Late Night Snapchatting

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Luke's a little shy about being shirtless in public but he's never been shy about showing off his body with you. It's really something you'll never get tired off seeing, if you're honest. Even so, you're unassuming when you're sitting on your bed, doing an assignment for your tyrant of a biology professor, and get a Snapchat alert. You ignore if for a few minutes, because you don't want to lose your focus. When you finally close your textbook and toss it to the foot of your bed, it's almost midnight. You stretch against your pillow and reach for your phone on the bedside table. You'd forgotten about the alert from Luke, and you feel kind of bad because it was sent about twenty minutes ago. You shrug, because he knows what it's like to be busy, and navigate to your Snapchat app. You don't know what you're expecting - you're just kind of assuming it's going to be a goodnight Snap or something - but you do know that you're not expecting this. Your eyes are glued to the screen as you watch the 10-second video of Luke rubbing the palm of his hand up and down his bulge through his underwear. You can hear his soft soft moans every few seconds and something that sounds suspiciously like your name and then the video just. Ends. You screech a little and drop your phone and fuck, you're so turned on. You went from bored to DTF in less than ten seconds and that sucks a lot because your boyfriend is 5,000 miles away. You check to make sure your roommate is asleep before you open Snapchat again, pressing record as you trail your hand down your torso and make sure your hand is in the frame as you slip it into your underwear. Your breathing is heavy as you press send. Less than a minute later, Luke's face is on the screen in a FaceTime request. You press 'answer'. Luke apparently has no time formalities because as soon as the call connects he's saying, voice rough, "I'm gonna need more than 10 seconds for what I want to do to you."


It's not like you don't know Calum's busy. Of course he is; he's on tour and halfway around the world, but by the third Skype date he's cancelled, you're a little peeved. You close your laptop and sigh. You don't have anything planned for the night, because you'd cleared your evening to make time for Calum. You end up sitting around for an hour or so, scrolling through Twitter and looking at videos on YouTube. Eventually, you slip into a relaxing bubble bath and the bubbles are tickling your skin when you get the idea. You grab your phone and arrange the bubbles so that you're covered and you send a Snapchat to Calum. You shuffle the bubbles around and take another, sending it to Calum as well. You keep taking Snapchats until the bubbles have disappeared and you take one last photo, completely bear, and send it off. You take your time drying off and when you check your phone, you have a text from Calum that says "Skype. NOW." You smirk and open your laptop.


If there's one thing you love about Ashton, it's that he's spontaneous. You'll randomly get a text in the middle of the night and the next thing you know, you're driving into the city and experiencing dead streets that only 4am knows. Yeah, you love that about him. Right now, though, you're kind of annoyed at his spontaneity because half of your study group just saw him with his finger rubbing across the head of his dick. And, honestly, it's not your fault. How the fuck were you supposed to expect a dick pic out of nowhere? One minute you were discussing Faulker and now everyone's staring at you. You've probably never felt more humiliated. You send him a text that reads "wtf was that??" and he replies "got some things planned for when you get home :)". And, well. You're not gonna get much studying done now, so you make up a flimsy excuse that fools no one and start packing your things.


Quiet nights in your apartment with Michael have quickly become your favorite thing. He's not home from tour often, but when he is, you relish your time together. Tonight, you've had Chinese takeout for dinner and you watched the Avengers on DVD and then Michael kind of... disappeared. You hadn't bothered to look for him, just content to read from the book you're working through. When you hear an alert, you're a little confused to see a Snapchat video from Michael, but you open it anyway. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little turned on when you saw the video of him jerking off in your bed, but you are dating Michael, so. You get another video from him, this one saying, "You know, I could keep doing this, but I'd really rather you help me." Your book has suddenly lost appeal, so you toss it on the table and practically dash up the stairs.

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