When you're feeling down.

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When you're having a bad day it'll probably be because you read some hateful tweets about yourself on twitter (even after Luke would tell you not to). After closing out of the twitter app, you would toss your phone somewhere on the other side of the couch. You sighed loudly as you felt your eyes prickle with tears. Snuggling into the side if the couch, you closed your eyes and tried to think about something else but you couldn't due to the fact that your mind kept replaying all the hurtful tweets you had seen about you.

Honestly it had made you feel 10 times worse every time you thought about it. You got up from the couch reluctantly, making your way to the kitchen in your shared apartment with Luke. Reaching inside the cabinet, you pulled out your chocolate jar (which you would keep for situations like this or when you were on your monthly torture time) and placed it on the counter in front of you.

As you were pulling out a kit-kat you heard the front door open and close as Luke called out to you, "HONEY, I'M HOME!" he yelled from the front door followed by a childish giggle. Inwardly sighing, you ripped open the candy, not even bothering to answer your boyfriend.

"Baby girl? Where are you?" He called out once again.

You sank down on the floor, bringing the jar with you, just as Luke walks into the kitchen. At first not noticing you until he walked around the island that was blocking his view of you. "Babe? Are you alright?" you nod, letting out a small "hmph" as you took a bite out of your chocolate. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not used to your behavior. Sitting down next to you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you against his side.

You lean your head on his chest, a small smile grows on your lips as you inhale his cologne (which happens to be your favorite smell). You and Luke sat for the rest of the evening. Him letting you rant your heart out and eat chocolate until you felt the weight on your chest go away.


Checking the clock every minute was driving you crazy considering you were just about to leave the class of the day. Your head was pounding and you were extremely tired so the need to go home and take a nap was amplified. Taking your the tip of your pen, you brought it to your mouth and anxiously chewed on it. You ran a hand through your as you leaned back in your seat and sighed. The monotone voice of your teacher (which was really annoying) was drowned out while the thoughts of a nice relaxing bath and nap filled your mind.

You shot out of your seat once the bell rang. Quickly collecting your things, you walked out of class not caring about what your teacher was saying about the due paper at the end of the week.


You unlock the door to your apartment and dropped your book bag in the closet near the entrance along with your coat. Your boyfriend, Calum, stood with his arms open and a grin on his face once you closed the door. You walked past him, too deep in thoughts to notice him there. His grin dropped as you walked past. He quickly chased after you and wrapped his arm around you from behind. You were brought out of your thoughts at the feel of his arms around you. Turning around you come face to face with Calum.

"Cal, you scared me." you groan as you place your hand over your chest. "M'sorry. I didn't mean too," He gives you an apologetic smile before leaning down and pecking your nose. "Anyways, what was that all about?" he questioned with a more serious expression.

"What was what?"

"You walked straight passed me when I was by the door to greet," his bottom lip puckers out in a pout."I was gonna give you a hug but you completely ignored me."

"I'm sorry baby but I was too caught up in my head," You let your head lay on his chest, enjoying his warmth. "Can we just go lay down? I'm not feeling too well." Once that was said he hooked his his arm under your thighs and at the small of your back. He carried you to your shared bedroom and carefully laid you down on the bed. Sitting back, he put you legs on his lap and started untying your shoe laces before gently slipping them of your feet and tossing them on the floor. You smiled once he looked back up, him returning the gesture.

He crawled back over to you and pecked your lips a couple of times before laying down next to you. You guys cuddle together and talked most pointless things but it didn't matter to both of you cause just as long you got to spend time together, you were both content.

WOW HI. So this is like my first time writing a preference so I'm kinda scared what you guys are gonna think because I don't think I'm that good at writing so I'm really hoping that you guys like it. If you do please vote and comment telling me how I did and if you want me to write mashton tell me (I didn't write mashton cause I didn't exactly know what to write for them sorry). I DID NOT STEAL THIS FROM ANYONE AND I WROTE THIS MYSELF SO IF YOU SEE ANYONE WITH THE SAME IDEA AND/OR PLOT IT WAS MEARLY COINCIDENTAL I WAS BORED SO I DECIDED TO RANDOMLY WRITE THIS. I hope you guys like it!!!! Xx

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