Make way for the school bad boy.

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The kids in the hallways meekly stepped aside as Ashton walked down the lockered path towards you. His leather jacket hung loosely around his torso, and his jeans clung tightly to his legs. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hastily pulled you into him. "Hey baby" he smiled, pressing a heavy kiss to your lips. "Hi babe" you smiled, resting your forehead against his. "I'm going to be late to your house tonight, i got detention" he sighs. "How?" you ask. "I just punched a kid" he shrugs, still hanging onto your waist. "Sometimes you're too bad for your own good" you laugh, "And sometimes you're just too good" he smirks, placing his lips against yours once more.


You awkwardly stepped away from the annoying jock who was throwing himself at you. "C'mon sexy, i know you want me" he smirked, backing you into the locker, as a group of kids gathered around and watched him. He gently touches your face, before he's pulled back and roughly slammed against the locker. You look over to see your boyfriend Calum beating the shit out of the stupid jock, sending multiple punches and kicks to him, until he's completely bloody. "Don't touch my fucking girlfriend, ever again. You all got that?" Calum threatens the huge group of kids in the school, who all meekly nod and run away. He pulls you against him, resting his forehead on yours. "Did he hurt you baby?" Calum frowns. "No babe" you softly smile. "Good" he smirks, pressing his lips against yours.


You shyly wave to your boyfriend Luke as he hastily makes his way down the hall, kids quickly dodging out of his way. "Hey baby" Luke smirked, pulling you close to him as his lips crashed onto yours. "Hi" you grinned. Some kid accidently bumped into you as he tried to walk down the hall, and Luke quickly grabbed the guy aggressively and slammed his back into the locker. "Watch where you're fucking going you twat! You could've hurt my babe!" Luke growls. "I-i'm so sorry Luke, i should've watched where i was going!" the guy stutters. "Yeah you fucking should've" Luke scoffs, letting go of the random guy so he falls to the ground. "You alright babe?" Luke asks you. "Yeah Luke I'm fine" you smile. "Good, then i don't have to hurt him" Luke smirks before pressing his lips to yours once more.


"Y/N, ew, disgusting" Derek, a guy you used to be friends with rudely said as he passed you and Michael in the hallway. "What the fuck did you just say?" Michael snaps, turning around and glaring at Derek. "I said Y/N is disgusting" he laughs, clearly, unlike everyone else, not knowing Michael was the school's bad boy. In what feels like a second, Michael had Derek pinned to the ground as he repetitively punched him in the face. Finally Michael stood up and spit on Derek. "Talk about my girlfriend like that one more fucking time, I dare you" Michael growls, causing Derek to let a tear fall down his cheek as he runs away. "Are you alright sweetheart?" Michael softly coos, rubbing your cheek. "I'm okay now, thank you Mikey" you smile, resting your forehead on his. "Anything for my princess" he smiles, placing his lips against yours.

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