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"Did I fall asleep here?" he asked.

I blinked and put a fake smile on. Tucking my light brown hair behind my ear, I replied, "I think so! I just came down and saw you here."

Sirius nodded, pushing his curls away from his face. I swallowed the lump in my throat and offered him a hand. He took it and I helped him back to his feet. My hand lingered when he was back up.

Awkwardly, he took his own hand away and took a step away from me. My heart lurched and the smile flickered away for a second.

"Thanks for waking me up.."

I nodded, squeezing my hand into a fist. My nails dug into the thick skin of my palms and I watched him walk towards the staircase. He looked over his shoulder to see me staring, hand on the rail.

"Do I know you? You seem familiar. Are you a Gryffindor?" he questioned.

"Oh.. no, I'm a Hufflepuff. I was visiting a friend," I responded with an obviously fake chirp in my voice.

He nodded, confusion all over his face. Right when I thought he was finished talking, he asks, "Are you okay?"

I stopped breathing for a second but plastered the annoying smile to some face I conjured up only minutes ago. Even when he doesn't recognize me, he still has enough compassion for others. Another reason why I fell in love with him...

"Of course!" I answered.

"Oh. Your eyes are red, that's why I... Well, have a good night," he bid.

He uncomfortably made his way back up the staircase. He tripped on one of the stairs but pretended neither of us noticed. When I saw his back leave completely, I huffed in relief.

"Good night, Padfoot," I whispered.

The common room is so suffocating. I need to get out of here. I hurried to the exit. Once the smell of butterbeer and wood burning left, I got the fresh air of the dark castle. My golden hair fell down my back and I gasped out.

My back slammed on the hallway wall and I tried to calm myself. I can't cry. I need to keep it together. If I cry now, I'll just waste time on finding out how to fix this all.

I turned my head upward, staring into blackness and losing sight of the ceiling. The cool brick of the wall soothed the skin on my neck and my temperature lowered.

"Merlin, I'm so hopeless!" I angrily exclaimed.

I gained more peace as my chest stopped rising and falling so quickly. As I did, I heard the trembles and squeaks of the Fat Lady. She pointed her spear in my direction and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a demon. I'm alive. But if you tell anyone, I'll rip your painting to shreds. Okay, Lizzie?" I threatened.

"Dear Lord, she knows my name!" she squawked.

She fainted in her scenery dramatically. Her armor clamored and I looked away. I stepped further from the Portrait and walked down the way I came from.

I don't want to be alone right now. But I don't want to leave here just yet. Deciding to roam the castle seemed like my own choice.

I should've seen this coming. I knew what was at stake when I came here. I didn't know it would add more to my pain...But if it's worth having him in the end, I'll endure it.

As I got higher up the building, I could feel the atmosphere's pressure. Chills ran down my back when the air got colder. I don't know if I'll be able to make it here again. What if I can't apparate here in the future?

The dreaded knocker came into my vision. Royal blue velvet and silver framing enveloped the door. If I take a few steps closer, I know that knocker is going to blurt out a riddle I won't know the answer of.

"When you need me, you throw me away. But when you're done with me, you bring me back. What am I?"

"An asshole... how would I know? There's a reason I'm in Gryffindor," I complained.

"What am I?"

I kicked the door, annoyed with the repetition. Inhaling sharply, I wracked my brain. I haven't used it for a year so this might be difficult. A line formed between my brows and I stared at the knocker.

"What am I?"

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth wide. I silently screamed and punched the air. The wind from my fast punches fluttered my hair.

"What am I?"

"A ducking anchor... God," I finally replied.

"Correct!" it piped up.

I mocked the tone and watched the door open. This is just not my day. I reunited with my first and only love, only to find out I'll ruin the whole universe in the process. Then had to break my own heart and leave him.

With a completely different Ravenclaw common room layout, I followed my instincts and went up some staircase. When I did, I glanced at the name signs and tried to catch the familiar one.

Squinting my eyes, I peered at a fading 'Xenophilius' with some other names.

Making myself at home, I opened it quickly and entered their dormitory. The smell of boys wafted and I held my nose. A quiet 'toot' came from the side and I retched softly.

Peeking from under a pile of duvet and blankets, a head full of platinum hair was in view. I advanced and figure skated my way through the clothing.

I touched his head, tapping a few times. He rubbed his face back and forth on the mattress but didn't wake up. I tapped him a little harder and he stopped suffocating himself. Slowly, one of his eyes peeped open.

He blinked for a bit, trying to figure out why he was awoken.

"Bitch, wake up. Your older sister is visiting you," I hissed.


"Bitch, wake up. It's Cry," I repeated.


"Yeah, Cry. Wake up," I repeated on more time.


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