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I look down at my notes and scribble the information. We were in Potions and I was incredibly tired of listening to Professor Slughorn. Nevertheless, I continued to listen to the lecture.

Finally after what felt like ages, Professor Slughorn told us to start making the potion. I could stretch while I went to get the ingredients for Lily and I.

My back popped before I reached the cabinet full of ingredients.

"Get a move on, old lady," Moony ushered.

I stuck my tongue out at him, glaring at him playfully. Quickly, I grabbed whatever these things were and retreated back to my desk. Lily flittered through the book, searching for the correct page.

Once she found it, she read out, "First we begin..."

Easily, I emptied out some ingredients into the cauldron. I bit my lip in concentration, raising my eyebrow when I was so close to touching some of the gross stuff.

"Tell me again why I'm doing all the work?" I ask.

Lily leaned on the desk, watching. She furrowed her brows, tapping her fingers. "Because I did it all last time," she replied.

I thought for a moment, hand on the stirring utensil. "True."

She shook her head. She leaned her elbows on the table, looking down at the book. Lily rest her head in her hand, sighing softly. I turned to look at her, also sneaking a glance at James who wasn't concealing his small look at Lily's bum. Nasty.

She flipped the page. I give her another glance. Then I looked back at Prongs once again. I narrowed my eyes at him, accusing his perverted nature.

He met eyes with me. With an even more dirty action, he bit his lip dramatically and thrusted his hips in the air. I made a throwing up face at him.

He kept humping the air with his eyes rolling back and I squeezed my nose with my fingers.

"Hey, pay attention. Four going counterclockwise and two going clockwise," she read.

I elbowed the air to gesture what it'd be like if he was next to me, threatening with my face. I turned back to the cauldron. I complied to what she told me and waited.

"How come it stinks?" I questioned.

"Because you didn't do it right, dumbass," she responded.

"It smells like your coochie," I retort.

"Bitch," she said, about to smack me.

"Students, come up to the table and smell the potion. This is a different one from yours but try it out, it's Amortentia," Professor Slughorn ordered.

I dived out of her attempt of smacking me and shuffled around the table to the front of the classroom. Sirius came up next to me, patting my head and lowering it back to my shoulder.

"What do you smell?" The rest of the Marauders gathered around the potion.

I turned to look behind me, seeing their workstation smothered with ashes. It looks like theirs blew up.


Sirius leaned down so he could get a smell of the potion. Peter bumped into me so I was pushed into Padfoot's shoulder.

I inhaled sharply subconciously, smelling him accidently. Smells like lemonade and the rain.

He helped steady me, his hand on the small of my back. I mumbled out a small 'thank you' and leaned into the potion.

I sniffed slowly, breathing in. Something doesn't seem right... I sniffed about seven times and by the eighth time, I realized why the smell was so familiar.

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