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James tucked his hands into his pant pockets and the heels of his shoes dragged on the ground. His hair tousled and fingerprints smudged on his glasses.

Carefully, I matched my pace with his and swiftly weaved my arm under it. I held onto his elbow and looked up at him.

"How did you sleep, Prongs?" I asked, worried.

"Does it look bad?" he grimaced, already answering my question.

"A bit," I replied.

His mouth opened to a yawn and his eyes squeezed shut slightly. I pulled him gently ahead as he did so.

"What did you dream about?" I questioned.

"Getting eaten by a snake," he said curtly.

"Well.. at least that didn't happen to me," I teased, in hopes of lightening the mood.

He chuckled tiredly, his bag hitting his other side as we walked together. Looks like he could collapse at any second and fall asleep right then and there.

"Sure hope to Merlin that it didn't. Can't have my dreams actually coming true anymore," he said.

"It's okay, Prongs. I'm safe. I doubt Tom is actually in Hogwarts. I'd rather you get proper sleep," I reassured.

"Oh shut up. You not dying trumps me having a few horrible nights, alright?" he retorted.

"Heh.. yeah. Not dying."

Sirius pushed open the door to the Potions classroom and I let go of James' arm to make way. I walked inside, greeting Professor Slughorn who sat at his desk while awaiting us to settle in. I pulled back my usual chair I sit in, getting prepared to sit down.

Lily, having gotten to the class before me, tugged my arm forcefully in her direction.

My body lurched and I couldn't help but stumble into her desk corner. My hip shot up in pain but I suppressed it, holding a hand there to just push down on the area.

"Ow?" I blurt.

"No, don't take her, Lily. She's all I have left!" Padfoot cried from behind me.

He already was sitting in his seat and my chair that was pulled back from earlier seemed so lonely next to him. His face contorted to a wail and his hand outstretched to our direction.

"Shush.. take Frank," Lily argued.

She shooed Frank out of the chair next to hers. He got up with a pout which formed into a look of mock disgust as he approached Sirius.

"You have to be my substitute girlfriend, Frank," Padfoot demanded.


Their conversation faded in the background as Lily ushered me into his seat and she closed in on me. Her hair fell down her shoulder as she leaned in and she grabbed my wrist to bring me closer.

"Okay, listen up, bitch," she began.

"I'm listening, bitch," I replied eagerly.

Our heads lightly touched each other's within our close proximity and I was absolutely curious at what she had to say.

Her fingernail picked softly at the threaded bracelet on my wrist as she got prepared. Her eyes were wide and her brows raised high.

"I overheard Lucius and Avery's conversation," she stated.

"Tell me more. Are they together? Have they exchanged promise rings?" I prodded.

"Shut up, you nasty. No.. they were talking about you," she corrected.

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