How he teases you.

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When you make food for him, which is pretty much all the time, he would sometimes slide his arms around your waist and kiss the back of your neck. His hot breath would fan on your neck and he would leave a trail of kisses. He would smirk when he felt you shiver, because the coolness of his lip ring and his hot mouth would drive you crazy. He had a strong effect on you when it came to teasing and he would always do it intentionally. When his arms are wrapped around your waist and you would try to move, he would always whisper into your ear, "Don't move, honey." You would chuckle because of his song reference, but you would also be extremely turned on; and he could always sense that.


God, Michael is just absolutely obsessed with your ass. He would not be ashamed or embarrassed if he gave it a little grab in public, and he surely wont hold back when you're by yourselves. When you two are making out, his hands would travel down your body, and you would let out a moan when they finally landed on your ass, because when he would grope it and hold onto it with a tight grip, it drove you insane. You loved it when you felt his hands there, because it would let you know that he was in the mood. There was no doubt he was teasing you, because when you would walk past him, he would lightly smack it and smirk to himself, occasionally letting out a laugh.


Calum, let's just say, always left you sexually frustrated. When you two would be out for dinner or even in the comfort of your own home with the rest of the 5SOS boys over, his hand would most likely be resting on your thigh and this drove you crazy. He would purposely trace light patterns with his fingertip, making you tense under him and get goosebumps because it made your body feel like it's on fire. He tongue would peek out of his mouth followed by a smirk because he knows that he has this power over you, and it gives him so much pleasure watching you squirm under his touch. When he did this, you knew he was in the mood, and later that night you knew it was going to be fun.


Ashton's hands are his greatest asset, and he would use this as an advantage towards you. One thing that he loved doing was teasing you, and by him touching your body, it made you feel electric. Because Ash has this fascination with boobs, he would be a cheeky fucker and accidentally touch yours. Whether it be you laying on his lap, reaching above you, or accidentally 'spilling' something, he would always try to make an excuse for his hands being on your chest area. He would laugh giddily to himself because he knew this actually turned you on, and you didn't even hide it. In conclusion, basically Ash is the biggest tease and always tries to find a way to touch you.

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