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"Please don't be offended but I'm a little overwhelmed right now," she uneasily muttered.

"What? Why?" Prongs questioned.

"Are you okay? Should we put you in a different position? I know the cushions can be a bit firm," Wormtail insisted.

"I swear, we're not like this all the time. But can you explain your nightmare more?" Moony prodded.

"So you're telling me.. you dreamt of Cry too? Besides my other dreams with her in it, did she die in yours like my nightmare?" Padfoot asked.

"What? What other dreams?" I wondered.

Iris bit her lip, tugging on her robes to adjust her position. She cleared her throat and her eyes flickered to all of us, waiting for a slight pause so she can cut in.

"Well.. there's a lot of voices asking me questions and I don't know who to answer first?" she carefully worded.

The Marauders and I silenced after she voiced her discomfort.

"Oh," she breathed out.

She was surprised at the quick quiet that overcame us. Probably much more weirded out than before. Leave it to us to make a Hufflepuff's first time in our common room uncomfortable. Not to mention borderline strange from the mixed voices.

She leaned her weight on the arm of the couch. I shifted my butt on the coffee table, scratching my back. I clawed at my skin to find the loose hair that fell into my shirt.

"I don't know where to start?"

"I mean, I basically gave them the rundown of what you told me, so you don't need to explain it. Unless you want to?" I warily babbled.

Her eyes flit to mine, me sensing a bit of familiarity between us amongst the boys. I kind of pride myself on that. Imagine if I was a guy, she would not have made eye contact with me like now.

"Oh, God, no," she barely giggled out.

My heart soared at the ease up she just had. I couldn't help the smile on my face when I heard her laugh. Padfoot better up his game because I think he has competition.

"So, what are we going to do?" Wormtail wondered.

James crossed his arms and leaned his back onto my legs. He firmly set himself into the ground and said, "We just have to protect her, that's all. You're stuck with us now."

An eyebrow rose from her face, and she set a questioning look to us. Her baby hairs shifted in the slight draft of the room, and she settled more into the cushion.

"Stuck with you all? I've got a busy schedule," she protested.

"It doesn't matter. You need to stay close," Padfoot denied.

"We're not even in the same house?" she slowly countered.

We paused. Nevertheless, that fact is irrelevant. She's lucky she's a Hufflepuff. We wouldn't stand her if she was a Slytherin. No offense but really, full offense.

"Invalid! Every moment of your day, you will have a Marauder by your side," I carried on.

"Every moment of my day?" she repeated.

"I think it's a bit ridiculous, but I agree," Moony added.

"Basically Moony's response to everything we do," Prongs commented.

She stared at us in confusion. I guess she doesn't understand the idiot complex between the five of us? I don't quite register it either.

"Moony?" she tested out.

His head whipped to her at the unfamiliar voice, saying his nickname. Only the Marauders say it. Not even Lily says it. Or any lady conquest he's had.. which is kind of rare. No shame, though.

He eyed her up and down, surveying the new girl. He cleared his throat and responded, "That's my nickname."

She nodded, her figure seeming smaller than it already did. She closed in on herself, and a soft smile encased her face.

"You wouldn't mind if I said it too?" she shyly asked.

My eyes widened, and from below, James' own eyes bugged out from behind his smudged glasses. Wormtail choked on his saliva, and Sirius fell into my side in exaggerated fluster.

Remus spluttered, and a blush ran across his nose and upper cheeks. He wiped his hands on his pants and shifted his weight from left and right.

"Oh no, I don't- I don't mind," he stuttered.

Her closed mouth smile morphed into a full-blown adorable toothy grin, and if he wasn't taken by her, I was.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit intruding? I noticed you all have names for each other. It's totally okay if you don't let me say it. It's your friend thing and-"

"It's okay, Iris. None of us mind," I reassured.

She nodded again and rambled, "What are your names? What do they mean? I hear a lot of people talk about it around the school. I try not to listen, though. Not a gossiper, you know?"

Remus smiled in endearment, and Sirius straightened himself up. I leaned back on the coffee table, pressing my palms in the wood behind me and holding myself up.

James pushed himself off of my legs and placed his elbows securely into his thighs as he assumed a business position was the best he could criss cross apple sauce.

"I'm Fawkes. Our names correlate with our patronus. Remember the phoenix flying around the room the day we practiced expecto patronum?" I introduced.

"That was yours? And it's like Dumbledore's phoenix.. also named Fawkes," she continued.

"Mine's Padfoot. Cus, it's a dog. My patronus is a dog. And its feet.. are padded.." he trailed off.

She bit her lips to suppress the laugh and smile from the statement. It's okay, I laughed when we made up the nickname. But it fits him. Simple and earnest. Down to the point and down to the heart.

"Peter's got Wormtail. He has a rat for his patronus. And the tail.. it looks like‐"

"A worm?" she interjected.

Sirius nodded and grimaced at his storytelling skills. He laid his head on my shoulder as he slumped down with shame. He's not too great with the theatrics.

"What does Moony mean?"

Our faces cringed when we had to explain his. It's quite simple if you know the truth. And quite obvious, but it's thrilling to be the only ones to know about a secret so private.

"I like astrology," Remus deadpanned.

I burst into laughter, dumbfounded by his tone. This bitch...

"I- I love it," he meekly said.

"You mean astronomy?" Iris corrected.

She stared at him like he was stupid. Everyone knows Rems is smart as hell but this.. this did not do well for that reputation.

"I'm just nervous, that's all. Slip of the tongue, eh?" he apprehensively defended.


"And mine is Prongs because my patronus is a deer, and its got prongs!" James yelled.

Padfoot and I jolted at the volume of his voice, my shoulder accidentally knocking into his chin. He cried out and began fake wailing and sobbing.

He clutched his chin with his hand, and I quickly checked his jaw with my own hands. He seemed fine, so I let him cry.

"Interesting," Iris weakly said.


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