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"Here's the plan," I announced.

Placing my hands on my hips, I assumed my leader role again. James looked over his skewed glasses, head thrown back on the couch. All Marauders, plus Lily and Ravenclaw friends, gathered in front of me.

Earlier in the day, I ordered all of them to meet here during the night. Despite the sleepy teens, they are all accounted for. What a crowded sight...

"With immense brain thinking on my part, I have- AH!"

My soul left my body when I felt a tap on my shoulder. My neck creaked when I peeked at who just snuck up on me.

"Oh! Sorry! And hi, I'm here," Iris greeted.

I clutched the fabric over my heart and let out a heavy exhale. She giggled and walked- with those deadly silent steps- over to Remus. He pat the small spot next to him. The Hufflepuff squeezed her way between him and Peter. She leaned closer into Moony, their ankles tangling together.

Bless her heart. None of us were in the mood for an a.m. meeting but she waltzed in here with no eye bag in sight. You'll never catch her lacking.

"Alright...as I was saying, ahem. The plan that I carefully constructed for our next step on murdering the daylights out of Voldemort!" I began.

"You-Know-Who..." Wormtail muttered.

"Would you rather me say Tommy? Tomathan? Thomas? No? So, I paid a trip to our beloved Headmaster and with minimal help, I found out what to do," I continued.

Prongs' eyes closed and he seemed to melt into the cushions a bit too much. Lily smacked his stomach. He looked back up, pursing his lips. He's had quite a terrible relationship with sleep for the past couple years so I'll give him some slack.

Xenophilius stared with disinterest. The difference between him and Sirius is maddening. Especially when you remember they share the same zodiac sun sign.

"We're going to my orphanage. 'Why, Cry? What's so important about this place?' you may ask? Everything! The very Voldemort we are talking about, grew up at the same place," I said.

"Little Tom grew up there? No wonder he turned out like that. Look at Cry," James told.

"Yes, yes, I- why would you say that? Anyways, we're going there because I think we might pick up some clues. He must have left something there. Something that points to his weaknesses," I explained.

Sirius nodded, his brows furrowed. He ran a finger over his bottom lip, deep in thought. He's looking down towards the table. Please, look up! Needing moral support!

"Yeah, but do we all have to go there? Investigating doesn't need this many people," Xenophilius interjected.

"Amazing question, I was just getting to that. Guess what else I learned about the prepubescent serial killer? He messed with some kids in a cave nearby. And by messed with.... They won't speak about it. Or at all," I gravely retold.

Lily made a sound of disgust mixed with discomfort. My lids lowered to her and her boyfriend's hands interlocking. I blinked and refocused on my plan.

"I'm not saying we go and try to get something out of them. I'm saying we should go check out the cave too. Must be a reason why he chose that place, right?" I digressed.

"Mmm... so we split up?" Pandora supported.

"Yes, ma'am. But I'm still not sure if we should pay a visit to those kids, well, adults now? I researched where they are but I'm thinking it might be fruitless," I debated.

A pause fell over the group. I'm stuck between badgering some people about their childhood trauma and leaving them alone. It's just, I need answers. And leads.

"It's not worth it. If no one has got a word out of them all this time, we probably won't either," Remus eventually declared.

"Right. What else?" Xenophilius agreed.

What else? Oh! Now, I remember. I made eye contact with Padfoot. He slightly smiled, his eyes twinkling. Okay, I just forgot. Then, his brows rose when his grin morphed into a smirk. He knows what he's doing!!

"Um...The- the first DADA professor he cursed. Dumbledore showed me some of his memories. Turns out Voldemort applied for the position. When he didn't get accepted, yes, he did curse the future professors," I stammered.

"Man's everywhere causing a mess," Prongs sleepily commented.

"You want some of us to check up on that Professor? Is he even still alive?" Wormtail asked.

"Yep! I want to get all these three things done in the same day! Luckily, we'll be in the same area," I concluded.

They broke out in sounds of agreement and questions. Sirius finally spoke, "In case anything goes wrong, it's a good thing we'll be close to each other."

"Shall we make teams?" Iris suggested.

"Good idea. Do we want to pull sticks, or? Is that too outdated? Maybe rock, paper, scissors?" I prompted.

This time, the common room encased more animated statements. We're going on an investigative mission, so pardon me if I'm surprised when I see them excited. I'm also shocked that they are all agreeable with what I've set out.

In the past, I would've been called a dumbass for blueprinting pranks or unauthorized trips to Hogsmeade. I guess, we really have progressed as a human race.

"No, let's just choose. Much faster," Lily countered.

"Okay, so who wants to-"

"I want Cry!" four people shouted.

I froze. All said four people grabbed at least one of my limbs. With rigid eyes, I glanced at Lily, Sirius, Pandora, and Peter clinging to me. Swallowing hard, I made sure to keep my mouth clamped shut.

"I said it first!"

"You don't even know her favorite color!"

"She likes me the most! Plus, she can protect lil' old me."

"I so do know her favorite color!"

"I want to be with James!" Prongs squealed.

We should have pulled sticks.


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