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A car horn screeched down the bustling road.

I flinched, my flight or fight senses alerted. Someone's shoulder bumped into mine and I stumbled to the side. They continued on their way without apologizing. Dozens of people brushed passed each other on the sidewalk.


The confines of Pandora Freewill's manor is completely different than the capital of England. Where the past year consisted of my own reflection and chitters of insects. Now, I'm enveloped in a suffocating crowd of mysterious lives.

Rigid architecture surrounded our small beings. The buildings towered over us and the afternoon sky stretched overhead. The birds' chirps were unheard under the footsteps of the population and vehicular engines.

After coming out of hiding, this mundane area has become my own paradise.

"Cr– Diana, come on," Pandora urged.

She wrapped her fingers around my wrist and pulled. My body lurched as I brought my chin down and stared ahead of me. I can't decipher which person is muggle or wizard. I don't know if I want to know though.

Heels clacked busily on pavement as we made our way forward. I had to bite back my growing smile when we walked. Everything is so normal. I wish I could experience this life on a daily basis. However, with my own identity.

We regained a bit of quiet as we turned a corner. A bright red phone booth awaited us once we did. She pulled the door open and let me follow.

I stepped over the ledge and watched the door close. She turned to the phone, her curls falling over her shoulder. I examined her side profile as she did so.

Her nimble fingers pressed the numbers '62442'. She held the telephone to the side of her head, red nails grasping it.

"We have an appointment with Mr. Bellerose," she stated.

The paper with the information flipped and revealed the silver badge. Her name and the word 'appointment' was visible.

A voice outside of the telephone boomed, "Welcome."

When she finished, she turned back to me. We shared a reassuring look. My brows furrowed and I lowered my gaze, glancing at her turtleneck for a second. That voice was weird.

The floor shook for a moment and then we began to descend.

The view of the midday streets aboveground left our vision when we lowered levels. I tucked my short hair behind my ear, confirming that I'm still holding onto this make believe appearance.

"Alright, love?" she asked.

"Yes, fine. If someone grabs my ass in there, I'm hexing them. I don't care," I nervously joked.

She chuckled, holding the cuff of her trenchcoat tightly. I know she's just as anxious as I am. I'm not one to show my own fear but being away from civilization has taken its toll on me. If this was happening a year ago, I would've marched right in with my own features. I can't believe how fearless I used to be percieved as.

Lights filtered in from the Atrium. We came to a full stop, the doors sliding to the side. I let a breath out when I took in the scenery.

Even more beings went about their business. Maybe hundreds inhabit this floor. Wizards and witches materialize out of green smoke on the sidelines. They walked out and continued on as if it was a ordinary occurrence.

Magic really is brilliant.

We dove into the horde. Pandora weaved her way through like she's done it tons of times before. But I know she hasn't. Her eyes are probably darting from each sight in a millisecond. She's scanning people's movements and the most frequent ones.

Her mind works like crazy. Before I could even process anything, she's already formulating a plan.

So it came to no surprise when we were met with an elevator.

Pretending like we normally do this, we entered. She tapped my forearm and gripped the handle above us. I tilted my head up and wrapped my fingers around it. As I did, paper airplanes float their way next to them.

They stay midair like they were on autopilot. Probably charmed to get sent to its recipient.

I stared in front of me, a couple heads blocking my view. The fountain outside the elevator glistened with water. The statue turned darker in places the liquid touched. Frowning, I tore my gaze away from it. I had a bad feeling about it. There wasn't anything necessarily wrong with it but I just felt a premonition sort of feeling.

The lattice gate closed when the elevator was full. I pinched Pandora's sleeve, worry flooding my head even more. We're so close. So far there were no problems but who knows what awaits us.

The elevator jolted backwards and I tightened my hold on the handle. We elevated, reaching the first floor.

I tuned out what happened before we got to our level. My anxiety skyrocketed the closer we got.

Suddenly, my stomach dropped.

My nape numbed when the familiar feeling I get when danger is present. With sweaty palms, I looked in the corner of my eye. Someone is drilling holes in the back of my head. Something's wrong. I can't question my intuition right now. I need to get out of here.

"Level 3, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes," the speaker announced.

The door didn't slide back.

There's only me, Pandora, and whoever is behind us.

"What's going on? Why isn't it opening?" Pandora wondered.

She approached the buttons and looked around. She's completely oblivious to the other presence in here. Slowly, I retracted my arm and let it rest by my side.

Trying not to seem suspicious, I calmly turned my head. As I looked over my shoulder, I made eye contact with them.

Black hair, grey eyes.

Regulus Black.

My throat constricted. He diverted his eyes in annoyance, signifying he didn't recognize me. He leaned into the corner, almost like he was waiting for the elevator to open too.

My lids flicker to his sleeve, a hint of a tattoo lined under his cuff. He crossed his arms, breaking the view I had on it. Quickly, I turned back in front of me.

"Okay, let's go," she told.

I realized the gate opened and she was standing outside. Swallowing, I apprehensively stepped away. He didn't follow us.

My heels clicked on the smooth tile beneath us. She took my arm and we watched the elevator ascend.

"Did you see him too?" Pandora whispered.

I whipped my head to her. She pressed her lips together and blinked. I nodded and replied, "Yeah."


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