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My heart burns.

I coughed discreetly and squeezed my hand into a fist. Turning my head to the side, I cleared my throat as quietly as possible. The compartment is rowdy enough; I don't want to add more to it.

The end of sixth year.

I'm so excited for the next year to begin even when we finished this one just recently. Means we'll be getting a start on our lives officially. I'm trying to hold on as much as I can, so in the least, we graduate together.

The candy trolley already passed by quite a while ago. All that's left is the stop to the station and the vibrating journey till then.

"How long do we got? No offense but I don't want to be here anymore," Moony said.

"You said no offense as if it wouldn't offend us," Prongs scowled.

"You're right. Full offense, can I leave now?" he retort.

I chuckled at their interaction. Reaching down, I let my pinky trace Sirius'. Without looking, he grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers. He continued his conversation with Peter.

Lily's head lolled on the cushion of the seat. She's dozing off and can barely keep her eyes open. I smiled at her parted mouth. Sleepily, she leaned more into the side of the compartment for comfort.

"We don't have that long. Maybe a few minutes," I intervened.

The train kept speeding by, but the numerous times we've come back here just gives a second nature feeling that we're almost there.

With a jerk, Lily sat upright.

"Jesus," Prongs swore when she jolted.

He cocked his head to her, and she relaxed again. Their eyes met momentarily, and she wiped at the side of her face.

"We're here, right?" she groggily questioned.

Right after she said that, the train slowed its pace. The edgings of the station began forming, and students rustled around the hallway.

Sighing with relief, I got up from my seat. My hand fell from Sirius' but he was stood with me. The compartment door slid open, and I was the first to get out.

A couple of students brushed past me absentmindedly, and I grimaced at the graze. Finally, the train came to a stop, and we all held on for a second. When it settled, we continued on our way.

Sirius passed my luggage handle to me, and I gripped it. With a gentle push to my back, he gestured for me to head to the exit.

I got a move on, walking down the hallway. Sunlight flickered from the exit, and I followed it. My feet dragged on the carpet. I hope I can stay longer. Two months seems like forever without my friends.

I stepped down, and my heels clicked on the cement. Fresh air hit, and I breathed in. Families and students crowded around me. Lots of people pushed past, and I couldn't see much in the swarm.

You can't recognize strangers' faces. They pass by, and you can't catch a glimpse. Can't register the clothing they're wearing, what they're holding, how they're walking. It's a mystery. Anything can happen and you wouldn't know it until a minute has passed.

I stared down at my side.


The grasp on my luggage handle dropped and slowly, my trembling hand pulled my jacket away.

I didn't.. what just-

Red spread like wildfire on my shirt, the stain widening throughout the material.

I uneasily turned to the entrance of the train. My gaze focused on Sirius, his carefree expression met my eyes. Everything seemed to come to me in pieces and way too slow.

His eyes flickered from my torso and back to my face. His jaw went slack and panic swelled through him.

"Sirius," I weakly called.

He shoved his way through the people. The incredibly endless crowd. Felt like hours. Watching him desperately weave through the maze to get to the treasury end.

I felt like I was going to lose my standing, my knees began to buckle. I prepared for the fall but it never came.

Two arms wrapped around my back and supported my dead weight. I sharply breathed in when the pain shot up. Blood gashed more from the wound.

"Cry, Cry, please just- Fuck! Somebody help! Help! I need help!" Sirius cried out.

"Siri, Siri.. someone- they.. someone stabbed me," I spluttered.

My head fell back and he shook me to keep me conscious. This can't be happening. Is this really it?

"Sirius? What's happening to her? Why's she bleeding? Sirius? Sirius?" Lily sobbed.

Her figure seemed miles away. I looked over his shoulder to peer at her. Her skin paled and tears fell down her face. The disaster of the night her mum died came back and my heart broke.

I'm dying.

We had one more year left...

Why couldn't I be given one more year?

"Baby, please stay awake. Please‐ I don't know what I'm gonna do without you," he choked out.

I flit my eyes back to him. My head grew heavy and I feel like I've drank my body weight. I feel like I'm drowning and I just wish I just fell to the bottom and remained.

Tears welled up and fell down the corner of my eye. My temple flooded with my tears and my hairline dampened. His hands pushed into my side where I was stabbed.

"Siri, I don't want to die. I don't- I don't want to die," I whimpered.

My throat constricted and it hurt to breathe. His hands were covered in my blood, the sides of my face with traces of it when he shook me to stay awake.

"You won't, baby. You won't. Just stay awake, okay? For me? Okay, Cry?" he told.

"Please don't let me die. Not now- Siri, I want to live. I want to live.. I want to live," I cried.

I watched his head upturn and him talk to Prongs and Moony. His words suddenly went out and I can't hear anything anymore.

My chest stopped feeling weighed on and it's like I can breathe. He looked back down at me. His mouth moved but what's he saying? I can't hear him.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head.


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