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"Bite me, I dare you," Sirius challenged.

My brow rose and I lolled my head to the side. The back of the couch cushioned my neck and I stared down at my boyfriend.

"Don't cry when I actually do it," I replied.

"Stop being so loud. Wormtail's sleeping," James warned.

Peter shifted his head in my lap and he faced away from my stomach. I glanced back up at James with a 'You're not serious, are you?' look.

"He's sleeping in the common room. Do you really think we'll wake him?" I wondered.

"C'mon, Fawkes. Bite me!" Padfoot demanded.

"Your kinks stay private between us, dunderhead!" I said.

I ran a hand through Peter's hair and combed out the knots gently. He moved a little but he stayed asleep. His brows furrowed and his mouth parted.

Sirius sulked and fell back into the couch with defeat. He relaxed his body and fell onto Peter's body. He huffed in sadness and snuggled into the boy.

"Moony would've done it," he mumbled.

"Moony can go suck my left toe then," I responded.

"He would've done that too," he shot back.

I rolled my eyes and lifted my hand from Wormtail's hair. I relocated to Sirius' and tugged on the ends of his hair firmly but not harshly. He wrapped his arms around Peter and cuddled him.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Moony is a freak?" James questioned.

"We always knew," I told.

"Where is he anyways? I miss him," Padfoot asked.

"Prefect duties," Prongs answered.

Our conversation ended with our mutual sadness about our missing Marauder. I curled a strand of Sirius' hair around my finger and he closed his eyes with content. I'm pretty sure he could fall asleep too.

Peter's hand clawed at my thigh suddenly.

I flinched when his fingernails dug into my leg and I assumed it was just a joke and he woke up now.

"Ow?" I exclaimed.

"What? What happened?" Sirius asked.

He got up from his position and noticed Wormtail's fingers prodding into my pant.

Then the pressure of his fingers grew and I felt more pain run up my body. If this was a joke, it's not funny.

"Wormtail, what the hell?" I shout.

"No no, guys, he's asleep. He doesn't know he doing it," Prongs stated.

I tried pushing his hand away but his hold on my leg felt like a metal clamp. His veins protrude from under his skin and his fingertips went white. He could start drawing blood if it continued.

I squealed in pain and my feet hit against the bottom of the couch as I writhed. I tried prying his fingers off of me but I couldn't.

"Get him off, get him off. Padfoot, get him off," I meekly cried.

Sirius took hold of Peter's shoulders and tugged him off of me. His body was limp but his hand kept getting stronger. His head rolled off of my lap and he fell to the ground.

His arm twisted in a hurtful position that I didn't even know existed as he maintain the grip on my leg.

As if he suddenly had even more strength in him, he pushed into my leg and his fingernails broke the skin. Blood oozed from the new cuts and splattered against my pant leg.

I cried out and tried to keep myself from screaming. His nails felt of dull knives pressing into my skin and getting closer and closer to my bone.

"Why isn't he coming off?!" Prongs exclaimed in frustration.

My blood dripped down my leg and I pressed myself harder into the couch to suppress my whimpers. James broke out in a sweat as he used his might to pull him away. His hands dug into his wrist and his palms started running red at the tension.

"Wake up, you bastard!" Padfoot yelled at him.

Peter gasped out and his eyes flew open.

He struggled to breathe and the hold on my leg loosened. Reflexively, he pulled his hand back to his chest as the air went through his lungs.

My body relaxed and I breathed out in relief. My leg feels numb now and it's shaking at the conflict that just happened.

"What the fuck?" James muttered.

My mouth ran dry and I swallowed harshly. Peter sat with his back against the coffee table and redness crept up the back of his neck. He inhaled and exhaled quickly in an attempt to slow his heartbeat.

"What happened? Why are you bleeding?" he questioned breathlessly.

"Just about broke her thigh, asshole," Sirius sneered.

His eyes flit to Sirius and me in confusion. His eyelids lowered as he peered at my bloody leg and guilt struck his face immediately.

"I- I didn't mean to. I was.. I was having a nightmare and-"

"It's fine," I interrupted.

"Fawkes, he-"

"I said it's fine," I repeated.

"Cry, I.. I'm so sorry," he apologized.

"What did I just say?" I questioned.

He paused as he made eye contact with me. I regained my breath and let myself calm down. There's no use getting upset when we obviously have something to figure out.

Peter's nightmare.

He lowered his eyes and stared at his bloody hand. Droplets of my blood fell from his skin and onto his jeans. Guilt radiated off of him and I know he would never have done anything to hurt me on purpose.

"Your nightmare. What happened?" I prodded.

Wormtail remained in his position and spoke, "Tom pushed you off a cliff."

It's becoming a pattern now.

Tom, Tom, Tom.

My death.

"What else?"

"You were dangling from the side. Then suddenly I was you and holding onto some of the rock. And- Merlin.. I was watching myself, my regular self, watch me, you, fall as the rock broke," he explained.

"That's why you held onto my leg," I quietly said.

"I woke up right after. God, I'm so sorry."

"It's Tom. He's giving you guys these nightmares. He's- He's out to hurt the ones I love," I stated in realization.

"What are you talking about? They're just nightmares, Fawkes," Padfoot argued.

I looked at his disbelief expression and to James' frightened one. I know James believes me. I can tell. He's had the worst one of all. He went through sleep paralysis and he was met with the vision of Tom. He interacted with Tom and he's been waking up in fear. He can barely sleep because he's too afraid to be horrified out of his mind.

"No they're not. In every single one of these dreams, I've died," I remind.

"Maybe we're just afraid of the end coming, Fawkes. It doesn't mean it's him," Sirius denied.

"Fine. If Moony has a dream of me dying, then it confirms it. It's him," I suggested.

"Fawkes, c'mon.."

"And if Lily has it too, then that's extra confirmation. Now someone take me to the infirmary."

this seemed a bit unrealistic ngl :/ was a bit hard to write this one

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