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Dishes clattered in the background. Soft voices muffled behind the door. The floorboard creaked under my foot when I stepped on it. A chill ran down my spine when the sheets completely fell from my body.

Where am I?

Bandages tightened on my torso when I moved, restricting my movements. My frown etched deep when pain shot up.

I scanned the room.

I..know this place.

Pushing a palm to the wound, I grimaced as I stood from the bed. The room spun and black dots filled my vision. Nevertheless, I remained.

The voices quieted. They heard me.

In my vain attempt to get back into the bed, I made the loudest noises. My hands gripped for anything to ease me back in, cluttering the nightstand. Empty cups and strewn makeup fell to their side and clicked on the wood. I cringed.

Where's my wand? Shit.. My breaths came out in wheezes, toes dragging on the ground in my panic. I turned around, eyes flitting back and forth between items.

I can't pretend I was asleep the whole time, I made too much noise. I need to get out of here, I need to get back.

Sweat beaded on my temples, damp shirt clung to my chest. Cicadas chirped outside, no wind in the air.

Why does that jacket look familiar? Why am I wondering? I can't think that. I don't even know where I am.

My bag.

Widening my eyes, I dove for it. The bandage under my hand grew hot and my wheezes turned into gasps. My hair stuck to the back of my neck. I shuffled around the contents of my bag, useless possessions tumbled off the chair to the ground.

The welcoming wand I've held for six years curled into my fingers. Smug traveled through me and right then, I pulled it out.

The door swung open.

With my arm in the air, wand pointing towards them, I surveyed the whom.

"You're awake," Pandora breathed out.

I panted, probably looking like an absolute mess. Everything in me relaxed, my arm bumping into my side once I brought it down.

Xenophilius peered behind her, his large stature making him bend to pass under the door frame. He stared silently. Gosh, so judgemental.

"Yes, I'm awake. Why the hell am I here?"

I fell back into the chair, shoving the bag to the ground and regaining my composure. The wood backing of the chair dug into my shoulder blades, an uncomfortable position but not as uncomfortable as standing.

"You're alive, Cry!" she exclaimed happily.

I grunted in response, the pain taking over my body. I think the recovery is worse than the stabbing itself.

But if it's anyone that can survive this, it's gonna be me.

"Unfortunately. What's today?" I questioned.

"Cry, you're bleeding," she said, worry lacing her tone.

She went into crazy mode. Automatically, her feet and hands were moving. She was in one place then another. The next thing I knew, she was lowering me back on the bed and her hands unraveling the gauze.

"What's today?" I repeated.

"August 27th," Xenophilius answered.

I flit my eyes to him, furrowing my brows and narrowing my lids. He approached the end of the bed, hands in his pockets and blank expression. He reciprocated the energy in the disapproving look.

Pandora pulled the shirt up, coming over my head and off. The bandages on me began to loosen as she took them off.

"Why am I here?" I asked again.

They both took a moment to give me an annoyed glance.

I rolled my eyes. Calm down, Ravenclaws, don't pull out the quill.

Making sure I didn't look down- I just know I'd feel queasy- I refocused on what was important. It's been almost a month since the day in the train station. The day I was stabbed.

I've been asleep for about a month. Why am I here?

"I'm supposed to be dead," I stated.

Pandora swallowed, not making eye contact with me. Her hair fell into her face when she reached around me to fasten the fresh bandages. I smelled her perfume when she pulled away, searching for a clean shirt.

"You did," Xenophilius countered.

"What do you mean 'I did'? I died and somehow I lived? Did one of you resuscitate me?" I questioned.

My gaze changed between the two of them, a fire bubbled inside me. Anger stuck in my mind. I continued, "Why would you do that? I was supposed to die!"

Pandora advanced forward, tapping my wrist. I brought my arms up and she wrapped the sleeves around me, bringing the shirt over my head once more. She tugged the fabric over my torso and stepped back.

"I couldn't do it, Cry. I couldn't let you die like that," Pandora weakly responded.

"I don't care. When someone dies, they're supposed to stay dead, oh my God. What if it didn't work?" I demanded.

They stayed quiet.

I can't just cheat death. There's consequences. There's always consequences when you're Cry Phoenix. This could risk so many people's lives if it didn't work.

Then the realization hit.

"Sirius.. he– he doesn't know," I blurt.

"Cry, I'm sorry. It would've been better if you lived," Pandora sputtered.

"What am I gonna do? He thinks I'm dead. He– shit... I need to go back," I spoke aloud.

I hurried to my feet again, disregarding everything. I can't stay here. This is so wrong.

I planned everything. I made sure there were no loopholes, no mistakes, nothing. It was supposed to be end game. Nothing should've went wrong. We were all ready too. I was ready.

"Goddamnit, Pandora! Why did you‐ how could you... I shout.

"Shove off, she didn't bring you back. I did," Xenophilius defended.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. The sun high in the sky, bright beams stung to my back as I faced away from it. This room is so suffocating. I can't stand it.

"It doesn't matter who did it, I'm supposed to be dead. If I'm not, Tom still can take my power," I explained.

"We can find a better solution than your death," he replied.

"You don't understand. The seal to my power broke when I died.

He probably already took it."


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