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There's something inexplicable about the coincidences that happen. 

Where you simply cannot explain but certainly understand it. The unknown is so deeply engrained into our bodies that we can't question it as much as we desire. The satisfaction of knowing, formulating solid thoughts on newly acquired knowledge isn't as strong as the quelling nature of confusion.

We associate not knowing with discomfort because it's new. In reality, it is second nature. Humanity revolves around the unexplainable to strive for wisdom. We constantly ask 'why' and it becomes so frequent that we get accustomed to it.

Like your own breath leaving your lips. When the atmosphere dews upon your skin and you know when the rain will fall before even seeing the clouds darken. When your hair stands on its end as you hear thunder crackle in the distance, awaiting the next bout of lightning.

Or when your soul reconnects with its other half. There is no reasonable explanation that exists. Leave it up to the theory of fate.

The first droplet of the storm falls to greet our coincidence.

So I stand, frozen in shock. The once wide suit hangs from his shoulders as the potion wears off. The necklace with my name on it glittered on his collarbone, matching the glint of his glassy eyes. And that stupid old earring dangling from his ear.

The downpour hit us like a crash of ocean on the beach.

I'm not sure when my tears ended and when the rain began. The grip on my wand loosened and my brows scrunched together.

Was this the moment? Was this the right time to finally reunite?

"Cry? Is that you?" he repeated.

His voice sounds hoarse. The lump in my throat appeared and my lip trembled. He finally sees me. He can finally see me.

Curls clung to his forehead and temples, water streaming down the curve of his cheekbone. He clenched his jaw and his wide eyes stared back at me. Grey irises seemed to transform as light pooled along his lashline.

Cars drove passed us, splashes of puddles on our ankles. Headlights traveled up his body and away as they came and left. Yellow soft light dancing in the creases of his cheap suit and trench coat.

"Yeah, it's me," I breathed out.

Our bodies collided and lightning cracked.

I sobbed when I realised what happened. His head tucked into my neck and body enveloped around me. Shampoo wafted and I inhaled, the scent of home.

A part of me awaited the moment I would be sucked back into the beach in my mind. But the moment never came and I thank the universe for finally aligning our souls in the right moment.

He pulled back, the widest smile I've ever seen on his face greeted me. The color swelled into his cheeks and he laughed out loud. Sirius held my head in his hands, slightly turning my face to confirm that it's me.

"It's you, it's you. God, it's you," he exclaimed.

"Padfoot, I love you. I love you so much. I wish– I couldn't come back, I'm so sorry. It wasn't the time–"

He pressed his mouth to mine.

I could feel his lashes, damp and all, on my cheek. I felt myself grow small and followed back into the place I made for myself years before. Where his body wrapped around mine like we were crafted at the same time. And his hands felt like they belonged to everywhere he touched.

Because in this timeline, we were birthed with the intention of meeting each other.

It doesn't matter if other timelines don't have a trace of Cry Phoenix, this is the only one that matters. This one with the Sirius Black that found its way to me.

I pulled away, glancing up to just take in his sight. He replied, "Doesn't matter. You're literally breathing right now,"

There's nothing better than a first love that becomes a last love.

"I can't believe you're here, Siri," I whispered.

He tucked my hair behind my ear, his eyes forming crescents as he grinned. England sure does have its moments when it comes to dramatic scenes.

"Yeah, not just me though," he corrected.

My brows furrowed when I registered what he said. I blinked and watched his expression. He slightly tilted his head to the side and let go of my arm. I held tightly to his wrist. I can't let him go yet.

My eyes traveled over his shoulder. He turned his body to the side, providing me with full view.

"Oh my god.. Moony!"

I ran to him, engulfing him. He couldn't get a word out, crying out sloppy syllables as he crumbled in my arms.

"Cry..." he managed out.

His whole body seemed frail, much smaller than he used to be. My hand landed on his nape and I felt scars embed from his skin. I squeezed him tighter, burying my head into his chest.

"Merlin, you smell like chocolate!" I spluttered.

Remus let out a laugh in the midst of his ugly cries. He cried into my shoulder, bent down. I could feel his sobs resonate and I bit my lip to stop my own from falling out.

"I–" he began.

I hummed in response, running my other hand on his back in circles.

"I have some choc–chocolate right now. Would you like some?" he attempted to joke.

I let out an ugly laugh, responding, "In a bit. Let me just hold you, dunderhead."

Suddenly he cried harder.

I'm not sure if it's because I declined or just because. Either way, I looked out at the scenery behind him as he continued to cry.

The roads sparkled with liquid and the wind picked up. People passed by with their umbrellas or cowered under their trench coats. They ran around looking to catch cover.

Sirius pulled us both together, leaning his head on Remus' shoulder. His hand held the side of my throat and he smiled sadly at me. His finger lightly traced the chain of my necklace.

He mouthed the words, 'I love you.'


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