Being shorter than them.

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Ashton: Ashton would think it was adorable. He would tease you about it every now and then, but in actuality he'd find it so cute that you were so short. You would always be calling him around to reach stuff or change the lightbulb. He'd love it when you had to ask him for help because he'd feel very important and very needed. He'd tease you every time you asked him, but you'd always ask again because it'd make him smile.

Calum: Calum is very cuddly, and he'd love holding you close resting his chin on your head, just sort of wrapping himself around you. The best way to describe Calum's reaction to you being short is that Calum isn't the type to get the bowl off the topshelf for you. He's the type who would pick you up around your waist so you could reach the bowl yourself. He'd tease you about being short but only in public, never when you were alone, because he wouldn't want people to know how much he loved it, but he'd want you to know he was okay with it.

Luke: Luke would be the most sensitive to it; he would never let anyone tease you about being short, and he'd never make jokes about it. He'd be so much taller than you that he'd have to put in a concerted effort in photos and stuff otherwise you'd look like a midget and he'd look like a giant, and while he didn't want pictures like that being taken because he wouldn't want you to feel bad, he'd secretly love it when you looked so tiny compared to him.

Michael: Michael would be the type to constantly have an arm around you and constantly have you at his side. All the boys seem quite protective, but I think Michael would be especially protective over you when you're short. Luke's more protective emotionally, whereas with Michael it would be more physical. He'd make sure you were constantly with him so you wouldn't get lost in a crowd or mobbed by fans, and he'd want to be sure you could reach everything and that everything was easy for you considering your height.

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