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"Did your friends abandon you, little one?" Malfoy chortled.

"You're– you're gross," I blurt.

He blinked and registered what I said. He pursed his lips and furrowed his brows.

"Let's just kill her!"

Black smoke fell to an upside down table and disappaited. Shoes came into form, followed by legs, torso, and head. The third deatheater to reveal themself. A head of shoulder length black hair and billowing robes greeted me. The disgust I felt was indescribable and strong.

"Calm down, Bellatrix. She might be useful," Severus ordered.

The Severus Snape.

The once innocent boy who openly adored Lily. He worshipped her like a field of flowers bracing their souls to the moody sky. Where sunlight and rain were their only source of living. Lily is that beautiful meadow that, unfortunately, nursed a borer.

A small but destructible insect. He ruined everything from the inside of her, ruined all potential future and broke her trust. Luckily, the rain drowned him out and scared him away from the field. Right before any major damage was done.

"Useful, eh? How so?" Bellatrix mused.

"I don't need to go into detail," he drawled with his lazy tone.

"We got this, go find the others," Malfoy demanded.

The circling black tendrils of smoke went in the same direction, disappearing from our view. I didn't know they became so numbered. I can't imagine the support Tom Riddle has now.

But I'm the only one that can stop him. I can't keep hiding forever. There was a piece of him in me and there could always be.

This decision might be the worst or the best thing I've ever done.

"What does he call himself now? Voldemort?" I questioned.

"You are not allowed to speak his name, ought to cut your tongue off," Malfoy threatened.

"What do you think he'll do when he finds out I know his weakness?" I continued on.

I ran the back of my wrist over my chin, wiping the rain from my jawline. Thunder cracked and lightning struck in the distance. It's close, I know it.

"The Dark Lord has no weaknesses. How dare you question his power?" he boomed.

"Even if he did, what would it be?" Snape asked.

The feeling of my long hair on the back of my neck stuck with rain told me that my fake appearance is gone. My figure no longer filled my clothing but let it hang from it. My wand seemed bigger now that I reverted back to my regular form.

"Me. The loose end he can never cut off," I confessed.

Bellatrix let out a screech, a mix of amusement and shock. She shortly threw her head back with loud laughter. Her collarbones jut from her skin and her chest rose back and forth with her large giggles.

"Our Lord will be pleased with the news! We mustn't harm her; he'll want to kill her himself!" she chuckled.

Snape glared at me with an unknown look in it. He didn't seem angry but even I can understand the wisp of terror hidden behind his dark irises.

Voldemort's most loyal devoters will always carry a shred of fear for him.

Even if you have the power of the whole world, you can never succeed when the world is afraid of you. You can try but in the end, there will always be someone to feed back your own medicine.

"Go tell your Dark Lord that I'm alive. And when you do, make sure he knows I'm going to kill him."

They advanced forward. Gritting my teeth, I wove my wand in the air. Fire swarmed the air in front of me. I hadn't needed to move my lips to utter the incantation. I just let power surge from my body and out.

The bloodied color of the fire spanned further out. A ring of flames enveloped around me and I let it fall. Grass caught the lick of heat and flickered with the life of the sun.

Rain faltered above us, stuck in midair. The fire was so hot, so overwhelmingly hot. Sweat mixed with the rain on my neck, my temples, my whole body.

The dance of a phoenix's death illuminated their pale skin. They watched me encased in my circle and daren't tip toe along the diameter.

"And tell him to suck my left toe, that scumbag."

I breathed in and felt the familiar feeling of apparition. The atmosphere pushed on all parts of me. Pressure on my skull, the air leaving my body, and my hearing cutting off. My being tore apart and glued together over and over again.

Finally, the last time of being glued together came when I landed in the dead grass of Pandora's backyard.

The wind knocked out of me when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. The scent of lemonade wafted and I relaxed into him. He held the side of my head and pressed his lips to my cheekbone.

"Thank Merlin you're okay," he choked out.

"I'm Cry, of course I'm okay," I reassured.

"Shut up," he muttered.

His fingers ran through my hair but tangled in the knots. My face buried into his damp sweater and I cringed at the fact he smelled like wet dog as well.

"Don't, you know, do that again," Pandora awkwardly said.

"Just say you were worried about me," I teased.

I glanced at her from the side, seeing her deep frown. Remus crunched on a chocolate bar, his hands trembling as he held onto the wrapper.

"Moony, you'll become diabetic if you eat anymore!" I complained.

"Shove off... you almost died, I'm allowed some. Now stop joking and come inside," he scorned.

Sirius pulled away and tugged my elbow toward the house. The lights were out and it looked empty. Not just empty but creepy. I can't believe I lived here for so long alone. I've kickstarted a war.

Voldemort now knows I'm alive. And he'll stop at nothing to have me killed. He'll kill more people just to get to me. I need to get to him first.


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