Someone else flirts with you.

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Ashton would get really angry. Not at you, but at the guy flirting with you. He'd be like "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" and stuff, all up in the guy's face. He would do that thing guys do where they flex their arms and chest, which makes him look even more muscley and intimidating to the guy.

Calum would get really jealous and pretend to ignore you for a little while. You'd be begging him to talk to you, and it would be so hard for him because he thinks you're so cute and for him to not respond to you is difficult. He eventually would give in and continue the night like normal, just not leaving your side this time.

Michael would probably be the one to drag you away from the guy, not wanting to start anything with him, but also wanting you away from him as quickly as possible. When you two were on the other side of the room, he'd only act normally again after you promised to do whatever he wanted to when you got home.

Luke would get really protective and use his height to his advantage to scare the guy off because we all know that Luke's and awkward little shit like me ok. Once the guy leaves, he would ask you if you're alright. After you assure him that everything's okay, he would keep his eye on you for the rest of the night to make sure nothing bad happens.

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