouth. Her thumb came into the crimson pool between her fingers.

Her thumbprint absorbed the red and she kneeled to the ground. She came eye level to me, perspiration building all over her skin. Darkened stain from the top of her tank top spread.

"Dal sangue di Pride, il potere di–"

She pressed her thumb to my forehead, dragging it down my nose bridge. Her other hand came around my throat. Bloodstained my skin and contaminated the water. Gore spread and the clear substance turned scarlet.

Suddenly, my head pushed under.

I held my breath. I watched her mouth form words but her voice muffled. A blurry image of both their bodies above came from under. Oxygen filtered out of my mouth.

Her grasp on my neck tightened and I scrunched my brows harder. Flashes of the night in the prefect's bathroom appeared. Absolute bloodbath and drowning lungs.

Ironic that one of the most horrific incidents have become a cleansing.

My toes curled and my fists pressed into the bath sides. Moonlight shined from the bottom of the window pane. Stars gleamed on the navy universe. Death pulling on my strings.

Her chants came echoey, my body reacting in defense. My head knocked into the wall and my spine rammed into the bath bottom.

Black dots formed into complete darkness. I can't see anything anymore. Did I pass out?

I'm scared.

I'm so scared.

I've gone through too much. I'm barely seventeen yet. I just want to go back before any of this happened. Why did it have to be me? Why did I have to be tethered to Tom Riddle? Why did I have to be Cry Phoenix?

Nothing is ever normal. I can't go back.

Trading chocolate frog cards, chasing each other in the springtime, throwing pieces of parchment in detention. Kissing him in candlelit dorms, holding him under the rain, and hearing his heartbeat in front of the fireplace. Will I ever go back to the way it was?



I burst through the water, gasping in air.

It's over. It's over. It's over.

"You're okay, Cry, you're okay," Pandora cried.

She pulled me into a hug. Her hand stroked my hair. I choked on my effort to breathe. Rosy water drops fell onto her skin and fell down the bone. Her cheek pressed into mine, her sobs close to my ear.

I coughed, taking in everything once more. My gaze landed on the wet bathroom and Xenophilius. He sat on the closed lid of the toilet, relief showing. If I could, I'd smile but my body wouldn't allow it.

My eyes flicked to the window, the moon clear. A new me born under twilight. Death still at the core but only hiding for the moment.

To a new beginning.

fingers crossed i got the italian right

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