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"What kind of girl do you want, Sirius?" I asked, glancing at him at the corner of my eye.

He wrapped his arm across my shoulders, his head falling onto my shoulder as he tried not to fall asleep. I tried not to blush, widen my eyes, or snuggle into him closer. The only thing I did, however, was let my head fall against his in a 'best friend' manner.

"I want a girl that's not afraid to speak what she thinks. An absolute dumbass and gets into trouble all the time. Someone that's like my best friend but actually kisses me. And no, not Moony," he told, his words becoming softer and trailing as he couldn't keep his eyes open.

Maybe he didn't like me.

I probably was thinking too much into it before. He probably likes someone else.

Remus slapped my shoulder excitedly, accidently hitting Sirius's hand in the process, which made Padfoot lose his grip and let his head fall into my lap.

"If anything, I think he was talking about you, Fawkes," James said, running a hand through his hair in disbelief.

I rolled my eyes, looking down at the sleeping boy afterward. His gentle mouth parted as he let out small snores. His eyebrows furrowed, like he was having a bad dream. His long hair fell into his eyes. I brought my hand to his hair, brushing it away from his face. I leaned down, tucking the hair behind his ear.

My hand stopped, holding his face softly. Cradling his cheeks with my thumbs on his temples and my fingers holding the bottom half of his face.

At this moment, I knew I was screwed.

Then, his eyes flew open. I let out a muffled cry of surprise; he was shocked as well. As he tried to get up, he hit his head on mine, headbutting my forehead. I shouted in annoyance, slapping my hand right onto his whole face and pushing him away from my throbbing head.

I placed a gentler hand onto my forehead, cursing him into oblivion. He fell back on the other side of his bed, groaning with pain. The others were in a fit of giggles, holding their sides as they struggled to breathe through their laughter.

"Merlin's pants, what have you gotten in that noggin of yours?!" I yelled.

He just lied there, still as he tried to let the pain go away. I sighed, falling back next to him on his bed. I let my arm come over my eyes.

"Were you talking about me, Padfoot? Earlier before you fell asleep?" I whispered to him.

I turned my head to the side to look at him under my wrist. He looked down at me, pulling my arm away from my face. He took another look at me, nodding.

"I was, Fawkes," he whispered back.

I smiled widely but still surprised. He returned my grin, a huge smile gracing his features with blazing white teeth. I finally knew what those other girls saw in him.

"Do you... Do you feel the same way?" he stuttered.

"Yeah," I replied.

We stared until I deemed it too awkward. Even if I told him how I really felt, it wouldn't change anything. We'd go back to Sirius and Cry. Single beings that have no relationship. Because we're made like that.

We don't address anything or make a move. We pretend nothing ever happened. So he'll go back to snogging other people while I go back to flirting with dummies that I wished were him.

"Remus, what kind of girl do you want?" I countered, firing the question at him this time.

"I don't know, Fawkes. Perhaps a girl with crazy pink hair in the future!" he joked.

I laughed along with the others, pretending like we didn't just confess a second ago. I asked Peter the same question, turning my head towards him.

I didn't really listen after that, feeling Padfoot's slender finger run down my back teasingly. I arched my back with surprise, trying to pull my jump off as nothing. His hand then wrapped around the other side of my waist, his arm pulling me closer to his side.

His head fell back to the crook of my neck, his eyelashes fluttering on my skin. I relaxed and tried not to show any feelings. Inside, I'm crying, screaming, throwing up.

Soon enough, I noticed that the others were beginning to get tired. Remus began stretching while James started to yawn continuously. I even saw little Peter trying to stifle a small yawn.

"Okay, Prongs. What girl do you want?"

We already knew who he wanted. So I just sat there while Padfoot continued to cuddle me. I quirked my head to the side, smirking wildly at him.

He ran a hair through his hair, taking his glasses off and putting it on the nightstand. He yawned once more before answering me.

"I want a girl like Lily Evans."

Sirius jumped off of me, tired of the same shit. Remus hopped onto Prongs' bed, tearing the blanket that James was trying to drape on top of him. Sirius began yelling at him for saying the same thing every time a similar question was asked.

Peter laughed, holding his stomach. He fell back onto the bed, his eyes squeezed with amusement.

I smiled, deciding I'll go to bed now. I grew tired and wasn't really in the mood to mess around anymore.

Leaving my position to get out of the dormitories. I went down the stairs, seeing a passed out Lily on the couches. I giggled to myself, speak of the devil.

I quietly helped her to her feet. She was still asleep. I pulled her arm over my shoulders and wrapped my arm around her torso. I leaned all her weight on me, her  touching the ground.

Slowly but enduringly, I got both of us in the girls' dormitories. I settled her down into her own bed, tucking the sheets under her chin.

"Goodnight, Lily Potter," I teased to myself.

I threw off my heels, throwing them under my bed. Then, I snaked into my nightwear and snuggled into my covers determinedly.

I let my eyes stare at the dark ceiling, blinking as I tried to wait for exhaustion. I smiled to myself, happy at where things were at the moment.

Like Sirius Black.

And with that, I finally let sleep overtake me with that one final thought.

this used to be an extra chapter but i input it here

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