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"Episky," Pandora chant.

I shouldered my coat, refolding the fur cuff in the process. Sirius let out a groan of relief when the fracture in his arm healed. The sound made goosebumps arise from my skin and I bit my lip. Deciding to look away, I focused on retying my shoelace on my boot.

"I know it's not much, but this is as much as I can do until you get back to Hogwarts. You okay?" she said.

"Yeah, it feels better," he answered breathlessly.

A shiver went down my spine at the tone. He pulled his legs over the side of the bed. I approached him, holding his too large jacket in my hands. He held the side where his broken rib was. Cautiously, he slipped an arm through the sleeve. I helped him get his other in. Acting as if I didn't see him swallow his grunt of pain, I held his hand for support.

Sirius came to his feet, balancing as much as he can with an injured torso. He gave me a look of affirmation. Once I saw it, I glanced to the door, making sure it was closed.


"Which one do you think she'll like?" Peter questioned.

I hummed, looking between the two necklaces he held up. My hand met my hip as I evaluated it. His eyes fluttered as he awaited my response. The bell on the store door jingled when a customer walked in. A blast of hot summer air came in and ruffled his hair.

"Left one. Mary seems to like simpler than glittery," I confirmed.

"That's what I was thinking. Sir, I'd like to get this one," he called.

He set the necklace on the counter and dug into his back pocket. While he spoke to the clerk, I peered at the rings in the organizer. I plucked a pretty one with my birthstone. Without thinking, I slipped it onto my index finger and surveyed it.

"Looks like your eyes. You like it?" he asked.

"Mhm! But I'm saving my money, so!" I replied.

"How much is this one?" I heard.

My brows furrowed and I saw the clerk show him the price. The realization began to settle. Regret followed shortly after. He nodded, placing quite a few galleons. Immediately, I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"No, oh my god, don't buy it for me. I'm just looking, you really shouldn't," I refused.

"Seriously, it's fine. I'll take this one as well," he dismissed.

"Peter!" I exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go. Show that one off, 'kay?"


My lip curled as the feeling of apparition disappaited. Sirius coughed and doubled over. Quickly, my arm came around his back. Blood spewed from his mouth and stained his pants. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw it. We have to get back fast.

"Sophie, hair," Prongs warned.

Narrowing my eyes, I pushed back the feelings of panic. I just took on the lead, I can't let this mess us up. Willing my metamorphmagus to play its part, I felt the shorter strands revert even shorter to what it was before.

"We're almost there. We just need to get to Honeydukes. You three head there, we'll go to the Shrieking Shack," Pandora ordered.

Wormtail and I made eye contact, him nodding in confidence. He brought his arm under Sirius' and supported the most of his weight. James handed me his invisibility cloak. He squeezed my hand before he turned around.

With apprehension, I flung the cloak atop of us.


Prongs gazed over his upside down textbook. He concealed his lower half, eyes bugging out over the wearing edge. Distaste flood over my face when he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed  me into his same position.

I wrapped my fingers around my own book and simply regret my decision for accompanying him today. Shrugging him off, I followed his glance.

"What are we—"


How rude. My forehead grew bigger than it already was with how low my brows scrunched. I merely asked a question and he's already spit his breakfast in my ear.

"We're watching Lily on her date," he finally explained.

"Lily's not on a—"


I sighed. The truth is, Lily isn't on a date. She's tutoring a kid that is literally a first year. Why she would court a child that is several years younger than her, no idea why. Obviously, she isn't. There is absolutely no reason for James to be jealous.

"Look at him staring at her collarbones. That pervy jerk," he growled.

"He's not even looking at her," I retorted. 

"Shush, Fawkes. You're either with me or against me. Now, which is it?" he incredulously demanded.

We made eye contact. The ferocity in his glare didn't make me waver like the way he wanted it to. The cringe worthy defiant pursed lips like a butthole almost made me gag in disgust.

"Against you," I deadpanned.

I let the book fall over and walked away.


"There's nothing like home sweet home, right?" Padfoot joked.

My gaze on the statue changed to the blood stain growing on his shirt. He flinched and put his hand there in an attempt to hide it. Absentmindedly, I responded, "Yeah."

This time, Wormtail took more of the taller boy's weight. Hopefully we can make it in time where he doesn't lose too much blood. His hand squeezed my shoulder as we limped our way to the infirmary.

Hogwarts definitely had its own aura. While I didn't have much time to appreciate the view, I did feel safer. A place where a ton of bad shit happened to me but the homeliness makes me feel at ease.

I'm sure word of my survival is spreading. Unless Voldemort intends to keep it a secret. If so, I can't imagine the reaction of the student body and staff when they see me again. In the meantime, I'll keep it concealed for the safety of all of us.

Because it's guaranteed that when the whereabouts of Cry Phoenix are known, You-Know-Who will come for her.

I promise the cuts to different scenes will make sense in the end

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